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Identifications, communities and connections: intersections of ethnicity and sexuality among diasporic gay men

Authors Alexander Dhoest
Year 2016
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 3
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3 Journal Article

Country report : Belgium

Authors Marie-Claire FOBLETS, Zeynep YANASMAYAN
Year 2010
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5 Report

The Socio-economic Contribution of African Migrants to their Home and Host Countries: The Case of Ghanaian Residents in Flanders, Belgium

Authors Emmanuel Boon, Albert Ahenkan
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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6 Journal Article

Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens : Belgium

Authors Daniela Vintila, Jean-Michel Lalfleur, Louise Nikolic
En Belgique, les citoyens de l’UE et les ressortissants de pays tiers ont le droit de voter aux élections locales. Les ressortissants de pays tiers jouissent de ce droit après cinq ans de résidence ininterrompue en Belgique. Les citoyens de l’UE ont également le droit de se présenter comme candidat aux élections locales. De plus, ces derniers ont le droit de voter et de se présenter comme candidats aux élections européennes. Les droits électoraux des citoyens belges résidant à l’étranger sont plus restrictifs. En effet, les citoyens non-résidents ont le droit de voter mais pas de se présenter comme candidats aux élections législatives. Les citoyens belges ont également le droit de voter aux élections européennes s’ils résident dans un pays membre de l’UE ou dans un pays tiers mais seuls les Belges résidant dans un autre Etat Membre de l’UE peuvent se présenter comme candidats. En Belgique, une fois inscrits, tous les électeurs sont obligés de voter. Malgré les campagnes de sensibilisation menées par différentes institutions et des associations de la société civile lors des dernières élections, une difficulté majeure à laquelle restent confrontés les électeurs est le manque d’information concernant les procédures d’inscription et le processus politique de manière plus générale. Une manière d’encourager la participation politique des résidents non-belges serait de formaliser les stratégies de diffusion de l’information et de communiquer avec les nouveaux résidents dans différentes langues.
Year 2018
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7 Report

Collective memories of colonialism and acculturation dynamics among Congolese immigrants living in Belgium

Authors Ana Figueiredo, Laurent Licata, Geraldine Oldenhove, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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8 Journal Article

Indian migration to Belgium

Authors Sara COSEMANS, Idesbald GODDEERIS
This paper discusses the Indian presence in Belgium. First, it introduces the reader to the different groups by providing a historical overview of their presence in the country. Afterwards, it discusses the diaspora in a more quantitative way and presents the available statistics of recent years. Finally, it focuses on issues such as their associations and religious life.
Year 2013
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9 Report


Authors F MERCKX, Liz Fekete
Year 1991
Journal Name Race & Class
Citations (WoS) 3
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10 Journal Article


Authors F MERCKX, Liz Fekete
Year 1991
Journal Name Race & Class
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11 Journal Article

Marriage conclusion in Belgian Muslim families: navigating transnational social spaces of normativity

Authors Kim Lecoyer
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
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12 Journal Article

One Nation, One Language? The Case of Belgium

Authors Ulrike Vogl, Matthias Huening
Year 2010
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13 Journal Article

Afigration and Americanization: The special case of Belgian economics

Authors Maes, D Buyst
Year 2005
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14 Journal Article

Is There a Belgian School of Ethnic and Migration Studies?

Authors Hassan Bousetta, Marco Martiniello
Book Title The Politics of Social Science Research
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15 Book Chapter

Corridor report on Belgium : the case of Moroccan and Turkish immigrants

Authors Sonia GSIR, Jérémy MANDIN, Elsa MESCOLI, ...
This brief report on the INTERACT project findings regarding Turkish and Moroccan migrants in Belgium.
Year 2015
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16 Report

Outcast or Embraced? Clusters of Foreign Immigrants in Belgium, c. 1840-1890

Principal investigator Anne Winter (Coordinator), Kenneth Bertrams (Partner), Hilde Greefs (Partner), Bart Willems (Partner)
This project aims to investigate the scale and nature of socio-cultural encounters and confrontations that emanated from foreign migration to Belgium between c. 1840 and 1890 by cross- and interdisciplinary analysis and valorization of a series of exceptionally rich but underexploited series of the federal historical heritage. Situated at the crossroads of migration history, maritime history and the history of science and technology and of social policy, this project employs these sources to map the characteristics of foreign migration streams to Belgium and to gain insight into their varied interactions with their host society. It focuses on an exceptional period in European and Belgian history, that was characterized by rising mobility and increasing economic integration, but also witnessed the emergence of the „modern‟ nation state, in which the distinction between „foreigner‟ and „national‟ became more important. The project aims (1) to map the scale, chronology and profiles of foreign migration to 19th-century Belgium, and (2) to investigate the political, economic, social and cultural dimensions of interactions of foreigners with different layers of Belgian society. Its underlying assumption is that increasing international mobility and circulation – rather than one-off migration – had a profound influence on the economic, political, cultural and social history of 19th-century Europe in general, and Belgium in particular. The research results from this project will therefore not only contribute to a better insight into the „national‟ history of Belgium, but will also provide major contributions to several international debates in migration history, including on the nature of a so-called „mobility transition‟ (Lucassen & Lucassen 2009), the interactions between state policies and migration patterns (Noiriel 1998; Rosental 2011), the role of migration „chains‟ and networks (Wegge 1998; Lesger et al. 2002), the international dimensions of the „knowledge economy‟ (Black 2013), and the long-term integration of international labour markets (Hatton & Williamson 2006).
Year 2014
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17 Project

The Second Generation in Belgium

Authors C Timmerman, M Crul, E Vanderwaeren, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 63
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18 Journal Article


Authors MO Heisler
Year 1977
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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19 Journal Article

Belgium: a Culturally Divided Land

Authors Ayhan Kaya
Book Title Islam, Migration and Integration
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20 Book Chapter

Travel and personal growth: the value of visits to the country of origin for transnational migrant youth

Authors Sarah Anschütz, Valentina Mazzucato
Year 2022
Journal Name Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
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21 Journal Article

The extreme-right and enfranchisement of immigrants: Main issues in the public “debate” on integration in Belgium

Authors Dirk Jacobs, Marc Swyngedouw
Year 2002
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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22 Journal Article

Jobs for immigrants (Vol. 2)

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Labour Market Integration in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal
Year 2008
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23 Report

The 2.000-volt Belgian-Dutch frontier (1915-1918)

Authors Alex Vanneste
Year 2013
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24 Journal Article

Access to electoral rights : Belgium

Authors Jean-Michel LAFLEUR
Year 2013
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25 Report

Naturalisations procedures for immigrants : Belgium

Authors Patrick WAUTELET
Year 2013
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26 Report

Les nouveaux enjeux des migrations en Belgique

Year 2013
Journal Name Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI)
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27 Journal Article

Des études post-coloniales de Belgique?

Ce programme de recherche vise le repérage dans le champ des migrations, des dynamiques et logiques postcoloniales. Plusieurs axes de recherche permettront la mise à jour de ces processus dans les espaces politiques, religieux et associatifs. La recomposition des migrations congolaises vers l’Amérique du nord est également considérée étant donnée la perte de centralité de l’ancienne métropole coloniale qu’elle engage et signifie.
Year 2011
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28 Project

Marriages and Fertility among Turkish and Moroccan Women in Belgium: Results from Census Data

Authors Ronald C. Schoenmaeckers, RC Schoenmaeckers, E Lodewijckx, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 20
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29 Journal Article

On the Way to a Better Future: Belgium as Transit Country for Trafficking and Smuggling of Unaccompanied Minors1

Authors Ilse Derluyn, Ilse Derluyn, Eric Broekaert, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 23
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30 Journal Article

Albanian Entrepreneurial Practices in Human Smuggling and Trafficking: On the Road to the United Kingdom via Brussels, 1995-2005

Authors Johan Leman, Stef Janssens
Year 2012
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31 Journal Article

New Moroccan Migrants in Belgium

Authors Hassan Bousetta
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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32 Journal Article

Invisible citizens (Immigrants in Belgium)

Authors S Bates
Year 2001
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33 Journal Article

The Belgium migration debate revisited

Authors Karen Phalet
Year 1994
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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34 Journal Article

Immigrants in Belgium and Luxembourg

Authors David Thomas
Year 1971
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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35 Journal Article

Ethnic Educational Inequality: The Role of Neighbourhood Contexts

Principal investigator Fenella Fleischmann (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives Comparative research on ethnic educational inequalities has repeatedly shown that Belgium is one of the countries with the most severe ethnic penalties in education (Marks, 2005; OECD, 2006, 2007). This project tests contextual explanations for educational disadvantages among the second generation in Belgium, since common explanations from a comparative stratification perspective in terms of social background or family resources could not fully explain lower attainment levels among the Turkish and Moroccan second generation in Belgium (Phalet, Deboosere and Bastiaenssen). The first study looks at the role of ethnic composition in the municipality as a proxy for ethnic capital and compares different concepts of ethnic composition both theoretically and empirically. The second study asks to what extent the positive ethnic density effect found in the first study is conditional on neighbourhood structure, arguing that dense social networks with co-ethnics are more easily developed and maintained and yield more returns for educational success in more stable, higher quality neighbourhoods. Research design, data and methodology Multilevel analysis is applied to individual data from the 1991 Belgian Census and contextual data of all Belgian municipalities in order to examine contextual influences on ethnic educational inequality. Findings The first study shows that the percentage of ethnic minorities goes together with lower school completion rates among the Belgian majority population, but the effects are inconsistent among the three largest ethnic minority groups in Belgium, the Italian, Moroccan and Turkish second generation. In contrast, ethnic density, i.e., the presence of co-ethnics in the municipality, is positively associated with school completion in minority as well as majority groups. The second study reveals that ethnic density and neighbourhood quality overlap strongly among majority Belgians and the Moroccan second generation, albeit with opposite sign, such that the absence of ethnic minorities goes together with more favourable neighbourhood structure, while concentrations of Moroccans occur in the least attractive neighbourhoods. Among the Turkish and Italian second generation, we find, as expected, that the effects of ethnic density depend on neighbourhood stability and quality. These results confirm differential trajectories of integration of the three largest ethnic minorities in Belgium."
Year 2007
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36 Project

When Belgians Are the Migrants: An Overview of Narratives, Public Policies and Actors Framing the Question of Emigration in Belgium

Authors Jérémy Mandin
Book Title Emigration and diaspora policies in the age of mobility
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37 Book Chapter

Onderzoek naar de impact van buurtinitiatieven

De Universiteit van Leuven (KUL) is, met hulp van de Universiteit van Luik (ULg), gestart met een onderzoek om de impact van de buurtinitiatieven van de opvangcentra te meten.Elk opvangcentrum in België organiseert tal van activiteiten om zich als open centrum zo goed mogelijk te integreren in de omgeving: opendeurdagen, vrijwilligersacties, theatervoorstellingen, workshops, enz. Met de ‘buurtinitiatieven’ streven de centra naar een positieve houding bij de Belgische bevolking ten aanzien van de opvangcentra voor asielzoekers en naar een correcte, realistische beeldvorming over ‘de asielzoeker’.5 casestudies Na meer dan tien jaar zijn het beleid en de beleidsinstrumenten aan een evaluatie toe. Daarom financeert Fedasil een onderzoek, dat zal worden uitgevoerd door KU Leuven, in samenwerking met de universiteit van Luik (ULg). Tijdens het onderzoek worden vijf opvangcentra onder de loep genomen: Dendermonde, Sint-Truiden en Pondrôme (Fedasil), Mechelen (Rode Kruis) en Ukkel (Croix-Rouge). Voor elk centrum worden er data verzameld via een buurtbevraging (postenquête bij buurtbewoners), een focusgroep en een interview met de directeur en de buurtwerker.Aan de hand van dit onderzoek wordt een antwoord gezocht op enkele belangrijke vragen. Wat is het bereik en de impact van de buurtinitiatieven? Gaan de omwonenden regelmatig naar een opendeurdag of filmavond in het opvangcentrum? Hebben zij een impact op de omwonenden? Neemt eventuele weerstand af door de activiteiten die de centra organiseren?Na afloop van het onderzoek zal de KU Leuven een aantal aanbevelingen formuleren om het huidige beleid te verbeteren. De bevraging loopt tot het einde van het jaar 2016.
Year 2016
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38 Project

"Every soul shall taste death." Attitudes and beliefs of Moroccan muslim women living in Antwerp (Belgium) toward dying, death, and the afterlife

Authors Chaima Ahaddour, Bert Broeckaert, Stef van den Branden
Year 2019
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39 Journal Article

Multiple languages, multiple identities? Children's language characteristics and their ethnic and national identification

Authors Graziela Dekeyser, Orhan Agirdag, Paul Puschmann
Year 2020
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40 Journal Article

'Tommifying' the Western Front, 1914-1918

Authors R. J. Wilson
Year 2011
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41 Journal Article

Institutional Elderly Care Services and Moroccan and Turkish Migrants in Belgium: A Literature Review

Authors Chaima Ahaddour, Bert Broeckaert, Stef van den Branden, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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42 Journal Article

The Absent Savior? Nationalism, Migration, and Football in Taiwan

Year 2019
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43 Journal Article

Situated Researcher: A Critical Autoethnography on Migrant Researcher’s Mobility, Positionality, and Agency

Authors Cai Chen
Year 2024
Journal Name Belgeo: Belgian Journal of Geography
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44 Journal Article

Modernization and Ethnic Conflict in Belgium

Authors Anthony Mughan
Year 1979
Journal Name Political Studies
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45 Journal Article

Countries of Origin as Organisers of Emigration: Moroccans and Turks in Belgium

Authors Jérémy Mandin, Sonia Gsir, Elsa Mescoli
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 2, How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes : an analysis
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46 Book Chapter

Polish immigration in Belgium since 2004: New dynamics of migration and integration?

Authors Francois Levrau, C Timmerman, Edith Piqueray, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 5
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47 Journal Article


Authors Ayhan Kaya
Book Title Islam, Migration and Integration
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48 Book Chapter

The future of intercultural mediation in Belgium

Authors Vera Nierkens, Anja Krumeich, R de Ridder, ...
Year 2002
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49 Journal Article

La nuova immigrazione italiana in Belgio

Authors Marco Martiniello, Alessandro Mazzola, Andrea Rea
Year 2017
Journal Name Centro Studi Emigrazione
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50 Journal Article

Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands

Authors Masja van Meeteren
Year 2014
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51 Book

The education of immigrant children in Belgium

Authors Heien Kanitkar
Year 1973
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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52 Journal Article

An overview of integration policies in Belgium

Authors Jérémy MANDIN
The objective of the paper is to provide a brief review of Belgian migrants integration policies and actors. Three issues are addressed in this paper: the question of public discourses and the political agenda on integration in Belgium; the question of the structuring of integration policies in the country; and finally the question of non-state actors and integration policies and practices. Because integration is also a competence of subnational entities of the Belgian federal State, differences appear between integration conception and policies in Flanders (combining multiculturalist and more assimilationist stances) (Jacobs 2004), in the French community (more influenced by the French assimilationist approach), and in Brussels. However, several trends like the focus on language and socio-professional integration seems to be present in both Flemish- and French-speaking communities even if the policies to achieve those objectives are different. Finally, the paper will try to show the diversity of actors involved in integration practices in Belgium and more specifically the importance of local actors (cities, local associations, migrant associations, etc.).
Year 2014
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54 Report

The Measurement of International Migration in Belgium

Authors Michel Poulain
Year 1987
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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56 Journal Article

Brexit as a Trigger and an Obstacle to Onwards and Return Migration

Authors Djordje Sredanovic
Year 2020
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57 Journal Article

Ravot-EUR: Referral of and assistance for victims of human trafficking in Europe

The project aims at developing a transnational referral mechanism among Hungary, Belgium and the Netherlands, for referral, assistance and safe return of victims trafficked for the purpose of sexual and labour exploitation.
Year 2014
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58 Project

Local Voting Rights for Non-Nationals: Experience in Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium

Authors F. Leslie Seidle
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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59 Journal Article

The Measurement of International Migration in Belgium

Authors Michel Poulain
Year 1987
Journal Name International Migration Review
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60 Journal Article

The politics of anti-racism in Belgium

Authors Anja Detant, A Detant
Year 2005
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 10
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62 Journal Article

The Scope and the Legal Limits of the ‘Immigration Federalism’: Some comparative remarks from the American, Belgian and the Italian experiences

Authors Davide STRAZZARI
Year 2012
Journal Name European journal of legal studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 211-249
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63 Journal Article

Hidden violence is silent rape: sexual and gender-based violence in refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands

Authors Ines Keygnaert, Marleen Temmerman, Nicole Vettenburg
Year 2012
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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64 Journal Article

Leopold II and the selectorate: An account in contrast to a racial explanation

Authors Bruce Bueno De Mesquita
Year 2007
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65 Journal Article

Distribution of HCV genotypes in Belgium from 2008 to 2015

Year 2018
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 1
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66 Journal Article

The Political Participation of Immigrant Youth in Belgium

Authors Ellen Quintelier
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 12
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67 Journal Article

Identifying City Differences in Perceived Group Discrimination among Second-generation Turks and Moroccans in Belgium

Authors Ahu Alanya, M Swyngedouw, Gulseli Baysu, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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68 Journal Article

The Anatomy of Civic Integration

Authors Dora Kostakopoulou
Book Title Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration
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70 Book Chapter

Corridor report on Belgium : the case of Moroccan and Turkish immigrants

Authors Sonia GSIR, Jérémy MANDIN, Elsa MESCOLI
This report compares two important corridor migrations to Belgium in order to better understand the variation in several dimensions of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants’ integration – in particular, labour market, education and citizenship. It is based on an original methodology combining three different data sources (an analysis of the legal and political frameworks, a quantitative analysis, and a survey). It aims to test the INTERACT project’s main hypothesis which conceives of integration as a three-way process. This report provides insight on integration from the immigration country perspective but also from the countries of origin; it appraises the impact that Turkey and Morocco may have on the integration of their migrants in Belgium. The main findings are the following. Firstly, the countries of origin may have an impact on integration when emigration starts. Secondly, countries of origin may have a positive or negative impact on some integration dimensions (citizenship) but no obvious impact on others (education and labour market). In their efforts to maintain and develop links and to protect migrants’ rights abroad, countries of origin can thus facilitate integration, but indirectly.
Year 2015
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71 Report

Political Dynamics in the City: Three Case Studies

Authors Hassan Bousetta
Book Title Minorities in European Cities
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
72 Book Chapter

Refugees for Refugees: Musicians between Confinement and Perspectives

Authors Helene Sechehaye, Marco Martiniello
Year 2019
Journal Name ARTS
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73 Journal Article

European Liaisons? A Study on European bi- national Marriages in Belgium

Authors Suzana Koelet, Helga de Valk
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 8
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74 Journal Article

Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens : Belgium

Authors Cristina Daniela VINTILA, Jean-Michel LAFLEUR, Louise NIKOLIC
This report explores challenges to political participation of mobile EU citizens in Belgium. It discusses electoral rights of non-resident citizens and non-citizen residents from the EU in European Parliament and local elections. The report also offers recommendations on how to increase political participation of mobile EU citizens in this country.
Year 2018
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75 Report

Colombian Migration to Spain, the UK and Belgium

Authors Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title International Migration, Transnational Politics and Conflict
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77 Book Chapter

Racism, Migration, and Mental Health. Theoretical Reflections from Belgium

Authors Elise Rondelez, Piet Bracke, Griet Roets, ...
Year 2016
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78 Journal Article

Improving the Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in Belgium

Authors Á. Pina, V. Corluy, G. Verbist
Year 2015
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79 Working Paper

Irregular Migration in Belgium and Organized Crime: An Overview

Authors Julie Kaizen, Julie Kaizen, Walter Nonneman, ...
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 10
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80 Journal Article

delete: Recent trends in migrants' flows and stocks

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Recent trends in migrants' flows and stocks 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017 Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
Year 2018
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82 Data Set

Urgent Medical Aid and Associated Obstetric Mortality in Belgium

Authors Camille Vanneste, Patricia Barlow, Serge Rozenberg
Year 2020
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83 Journal Article


Year 1989
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84 Journal Article

Political Opportunity Structures (POS)

The database consists of data on the political opportunity structure (POS) in 7 Western European countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and United Kingdom) between 1990 and 2009. A number of indicators are included to cover generic and issue-specific political opportunity structures (immigration-related). The data were collected as part of the FP7-funded project Support and Opposition to Migration.
Year 2010
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85 Data Set


Authors Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title International Migration, Transnational Politics and Conflict
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
86 Book Chapter

Refugees for Refugees: Musicians between Confinement and Perspectives

Authors Hélène Sechehaye, Marco Martiniello
Year 2019
Journal Name Arts
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87 Journal Article

How (not) to run auctions: The European 3G telecom auctions

Authors Paul Klemperer, P Klemperer
Year 2002
Journal Name European Economic Review
Citations (WoS) 126
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88 Journal Article

Factors, processes and outcomes of early immersion education in the Francophone Community in Belgium

Authors Aafke Buyl, Alex Housen
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 4
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90 Journal Article

Marriage and Migration: Moroccan Women's Views on Partner Choice, Arranged and Forced Marriage in Belgium

Authors Alexia Sabbe, Marleen Temmerman, Karima El Boujaddayni, ...
Year 2019
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91 Journal Article

Recent trends in migrants' flows and stocks

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Recent trends in migrants' flows and stocks 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017 Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
Year 2018
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92 Data Set

Training for InteGrating Refugees in Euregio

Funded by Interreg, partners from Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium are designing a modular training program for people who work with refugees and migrants. The main focus of the training are: intercultural communication, assistance and support of refugees and mirgrants, and resilience. First results of the project are on hand. The trainings will start in spring 2020.
Year 2018
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93 Project


Year 1989
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95 Journal Article

The Experiences of Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Authors Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title International Migration, Transnational Politics and Conflict
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96 Book Chapter

The Objective Approaches of Ethnic Origins in Belgium: Methodological Alternatives and Statistical Implications

Authors Luc Dal, Nicolas Perrin, Michel Poulain
Book Title Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity
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97 Book Chapter

"God's land is vast". Attitudes and practices of Moroccan Muslims regarding burial and repatriation of the deceased

Authors Chaima Ahaddour, Bert Broeckaert, Stef van den Branden
Year 2019
Journal Name MORTALITY
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98 Journal Article

People for sale: The need for a multidisciplinary approach towards human trafficking

Authors K Van Impe
Year 2000
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99 Journal Article

Transnationalisme, Dynamiques Identitaires et Diversification Culturelle en situations urbaines post-migratoires

Principal investigator Marco Martiniello (Coordinator), Hassan Bousetta (Partner), Sonia Gsir (Researcher), Caroline Zickgraf (Researcher)
TRICUD aims at better understanding some of the reciprocal relationships between migration and change. The principal objective is indeed to better understand how migration transforms both sending societies in the South and receiving societies in the North. It is widely acknowledged that international migration has always been a cause as well as a result of economic, political, social and cultural change. It is a key dimension of globalisation. It affects, the dynamics of identities, the process of cultural diversification and social representations in urban settings both in the North and South. Migration has also prompted the formation of transnational social spaces connecting home and destination countries. This phenomenon is observable between Belgium and some of the countries of origin of its migrant population. The Democratic Republic of Congo and Morocco are in this respect two strategic case-studies. In order to better understand the dynamics of identities, the processes of cultural diversification and the dynamics of representations in urban settings affected by international migration and immigrants’ transnational practices both in Belgium and in two immigrant sending countries, the research will be carried out along three main directions, which consist in the 3 research projects are the post-migratory city and transnational flows, the dynamics of identities and the process of cultural diversification.
Year 2009
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100 Project
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