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The commercialization of responsibility in European Union’s migration policy

Authors Natalia Szulc, Adam Szymaniak
Year 2021
Journal Name Sprawy Międzynarodowe
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1 Journal Article

Crackdown on NGOs assisting refugees and other migrants

Authors Lina Lina Vosyliūtė, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
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2 Policy Brief

Strategic litigation: the role of EU and international law in criminalising humanitarianism

Authors Carmine Conte, Seán Binder, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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3 Policy Brief

The Manus Island Regional Processing Centre: A Legal Taxonomy

Authors Nikolas Feith Tan
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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4 Journal Article

Migration-related Conditionality in EU External Funding

Authors Roberto Cortinovis, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG), ...
Year 2018
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5 Policy Brief

The Borders Beyond the Border: Australia’s Extraterritorial Migration Controls

Authors Asher Lazarus Hirsch
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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6 Journal Article

Crackdown on NGOs and volunteers helping refugees and other migrants

Authors Lina Vosyliūtė, Carmine Conte, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
This report synthesises previous ReSOMA briefs concerning the crackdown on NGOs and volunteers helping refugees and other migrants. Section 1 captures the main issues and controversies in the debate on the policing of humanitarianism and the potential impacts of EU and national anti-migrant smuggling policies on civil society actors. This section has drawn on academic research in this area, and in particular on CEPS expertise in this field. Section 2 provides an overview of the possible policy options to address this phenomenon taking stock of the ongoing policy debate on solutions and alternatives. Section 3 aims to identify and quantify criminal cases of individuals, volunteers and NGOs providing humanitarian assistance to migrants in the European Union. This monitoring exercise has been carried out by MPG through ReSOMA’s collaborative and participatory process involving experts from NGOs, researchers and other stakeholders. Section 4 provides overall summary conclusions and recommendations to end the crackdown on NGOs and to prevent further policing of civil society. The final section proposes approaches to returning responsibility to EU actors, to be further explored by the ReSOMA platform, with a focus on good governance, human rights defenders, and the protection of humanitarian space inside the EU.
Year 2019
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7 Report

New Asylum Countries?

Authors Gregor Noll, Rosemary rne, Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Year 2018
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8 Book

The Extra-Territorialisation of EU Migration Policies and the Rule of Law

Authors Jorrit J. RIJPMA, Marise CREMONA
Year 2007
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9 Working Paper

Member State Responsibility for Migration Control within Third States – Externalisation Revisited

Authors Frank Mc Namara
Year 2013
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 5
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10 Journal Article

Outsourcing Border Control

Authors Federica Infantino
Year 2016
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12 Book

Constructing Voluntarism: Technologies of ‘intent management’ in Australian Border Controls

Authors Sharon Pickering, Leanne Weber
Book Title New Border and Citizenship Politics
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13 Book Chapter

International Cooperation on Migration Control: Towards a Research Agenda for Refugee Law

Authors Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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14 Journal Article

Policing the Enforcers: The Governmentality of Immigration Controls

Authors Erica Consterdine
Year 2024
Journal Name International Political Sociology
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15 Journal Article

Regulating Immigration Control: Carrier Sanctions in the Netherlands

Authors Sophie Scholten, Paul Minderhoud
Year 2008
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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17 Journal Article

Regulating Movement of the Very Mobile: Selected Legal and Policy Aspects of Ukrainian Migration to EU Countries

Authors Monika Szulecka
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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18 Book Chapter

Towards Coherence of EU External Migration Policy? Implementing a Complex Policy

Authors Daniel Wunderlich
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration
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20 Journal Article

International Delegation and Agency in the Externalization Process of EU Migration and Asylum Policy: the Role of the IOM and the UNHCR in Niger

Authors Julia van Dessel
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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21 Journal Article

Closing Legal Black Holes: The Role of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Refugee Rights Protection

Authors Tom De Boer
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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22 Journal Article

The Privatization of Control over Labour Migration in the Netherlands: In Whose Interest?

Authors Tesseltje de Lange
Year 2011
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 6
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23 Journal Article

Inclusive Language for Exclusive Policies: Restrictive Migration Governance in Chile, 2018

Authors Victoria Finn, Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero
Year 2020
Journal Name Latin American Policy
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24 Journal Article

Narratives in power and policy design: the case of border management and external migration controls in Italy

Authors Andrea Terlizzi
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 8
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25 Journal Article

Closing Ports of Safety: A Legitimate Strategy of Migration Control?

Authors Lena Riemer
Year 2019
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Flüchtlingsforschung
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26 Journal Article

Niger – Europe’s border guard? Limits to the externalization of the European Union’s migration policy

Authors Eric Komlavi Hahonou, Gorm Rye Olsen
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of European Integration
Citations (WoS) 4
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27 Journal Article

Refugee Women and the Gendered Violence of Australia’s Extraterritorial Asylum Regime on Nauru

Authors Saba Vasefi, Sara Dehm
Year 2022
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Citations (WoS) 3
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28 Journal Article

Reversed Conditionality in EU External Migration Policy: The Case of Morocco

Authors Fanny Tittel-Mosser
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Contemporary European Research
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29 Journal Article

Realism about Numerical Targets. Exploring immigration targets and quotas in Dutch policy

Authors Adviesraad Migratie
The use of numerical targets in the area of migration can contribute to a more forward-looking, coherent and socially embedded migration policy. To ensure this, however, the numerical targets must be derived from a broader view of migration in society and applied realistically. It is also essential that the national government has sufficient policy space to actually implement the numerical targets. Otherwise, the government is simply setting itself up for failure. Due to external factors, such as war in another country, the national government has limited control over asylum migration, unlike labour migration. If the government wants to commit to the use of numerical targets, the Canadian model – with its emphasis on citizen consultation – could provide some guidance in this area. This is essentially the scope of this report. Coping capacity and migration Migration policy is constantly in the media and political spotlight and is the subject of much public debate. The recent crisis over the reception of asylum seekers and the abuse of labour migration is a clear example of this. There is a feeling in the Netherlands that migration is something that just happens to us and that we, as a society, have no control over it. As a result, citizens feel insecure and lose confidence in the government. This affects the ability of Dutch society to deal with migration. Active migration policy In this context, the Dutch government has asked the Advisory Council on Migration to examine the possible advantages and limitations of setting or using numerical targets and to consider the objectives that might be served by the use of a numerical target in policy. The main focus of the Advisory Council in this report is to consider the extent to which a quantitative data driven migration policy, with numerical targets would contribute to an active migration policy, which – as the Council argues in this report – should be forward-looking, coherent and socially embedded. ‘Forward-looking’ means taking a long-term view and considering the level and type of migration that the Netherlands would like to see. ‘Coherent’ means that migration policy is also shaped by related policies such as labour market policy, foreign policy and education policy. ‘Socially embedded’ means that the migration policy not only has the support of society, but also focuses on the reciprocal relationship between citizens and civil society organisations, on the one hand, and newcomers, on the other. Effects of numerical targets Can numerical targets contribute to better policies and improved implementation? And does the use of numerical targets help to give citizens a greater sense of control over migration? Based on these two perspectives, i.e. the political and administrative perspective and the social perspective, this report zooms in on the use of numerical targets. Here, numerical targets are seen as quantitative targets based on a qualitative objective to be achieved. There are important differences between the types of numerical targets. ‘Immigration quotas’ represent ‘hard’ commitments to outcomes, while ‘immigration targets’ imply ‘soft’ commitments to best efforts.
Year 2023
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30 Report

Irregular Immigrants and Control Policies in the UK

Authors Franck Düvell, Myriam Cherti, Iryna Lapshyna
Illegal immigration, irregular migrants and the processes used by governments and other official bodies to deport, prosecute or otherwise undertake enforcement activities against people on the basis of immigration status form one of the most contentious and vexed element of global migration debate. This report presents findings from an ESRC-funded project examining irregular migration and immigration enforcement in the UK. The study focuses specifically on in-country immigration law enforcement and its effects, impacts and limits, a phenomenon that has so far received very little academic attention. It looks at the impact of increasingly tight legislation and robust enforcement measures on irregular migration and on irregular immigrants; in particular, it investigates: The organisational structure, culture and practices of immigration law enforcement agencies; The political, legal, practical and ethical limits of law enforcement; The interaction between irregular immigrants’ strategies, employer practices and enforcement measures; How irregular migrants navigate internal immigration controls; The impact of enforcement on irregular migrants’ access to fundamental rights; How this suite of processes, actions and impacts are perceived and shape policies. The investigation considers three sometimes overlapping groups – immigration enforcement (29 individuals interviewed)– which are examined at both a managerial and delivery level; stakeholder groups such as public service providers (16 individuals) and employers (18 individuals), who are also charged with the enforcement of migration laws, as well as voluntary sector organisations (21 individuals); and the target groups for enforcement action – notably the irregular migrants themselves (175 individuals).
Year 2018
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32 Report

A close look at the EU–Turkey deal: The language of border externalisation

Authors Anna Casaglia, Agnese Pacciardi
Year 2022
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
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33 Journal Article

Norm localisation and migration laws in the Maghreb

Authors Ylenia ROCCHINI
Year 2016
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35 Working Paper

Vervoerdersverplichtingen. Luchtvaartmaatschappijen en immigratiecontrole

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken, ACVZ), Minze Beuving, Evelien Brouwer, ...
Vervoerdersverplichtingen zijn verplichtingen die op grond van regelgeving aan vervoerders zijn opgedragen. Deze verplichtingen dragen feitelijk bij aan de immigratiecontrole die door de overheid wordt uitgeoefend aan de Schengenbuitengrenzen. Commerciële vervoerders (luchtvaartmaatschappijen en rederijen) die passagiers van buiten het Schengengrondgebied aanvoeren moeten aan de volgende vier verplichtingen voldoen: de terugvervoerplicht, de zorgplicht, de afschriftplicht en de passagiersinformatieplicht. Met uitzondering van de terugvervoerplicht zijn de verplichtingen van toepassing voordat passagiers zich aandienen aan de Schengenbuitengrens. Indien een vervoerder handelt in strijd met de vervoerdersverplichtingen kan het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) overgaan tot strafrechtelijke vervolging. Op overtreding van de vervoerdersverplichtingen staat een boete, in theorie kunnen aan vervoerders gevangenisstraffen worden opgelegd. In dit advies wordt met betrekking tot de vervoerdersverplichtingen de volgende hoofdvraag beantwoord: Waarom, hoe en met welke gevolgen vond privatisering plaats in het migratiebeleid en welke lessen zijn daaruit te destilleren? Wanneer het vervoer van een passagier wordt geweigerd, voorkom je met vervoerdersverplichtingen dat een passagier zonder de juiste documenten, de Schengen-buitengrens bereikt. Hierdoor dragen de vervoerdersverplichtingen feitelijk bij aan een effectievere uitvoering van de immigratiecontrole. Ook wanneer een passagier wiens vervoer is geweigerd zich beroept op asielmotieven, is de vervoerder nu niet verplicht deze passagier te vervoeren. Een geweigerde passagier kan een beroep doen op asiel. Wanneer een vervoerder deze passagier toch overweegt te vervoeren, bestaat er de mogelijkheid om de zaak ter consultatie voor te leggen aan de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND). Uit onderzoek van de ACVZ blijkt dat van deze mogelijkheid in de praktijk geen gebruik wordt gemaakt. Er bestaat voor vervoerders geen verplichting om de IND te consulteren. Bovendien zijn er indicaties dat grondpersoneel niet in staat is om een beroep op asielmotieven te onderkennen. De ACVZ beveelt aan om de procedure in de Vreemdelingencirculaire te schrappen. Wanneer een passagier geen of onjuiste documenten bezit en stelt dat zijn leven in gevaar is, zouden vervoerders dit verplicht aan de IND moeten voorleggen. Dat stelt de ACVZ in haar advies ‘Vervoerdersverplichtingen’.
Year 2020
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36 Report

Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe

Authors Claudia Finotelli, Irene Ponzo
Year 2023
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37 Book

The Gender- and Sexuality-Based Harms of Refugee Externalization: A Role for Human Rights Due Diligence

Authors Anna Talbot, Anthea Vogl, Sara Dehm
Year 2024
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
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38 Journal Article

Managing Migrant Return through 'Voluntariness'

The fundamental weakness of nation state and EU efforts to effectively manage migration to Europe lies in ensuring the return of foreigners who pass or avoid border controls but are then neither granted asylum nor a residence permit. Many Member States thereby increasingly rely on public policies for the so-called ‘voluntary return’ of irregular migrants and (refused) asylum seekers. Very little is known about how these approaches work in practice and whether they meet stated policy goals and discharge state obligations regarding migrants’ human rights. The project REvolTURN addresses this research gap through a close and comparative analysis of ‘voluntary return’ policies in Austria and the UK, including their adoption, implementation and immediate outcome. It examines 1) how voluntariness of return is constructed and framed in law, policy and public discourse, 2) which notions of voluntariness are crucial for policy implementation, and 3) what impact this has on migrants’ own decision-making about their return. My innovative and interdisciplinary mixed-method approach combines comparative policy and discourse analysis, detailed institutional ethnography through observation and in-depth interviews and a survey among potential returnees. REvolTURN addresses a key priority of the Horizon 2020 work programme for 2016-17: to better manage migration, and will also contribute to recent scholarship regarding the in/effectiveness of migration policies and the agency of migrants holding no or highly precarious statuses. The project has three main objectives: 1) to better understand the role and functioning of voluntariness in the context of state-managed migratory return; 2) to develop a framework for assessing and comparing these roles and functions, including their effectiveness; and 3) to thereby contribute to evidence-based and workable policy solutions that increase the number of genuinely voluntary returns without undermining the very logic underlying this approach.
Year 2018
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39 Project

The application of the Temporary Protection Directive: Challenges and good practices in 2023

Authors European Migration Network (EMN)
This report presents the main findings of the European Migration Network (EMN) study on the application of the Temporary Protection Directive (2001/55/EC) in 2023. The study explores some developments, challenges, and good practices relevant to the application of the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) in EMN Member Countries in the first half of 2023. Since 24 February 2022, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has created a situation of mass arrivals of displaced people from Ukraine to the European Union (EU) and other countries surrounding Ukraine. The war caused large flows of people to leave Ukraine in search of safety, with crossings at EU external borders peaking at 800 000 weekly entries from Ukraine and Moldova during the early months of the war.4 The EU Member States bordering Ukraine and Moldova were the first to respond to the crisis. Following the call of Minis- ters for Home Affairs, on 2 March 2022, the European Commission proposed to activate the TPD. On 4 March 2022, the Council adopted an Implementing Decision7 establishing temporary protection for displaced persons from Ukraine, activating the TPD for the first time since its adoption in 2001. This was a key component of the EU’s unified response. As per Article 2(2) of the Council Decision, temporary protection covers not only displaced Ukrainian nationals re- siding in Ukraine on or before 24 February 2022 and their family members, but also stateless persons and nationals of third countries other than Ukraine who benefitted from international protection or equivalent national protection in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 and their family members. As per Article 2(2) of the Council Decision, EU Member States should provide either temporary protection or adequate protection under national law to stateless persons and nationals of third countries other than Ukraine legally residing in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 on the basis of a valid permanent residence permit issued in accordance with Ukrainian law, and who were unable to return in safe and durable conditions to their country or re- gion of origin. Article 2(3) gives Member States the option to provide temporary protection to other persons, including stateless persons and nationals of third countries other than Ukraine who were residing legally in Ukraine and who are unable to return in safe and durable conditions to their country or region of origin. Several EU Member States also extended the scope by providing temporary protection to Ukrainian nationals already legally present in that EU Member State and to those who moved shortly before 24 February 2022. In accordance with Article 4(1) of the TPD, the duration of temporary protection is of a period of one year. Unless ter- minated under the terms of the Directive, the duration may be – and indeed has been – automatically extended by six-month periods for a maximum of one year, i.e. to March 2024. The European Commission’s Operational Guidelines9 recommended that EU Member States issue residence permits for the full possible duration of two years, i.e. until March 2024. After the first automatic extension until March 2024, the Council of the European Union announced on 28 September 2023 that temporary protection would be extended until 4 March 2025 and on the 25 September 2024 another extension was granted until 4 March 2026
Year 2023
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40 Report

Migration and Border Politics in The South of United States And Spain

Authors María Isolda Perelló
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration and Diasporas: An Interdisciplinary Journal
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41 Journal Article

Agencification as a Key Component of the EU Externalisation Toolkit. Observations on a Silent Escape from the Rule of Law

Authors Daniela Vitiello
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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42 Book Chapter

Migration Control à la Khartoum: EU External Engagement and Human Rights Protection in the Horn of Africa

Authors Lutz Oette, Mohamed Abdelsalam Babiker
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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43 Journal Article

Revisiting the Migration–Development Nexus: From Social Networks and Remittances to Markets for Migration Control

Authors Ninna Nyberg Sorensen
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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44 Journal Article


Authors F HAWLEY
Year 1993
Journal Name Crime, Law and Social Change
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45 Journal Article

The Unintended Legal and Policy Relevance of EU Mobility Partnerships

Authors Fanny Tittel-Mosser
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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46 Journal Article

The Privatization and Outsourcing of Migration Management

Authors Georg Menz
Book Title Labour Migration in Europe
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47 Book Chapter

Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects Of Border Control In Niger

Authors Ahmet Tchilouta Rhoumour, Border Forenscis
Investigative report on the relationship between border practices, spatial changes in migrant trajectories, and the increased danger of crossing Niger's Sahara desert following the implementation of Law 2015-36. Given the methodological challenges posed by the existing literature on desert deaths and disappearances, the report developed innovative geospatial analysis and remote sensing methods.
Year 2023
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48 Report

Grip houden op publieke belangen. Onderzoek naar privatisering in het migratiebeleid

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken, ACVZ)
Op verzoek van het kabinet heeft de adviesraad de rol van private actoren in het migratiebeleid onderzocht. De centrale vraag daarbij is geweest, hoe en met welke gevolgen privatisering plaatsvindt in het migratiebeleid. Drie casussen zijn voor het onderzoek geselecteerd en zijn in afzonderlijk deeladviezen eerder gepubliceerd. Op 1 juli 2021 is het syntheserapport ‘Grip houden op publieke belangen ‘ gepubliceerd dat de uitkomsten van de drie onderzochte casussen samenbrengt. De overheid blijkt bij het proces en de uitvoering van privatisering binnen het migratiebeleid op een drietal structurele punten duidelijk tekort te schieten: 1) Het borgen van publieke belangen 2) Het realiseren van adequaat toezicht om het gewenste resultaat te kunnen verzekeren en 3) het garanderen van rechtsbescherming. Het eerste advies in deze serie gaat over de verplichtingen bij immigratiecontrole die aan vervoerders (luchtvaartmaatschappijen en rederijen) zijn opgedragen op basis van regelgeving. Het tweede advies gaat over de begeleiding van innovatieve buitenlandse startup-ondernemers in Nederland, de zogenoemde startup-regeling. Het derde advies heeft als onderwerp de borging van de kwaliteit van het inburgeringsonderwijs. Bij het inburgeringsonderwijs is de overheid bijvoorbeeld tekortgeschoten bij het opstellen van kaders. Publieke waarden zijn niet juist geïdentificeerd en gewaarborgd en er is geen toezicht op kwaliteit en effectiviteit. Ook is er sprake van een gebrekkige rechtsbescherming van de inburgeraar. Bij de startup-regeling heeft de overheid eveneens de publieke belangen onvoldoende benoemd, waardoor geen borging mogelijk is. Het beoordelen van de innovativiteit van buitenlandse startup-ondernemingen is volledig aan een private partij (begeleider) overgelaten en de rechtsbescherming van de startup-ondernemer is daardoor beperkt. Uit het onderzoek naar de vervoerdersverplichtingen blijkt dat deze niet bijdragen aan de naleving van de internationale rechtsorde en slechts gericht zijn op het borgen van de nationale veiligheid en openbare orde. Er bestaat voor hen geen verplichting om de weigering van niet of onjuist gedocumenteerde passagiers die asielmotieven aanvoeren, voor te leggen aan de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst. De rechtsbescherming van vreemdelingen komt daarmee in het geding. De drie onderzochte casussen betreffen steeds een andere fase in het migratiebeleid, kennen een andere vorm van privatisering en laten verschillende mechanismen zien om private actoren bij de behartiging van publieke belangen te betrekken. Deze aanpak geeft onderzoekstechnisch een zo compleet mogelijk beeld. De overheid moet volgens de adviesraad nadrukkelijk heroverwegen hoe om te gaan met privatisering binnen het migratiebeleid. Daarom beveelt de ACVZ aan om bij privatisering steeds minstens drie kerncriteria als uitgangspunt te gebruiken: Borging, Toezicht en Rechtsbescherming. Ook bestaande privatiseringen moet de overheid, volgens de adviesraad, op die manier opnieuw beoordelen. Alleen dan houdt de overheid de noodzakelijke grip op publieke belangen.
Year 2021
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49 Report

When Migration Policy Isn't about Migration: Considerations for Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration

Authors Tendayi Bloom
Year 2019
Citations (WoS) 11
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50 Journal Article

Street-level democracy: How immigration bureaucrats manage public opposition

Authors A Ellermann
Year 2006
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51 Journal Article

Interception as Criminalisation: The Extension of Interdictive ‘external’ Controls

Authors Vicki Squire
Book Title The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum
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52 Book Chapter

Mapping EU Externalisation Devices through a Critical Eye

Authors Ermioni Xanthopoulou, Ermioni Xanthopoulou
Year 2024
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 2
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53 Journal Article

Smoke-Free Multi-unit Housing Policies Show Promise in Reducing Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse, Low-Income Seniors

Authors T. Lucas Hollar, Nicole Cook, David Quinn, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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54 Journal Article

Ambiguous goals, uneven implementation – how immigration offices shape internal immigration control in Germany

Authors Caroline Schultz
Year 2020
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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55 Journal Article

EU Cooperation Challenges in External Migration Policy

Authors Agnieszka WEINAR
International cooperation on migration is a major challenge for sovereign States in bilateral relations: the inherent contrasting interests between receiving and sending countries put obstacles in the way of bilateral satisfaction and require extra political involvement to overcome any differences. The same cooperation when developed by a supranational organization like the EU1 is even more challenging, as bilateral tensions are topped off with tensions between the national and supranational level. The EU has developed its Global Approach to Migration as a possible way to establish comprehensive cooperation with non-EU partners from the East and the South on a whole range of migration issues, including the fight against irregular migration, legal migration, migration and development, and asylum policy. The approach also had a coordinating effect for internal EU policymaking. There have been, however, four main challenges hampering this policy domain: 1) the limited ability of the EU to define its migration policy with its 27 sovereign States; 2) tensions between the national and supranational level in the EU as regards international cooperation on migration; 3) the diverging interests and priorities of sending regions and/or partner countries; 4) the limited implementation capacities of the EU and its Member States, as well as of partner countries. The prospects for cooperation depend on the ability of the EU to overcome these challenges. Focus should be on the vital areas of action, addressing the non-securitarian issues of migration policy and assuring its thematic diversity; strengthening the EU’s international standing; and introducing coherent monitoring of policy implementation.
Year 2011
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56 Report

Deterrence and Protection in the EU’s Migration Policy

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou, Angeliki Dimitriadi
Year 2014
Journal Name The International Spectator Italian Journal of International Affairs
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58 Journal Article

Migration Legislation and Policy in Argentina

Authors Lucila Nejamkis, Lila García, Natalia Caicedo
Year 2022
Book Title Voluntary and Forced Migration in Latin America: Law and Policy Reforms
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59 Book Chapter

Asylum Policies and Protests in Austria

Authors Verena Stern, Nina Merhaut
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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60 Book Chapter

De-commercialization of the Labor Migration Industry in Malaysia

Authors Choo Chin Low
Year 2020
Journal Name Southeast Asian Studies
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61 Journal Article

The Global Mobility Infrastructure: Reconceptualising the Externalisation of Migration Control

Authors Thomas Spijkerboer
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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62 Journal Article

The Detention of Migrant Children: A Comparative Study of the United States and Mexico

Authors Jennifer J Lee, Elisa Ortega Velázquez
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
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63 Journal Article

Regelrust voor Vreemdelingen - advies over vermindering van regeldruk in het reguliere vreemdelingenbeleid

Authors Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ)
Regeldruk is een breed, abstract en in principe neutraal begrip. Of en in hoeverre mensen er last van hebben is voor een groot deel subjectief bepaald. Regeldruk kan niet altijd worden voorkomen maar vermindering van regeldruk verdient en vraagt constante aandacht. De ACVZ richt zich in dit advies op regeldruk die vreemdelingen en hun referenten ervaren in het vreemdelingenbeleid. Onder ‘regeldruk in het vreemdelingenbeleid’ verstaat de ACVZ: de investering en de inspanning die de vreemdeling en de referent moeten verrichten en de beperkingen die ze moeten ondergaan om zich aan de eisen en voorwaarden van het vreemdelingenbeleid te houden. De minister van Justitie heeft de ACVZ de volgende adviesvragen voorgelegd: 1) Zijn er knelpunten aan te wijzen binnen het vreemdelingenrecht (uitgedrukt in tijd, geld en ergernis) die kunnen worden aangemerkt als ‘vermijdbare regeldruk’? 2) Welke mogelijkheden ziet de ACVZ om deze knelpunten en de daarmee verbonden overbodige lastendruk en soms gebrekkige dienstverlening op te lossen? 3) Is voor deze oplossingen aanpassing van de uitvoeringspraktijk en/of de regelgeving noodzakelijk en hoe zouden deze aanpassingen eruit moeten zien? Om deze vragen te beantwoorden, is onderzoek verricht naar regeldruk die vreemdelingen en referenten ervaren in het reguliere vreemdelingenbeleid. Het gaat dan om knelpunten die betrekking hebben op (de uitvoering van) de Vreemdelingenwet (Vw 2000), het Vreemdelingenbesluit (Vb 2000), het Voorschrift Vreemdelingen (VV 2000), de Vreemdelingencirculaire (Vc 2000), de Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen (Wav) en aanpalende regelgeving zoals de Wet gemeentelijke basis administratie (Wet GBA). Naast literatuuronderzoek zijn verschillende professionals en organisaties die betrokken zijn bij de uitvoering en de toepassing van de regels bevraagd over de regeldruk die door vreemdelingen en referenten wordt ervaren en over de oorzaken en oplossingen daarvan. Verder heeft SIRA Consulting een steekproef gehouden onder een beperkt aantal gezins-, kennis-, arbeids- en studiemigranten uit niet-EU landen. Beide onderzoeken hebben een groot aantal diverse knelpunten opgeleverd.
Year 2010
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64 Report

Governing irregular migration and asylum at the borders of Europe : between efficiency and protection

Year 2014
Journal Name [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
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65 Journal Article

The Central American Exodus and the Labor Border: U.S. Border Control Outsourcing in Southern Mexico

Authors Anna Mary Garrapa
Year 2022
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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66 Journal Article

Speaking Truth to Power? Why Civil Society, Beyond Academia, Remains Marginal in EU Migration Policy

Authors Ann Singleton
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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67 Book Chapter

Academic Knowledge, Policy and the Public Role of Social Scientists

Authors Thomas Faist
Book Title The Migration-Development Nexus
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68 Book Chapter

Temporary and Illegal Labour Migration: The Israeli Experience

Authors Allan Borowski, Uri Yanay
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 21
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69 Journal Article

Research-Policy Dialogues in Italy

Authors Tiziana Caponio
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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70 Book Chapter

Telling histories of the present: postcolonial perspectives on Morocco’s ‘radically new’ migration policy

Authors Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, Lorena Gazzotti
Year 2021
Journal Name The Journal of North African Studies
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71 Journal Article

The European refugee crisis and public support for the externalisation of migration management

Authors Alina Vranceanu, Elias Dinas, Tobias Heidland, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name European Journal of Political Research
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72 Journal Article

(Re)locating the border: Pre-entry tuberculosis (TB) screening of migrants to the UK

Authors Adam Warren
Year 2013
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 3
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73 Journal Article

Extraterritorial Migration Control And Human Rights: Preserving The Responsibility Of The Eu And Its Member States

Authors Evelien Brouwer
Year 2018
Book Title Extraterritorial Immigration Control
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74 Book Chapter

Political Protest in Asylum and Deportation. An Introduction

Authors Sieglinde Rosenberger
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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75 Book Chapter

National Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe Since 1973

Authors María Bruquetas-Callejo, Jeroen Doomernik
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76 Book Chapter

External Controls: Policing Entries, Enforcing Exits

Authors Irene Landini, Giuseppe Sciortino
Year 2023
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77 Book Chapter

Power Relations and International Migration: The Case of Italy and Libya

Authors Emanuela Paoletti
Year 2010
Journal Name Political Studies
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79 Journal Article

The End of the Deterrence Paradigm? Future Directions for Global Refugee Policy

Authors Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Nikolas F. Tan
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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80 Journal Article

Forging an External EU Migration Policy: From Externalisation of Border Management to a Comprehensive Policy?

Authors Georgia Papagianni
Year 2013
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 11
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81 Journal Article

Critical Perspectives on Clandestine Migration Facilitation: An Overview of Migrant Smuggling Research

Authors Gabriella Sanchez
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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82 Journal Article

A reappraisal of the state sovereignty debate - The case of migration control

Authors Guiraudon, G Lahav
Year 2000
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83 Journal Article

Of Skilled Migration, Brain Drains and Policy Responses*

Authors Ronald Skeldon
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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84 Journal Article

Na de vlucht herenigd: advies over de uitvoering van het beleid voor nareizende gezinsleden van vreemdelingen met een verblijfsvergunning asiel

Authors Adviesraad Migratie, Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken or Members of the Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
Het beleid voor nareizende gezinsleden van vreemdelingen die in het bezit zijn gesteld van een verblijfsvergunning asiel (het nareisbeleid) is vanaf 2007 diverse keren gewijzigd. Naar aanleiding van signalen over mogelijk misbruik van deze procedure is het beleid aanvankelijk aangescherpt. Later is het voor bepaalde categorieën gezinsleden weer versoepeld. In juni 2013 publiceerde de Kinderombudsman een kritisch rapport over de uitvoering van het nareisbeleid. Volgens hem werden de rechten van nareizende gezinsleden door de focus op fraude en misbruik ernstig geschonden en waren de belangen van kinderen uit beeld geraakt. De Kinderombudsman is van mening dat alle nareisaanvragen die in de periode 2008-2013 zijn ingediend, opnieuw moeten worden beoordeeld. Mede naar aanleiding van dat rapport heeft de staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie de Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ) gevraagd hoe (de uitvoering van) het Nederlandse nareisbeleid zich verhoudt tot het internationale en Europese recht.
Year 2014
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85 Report

Base borders: Militarisation and (post-)colonial bordering in Okinawa

Authors Hidefumi Nishiyama
Year 2022
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
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86 Journal Article

Externalising migration control in Niger: the humanitarian–security nexus and the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Authors Fabio de Blasis, Silvia Pitzalis
Year 2023
Journal Name The Journal of Modern African Studies
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88 Journal Article

Relationships between the Public and Crimmigration Entities in North Carolina: A 287(g) Program Focus

Authors Felicia Arriaga
Year 2017
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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89 Journal Article

“For just decisions we need you!”: Relational decision‐making and the bureaucratic exclusion of “poor others”

Authors Christin Achermann, Lisa Marie Borrelli, Luca Pfirter
Year 2023
Journal Name PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
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90 Journal Article

The Formation of Morocco's Policy Towards Irregular Migration (2000–2007): Political Rationale and Policy Processes

Authors Katharina Natter
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration
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92 Journal Article

Three-level games in EU external migration policy : negotiating mobility partnerships in West Africa

Authors Natasja RESLOW, Maarten Peter VINK
Year 2015
Journal Name JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
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93 Journal Article

Territory, Procedures and Rights: Border Procedures in European Asylum Law

Authors Galina Cornelisse
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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94 Journal Article

The Effectiveness of Immigration Policies

Authors Mathias Czaika, Hein De Haas
Year 2013
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 80
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95 Journal Article

Expanding the Reflexive Turn in Migration Studies: Refugee Protection, Regularization, and Naturalization in Latin America

Authors Diego Acosta, Diego Acosta, Luisa Feline Freier, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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96 Journal Article

Criminal Law & Migration Control: Recent History & Future Possibilities

Authors Jennifer M. Chacon
Year 2022
Citations (WoS) 1
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97 Journal Article

Assessing the Cost-effectiveness of Irregular Migration Control Policies in Greece

Authors Angeliki DIMITRIADI, Anna Triandafyllidou
Discussions on Greece’s migration and asylum policies have in recent years primarily taken place from a human rights perspective. Through this humanitarian lens, effective migration management means effective protection of human rights.The present report, which brings together the main findings of the MIDAS project, reviews the Greek and at a wider level the EU approach towards irregular migration through the lens of cost-effectiveness. By measuring the human and material resources invested in the management of irregular migration within the time frame of 2008-2013, the present paper discusses three crucial questions: 1 How much do irregular migration control policies in Greece actually cost? 2. Are current policies cost-effective, when compared against their outputs and outcomes? 3. Are there any alternative policy recommendations that could be more cost-effective? The MIDAS report feeds thereby new data to the present debate and opens the floor for a broader discussion through a new lens, that of cost-effectiveness.
Year 2014
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98 Report

Trust in Transit: External Migration Control and Migrants’ Perceptions of Humanitarian Borderwork in the Sahel

Authors Zina Weisner, Pauline Vidal, Albert Kraler, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration Review
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99 Journal Article

Triaging Mixed Migration: Trump Card or Achilles Heel of the Common European Asylum System? Insights from Organized Hypocrisy

Authors Marie Walter-Franke
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
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100 Journal Article
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