
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Solidarity and Trust in the Common European Asylum System

Authors Valsamis Mitsilegas
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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1501 Journal Article

Experiences of victimization before resettlement and chronic disease among foreign-born people in the United States

Authors Solveig A. Cunningham, Marie Sugihara, Rebecca E. Jones-Antwi
Year 2024
Journal Name Population Studies
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1502 Journal Article

Dispersal as Abjectification: The Diffusion of Punitive ‘Internal’ Controls

Authors Vicki Squire
Book Title The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum
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1503 Book Chapter

Continuity or change - anthropological analysis of Polish Roma migration paths to Great Britain

Principal investigator Michal P. Garapich (Principal Investigator)
Despite a huge public and academic interest in post EU enlargement migrations of Polish citizens who by moving to WesternEurope take advantage of the principle of freedom of movement, there has been an almost complete silence on how these newmigration opportunities affect the Polish Roma populations. But according to Roma organizations own estimates there has been averitable exodus with sometimes over 90% of local Roma communities emigrating or otherwise engaging in internationalmobility. In that sense, scholarly and public silence on the matter is striking. This research aims at shedding some light onmigratory movements of that group taking an anthropological perspective and using qualitative methods – participant observation,interviews and spending considerable amount of time with migrating Roma, their friends and family who stay in Poland, as wellas those Polish Roma who live in Great Britain. To what extent their migrations differ from the overall patterns of migrations ofnon-Roma Polish populations? And how did transnational networks between Roma communities in Poland and Great Britaindeveloped? And what happens once they are there, how do they operate and make sense of living in global city like London orsmall English town? How the experience of their members living in Britain affects Roma communities back in Poland? These arethe questions this research aims at answering. By using so called multi-sited ethnography it will analyse Polish Roma patterns ofmigrations, the ways with which international EU mobility impacts on some aspects of their culture and what happens to PolishRoma’s sense of identity once no longer in Poland.
Year 2016
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1504 Project

Assessing the Value of Human Rights-Based Interventions in Situations of Conflict: Community Outreach to Combat Violence against Women and Girls in Darfur, Sudan

Authors Karen Bennett, Chara de Lacey
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Human Rights Practice
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1505 Journal Article

Dignity and the right of internally displaced adolescents in Colombia to sexual and reproductive health

Authors Marleen Bosmans, Fernando Gonzalez, Eva Brems, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Disasters
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1506 Journal Article

Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Democracy

Principal investigator Lina Antara (Principal Investigator), Armend Bekaj (Principal Investigator)
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Integration von Flüchtlingen sind zu einer Kernfrage der Politik in Deutschland und Europa geworden. Die aktuellen Expertengespräche und die politischen Debatten konzentrieren sich vor allem auf die soziale und wirtschaftliche Seite der Integration, während das Spektrum der bürgerlichen und politischen Partizipation deutlich weniger präsent ist. Um einer Marginalisierung von Flüchtlingen schon frühzeitig entgegenzuwirken und bürgerliche und politische Partizipation zu berücksichtigen, unterstützt die Robert Bosch Stiftung das Vorhaben vom "International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance" (IDEA). Das Internationale IDEA führt ein globales Forschungsprojekt über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der politischen Partizipation von Geflüchteten durch.
Year 2016
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1508 Project

Hazard Characteristics and Patterns of Environmental Injustice: Household-Level Determinants of Environmental Risk in Miami, Florida

Authors Sara E. Grineski, Timothy W. Collins, Jayajit Chakraborty, ...
Year 2017
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1509 Journal Article

Conceptualizing Statelessness as a Human Rights Challenge: Framing, Visual Representation, and (Partial) Issue Emergence

Authors Lindsey N. Kingston
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Human Rights Practice
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1510 Journal Article

Public opinion, mobilizations and policies concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrants times (Europe and Belgium)

Principal investigator Andrea Rea (Coordinator), Marco Martiniello (Partner), Bart Meuleman (Partner)
The European challenges in the field of migration have an impact on society, since the division between them opposed to newcomers and welcoming them has been continuously increasing. The project addresses the perceptions of the Belgian and European population about refugees/migrants and vice versa as well as their interactions with the policy agenda of asylum and migration with a European comparative perspective and a specific focus on Belgium. As Europe face important migratory challenges and political difficulties we have seen an increase of the public opinion’s polarisation regarding asylum and refugees, it is important to address this question. Including teams from our project will analyse this polarisation and its links to policies, as it is necessary for a better understanding of the current debate on migration in Europe and Belgium. The 2015 asylum crisis will be considered as indicative of the general European and Belgian citizens’ reactions about migration. The focus is then on attitudes, representations, discourses and practices about refugees, on the interactions at the local level between the majority populations and newly arrived migrants. The project will follow two objectives. First studying public opinion towards asylum seekers and refugees with a European cross- national perspective but also how these groups perceive Belgium, its asylum system and its reception policies. The second objective is to analyse the polarisation of the public opinion by focussing on pro and anti-refugees’ actions at the local level. This will allow understanding the links between public opinion and the implementation of asylum and reception policies. In order to fulfil these objectives, our project is based on 5 Work Packages that each focus on a specific dimension. The first two ones aim at developing a European comparative perspective on perceptions towards migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. This then includes a quantitative analysis of public opinion’s perceptions towards new immigration flows as well as a comparison of 5 European case studies (Sweden, Italy, Grece, Hungary and Germany). The three other work packages aim at a deep analysis of the Belgian situation. First, they consist of understanding actions and reactions towards asylum seekers and refugees at a local level. This implies to study the opposite reactions with an in-depth analysis of their content, justifications and determinants but also to focus on interactions between social groups (pro vs. anti migrants groups; ional citizens & refugees) as well as the interactions between the population’s reaction and the implementation of asylum and receptions policies. Second, studying the Belgian situation implies to analyse asylum seekers and refugees perceptions regarding the country’s asylum and reception policies. Lastly, it implies to realise a policy evaluation of those policies.
Year 2017
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1511 Project


Authors Burcu Toğral Koca
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
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1512 Journal Article

Context of Reception and School Violence: Exploring the Nexus of Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, Place, and School Crime

Authors Anthony A. Peguero, Yasmiyn Irizarry, Janice A. Iwama, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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1513 Journal Article

Aliens and Citizens in New Zealand

Authors Paul Spoonley
Book Title Citizenship in a Global World
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1514 Book Chapter

To fail an asylum seeker: Time, space and legal events

Authors Dan Fisher, Nick Gill, Natalia Paszkiewicz
Year 2021
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
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1515 Journal Article

‘Feed them First, Then Ask Virtue of Them’: Broadening and Deepening Freedom of Movement

Authors Andrea Sangiovanni
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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1517 Book Chapter

Where To Go? Drivers of Venezuelan Asylum Seekers

Authors Juan Pablo Diaz-Sanchez, Andrea Bonilla-Bolanos, Moises Obaco
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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1518 Journal Article

Intimate strangers: Eritrean male asylum seekers' perceptions of marriage and sexuality

Authors Lior Birger, Einat Peled
Year 2017
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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1519 Journal Article

“We Are Here to Stay” – Refugee Struggles in Germany Between Unity and Division

Authors Helge Schwiertz, Abimbola Odugbesan
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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1520 Book Chapter

Determinants of ethnic harassment among first- and second-generation immigrants in Europe

Authors Frank van Tubergen, Mathijs Kros
Year 2024
Journal Name European Sociological Review
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1522 Journal Article

Prisoners and Paupers

Authors Susan Olzak, Suzanne Shanahan
Year 2014
Journal Name American Sociological Review
1523 Journal Article

African American and Black Caribbean Mutual Feelings of Closeness

Authors Michael C. Thornton, Robert Joseph Taylor, Linda M. Chatters
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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1524 Journal Article

"Leftover Women" and "Kings of the Candy Shop": Gendering Chinese American Ancestral Homeland Migration to China

Authors Leslie K. Wang
Year 2017
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist
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1525 Journal Article

Legacies of loss: The health outcomes of slaveholder compensation in the British Cape Colony

Authors Igor Martins, Jeanne Cilliers, Johan Fourie
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 1
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1526 Journal Article

Perceiving and Controlling Maritime Flows. Technology, Kinopolitics, and the Governmentalization of Vision

Authors Georgios Glouftsios, Panagiotis Loukinas
Year 2022
Journal Name International Political Sociology
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1528 Journal Article

Non-use of modern contraceptives among women in humanitarian contexts: evidence from a qualitative study in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Authors Dorothy Ngozi Ononokpono, Nsidibe Akpan Usoro, Emmanuel Matthew Akpabio
Year 2023
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1529 Journal Article

“Viviendo En El Olvido”: Behind Bars, Latinos and Prison

Authors Suzanne Oboler
Year 2008
Journal Name Latino Studies
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1530 Journal Article

Differences in College Major Choice by Citizenship Status

Authors Milagros Nores
Year 2010
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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1531 Journal Article

The Experiences of Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Authors Anastasia Bermudez
Book Title International Migration, Transnational Politics and Conflict
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1532 Book Chapter

Foreign-born Canadian Emigrants and Their Characteristics, (1981–1986)

Authors Margaret Michalowski
Year 1991
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1533 Journal Article

Contact versus Exposure: Refugee Presence and Voting for the Far Right

Authors Andreas Steinmayr
Year 2021
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 112
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1535 Journal Article

Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism

Authors Jill Ahrens, Russell King
Year 2023
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1536 Book

Disability Among Native-born and Foreign-born Blacks in the United States

Authors Irma T. Elo, Neil K. Mehta, Cheng Huang
Year 2011
Journal Name Demography
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1537 Journal Article

Asylum destination choice - What makes some West European countries more attractive than others?

Authors E Neumayer
Year 2004
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1538 Journal Article

‘Stick Them to the Cross’: Anti-Trafficking Apps and the Production of Ignorance

Authors Jonathan Mendel, Kiril Sharapov
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Human Trafficking
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1539 Journal Article

Migration in the Southern Balkans

Authors Hans Vermeulen, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Riki van Boeschoten
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1540 Book

Turks in Europe. From Guest Worker to Transnational Citizen

Authors Paul Spickard
Year 2012
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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1541 Journal Article

Departing or Being Deported? Poland’s Approach towards Humanitarian Migrants

Authors Witold Klaus, Monika Szulecka
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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1542 Journal Article

‘I Couldn’t Figure Out What to Do’: Salvadorean Asylum Seekers Facing the Uncertainties of the 2020 Italian Amnesty

Authors Paola Bonizzoni, Paola Bonizzoni, Maurizio Artero, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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1543 Journal Article

Facing the Refugee Challenge in Europe: A Litmus Test for the European Union

Authors Cecilia Rizcallah
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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1545 Journal Article

Delen in verantwoordelijkheid - voorstel voor een solidair Europees asielsysteem

Authors Adviesraad Migratie, Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken
De afgelopen jaren is veel kritiek geuit op de onevenwichtige verdeling van het aantal asielverzoeken en de daarmee samenhangende verantwoordelijkheden tussen de lidstaten van de Europese Unie (EU). Niet alleen verschilt het aantal asielaanvragen -zowel in absolute als relatieve zin- tussen de lidstaten sterk, ook de wijze waarop lidstaten omgaan met asielzoekers en asielverzoeken loopt uiteen. Dit is des te opvallender omdat de normen in de EU gelijk zijn en zijn vervat in bindende Europese richtlijnen. De onevenwichtige verdeling van asielverzoeken levert spanningen op in de EU. Om die reden heeft de staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie aan de Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ) gevraagd hem te adviseren over de vraag hoe het Gemeenschappelijk Europees Asielsysteem (GEAS) zich kan ontwikkelen tot een solidair systeem, waarin de verantwoordelijkheden van lidstaten van de EU ten aanzien van asielzoekers en statushouders billijk worden verdeeld. De ACVZ beantwoordt deze vraag door een voorstel te doen voor een permanent verdelingsmechanisme van asielverantwoordelijkheden. Onder de term asielverantwoordelijkheden verstaat de ACVZ niet alleen de behandeling van asielverzoeken en de daaraan gekoppelde opvang, maar ook de integratie van toegelaten asielzoekers en de terugkeer van, of het omgaan met asielzoekers wier verzoek is afgewezen. Door de grote aantallen asielzoekers die dit jaar naar de EU zijn gekomen, is de discussie over de ongelijke verdeling van asielverantwoordelijkheden in een stroomversnelling terechtgekomen en zijn er in Europees verband verschillende maatregelen getroffen om de komst van deze asielzoekers in goede banen te leiden. Ook wordt gepoogd om de verantwoordelijkheden billijker over de lidstaten te verdelen, bijvoorbeeld door in totaal 160.000 asielzoekers met een hoge kans op een verblijfsvergunning te herplaatsen uit Italië en Griekenland naar de overige lidstaten. De uitvoering van deze maatregelen komt echter maar moeizaam van de grond en leidt tot verdere spanningen tussen de lidstaten. Het is dus zeer de vraag of een advies over een permanent verdelingsmechanisme op dit moment op breed politiek draagvlak kan rekenen in alle lidstaten. Een dergelijk mechanisme is volgens de ACVZ in de toekomst echter onontkoombaar. Daarom heeft de ACVZ gepoogd een advies te schrijven dat zowel juridisch haalbaar, als praktisch uitvoerbaar is
Year 2015
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1546 Report

Responsibility for Examining an Asylum Request

Authors Goran Melander
Year 1986
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1547 Journal Article

Refugees, humanitarian aid and the right to decline vaccinations

Authors A. L. Caplan, David R. Curry
Year 2015
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1548 Journal Article

Neighborhood context and racial/ethnic differences in young children's obesity: Structural barriers to interventions

Authors Rachel Tolbert Kimbro, Justin T. Denney
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1549 Journal Article

The Transformation Of European Border Controls

Authors Didier Bigo, Elspeth Guild
Year 2018
Book Title Extraterritorial Immigration Control
1550 Book Chapter

Forced Unemployment or Undocumented Work: The Burden of the Prohibition to Work for Asylum Seekers in the UK

Authors Nuria Targarona Rifa, Giorgia Dona
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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1552 Journal Article

Disparities in work-related homicide rates in selected retail industries in the United States, 2003-2008

Authors Cammie Chaumont Menendez, Srinivas Konda, Scott Hendricks, ...
Year 2013
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1553 Journal Article

Fear, Lies and Propaganda: The British Press and Asylum Seekers

Authors Pascale Villate-Compton
Year 2008
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1556 Journal Article

Asielzoekers in het gareel? Plan-, proces en effectevaluatie werking extra begeleiding en toezichtlocaties

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Jos Kuppens, Lisa Klein Haneveld, ...
Sinds eind 2017 is het mogelijk om overlastgevende asielzoekers een maatregel op te leggen en hen te plaatsen in een zogenaamde extra begeleiding en toezichtlocatie (ebtl). De ebtl-maatregel is te beschouwen als een aanvulling op de al bestaande maatregelen die het Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers (COA) kan opleggen. De ebtl-maatregel is vormgegeven als een pilot voor twee jaar en is binnen deze termijn geëvalueerd. De voor u liggende rapportage is het resultaat van deze evaluatie. De evaluatie valt uiteen in een plan-, een proces- en een effectevaluatie. Binnen de planevaluatie is gekeken wat de oorspronkelijk bedoelde doelen, doelgroep, werkzame bestanddelen en randvoorwaarden waren en is een oordeel gegeven of in vier elementen voldoende is voorzien. De procesevaluatie richtte zich op de daadwerkelijke invulling van deze elementen in de praktijk en de effectevaluatie op de daadwerkelijke resultaten van de ebtl-maatregel.
Year 2019
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1557 Report

Sovereign Power, Abject Spaces and Resistance: Contending Accounts of Asylum

Authors Vicki Squire
Book Title The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum
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1558 Book Chapter

Linguistic Challenges of Fieldwork for First-Generation Ethnic Researchers

Authors Shirin Khayambashi
Year 2022
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1560 Journal Article

Does Compliance with the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights Improve State Treatment of Migrants and Asylum Seekers? A Critical Appraisal of Aliens’ Rights in Greece

Authors Evangelia Psychogiopoulou
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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1561 Journal Article

Adult and Community Influence on Sexual Experience Among First-, Second-, and Third-Generation Immigrant Youth

Authors Kate Coleman-Minahan, Yurico Gutierrez, Sheana Bull
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 1
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1563 Journal Article

Ethnic Differences in Leaving Home: Timing and Pathways

Authors Aslan Zorlu, Clara H. Mulder
Year 2011
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 32
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1565 Journal Article

Asylum seekers in diaspora : Turks and Iranians in Sweden

Authors Francesco PASETTI
Year 2017
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 2, How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes : an analysis
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1566 Book Chapter

Asylum seeker- in the welfare state's waiting room

Authors Trine Lund Thomsen
Year 2013
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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1567 Journal Article

Sensing Intruders: Race and the Automation of Border Control

Authors Ivan Chaar-Lopez
Year 2019
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1569 Journal Article

Australia and Asylum Seekers

Authors J. McAdam
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
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1570 Journal Article

Detention of Asylum Seekers

Authors Kay Hailbronner
Year 2007
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 11
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1571 Journal Article

U.S. Immigrants in Dispersed and Traditional Settlements: National Origin Heterogeneity

Authors Mary M. Kritz, Douglas T. Gurak
Year 2015
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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1573 Journal Article

Integration of migrants in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Authors Alovsat ALIYEV, Sevinc MAMEDOVA
The main objective of this report is to analyze Azerbaijani legislation in the field of integration of foreigners, stateless persons and forced migrants, in order to see if it complies with international documents that Azerbaijan has signed. The authors also examine the application of this legislation and identify key public agencies and positions dealing with different aspects of integration. They also offer recommendations on how to resolve existing problems. It is established that Azerbaijan has signed key international ocuments and that legal framework has been formed to regulate foreigners’ entry to, departure from, and residence in Azerbaijan, as well as acquisition of Azerbaijani citizenship.
Year 2013
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1574 Report

Playing the victim? Human trafficking, African youth, and geographies of structural inequality

Authors James Esson
Year 2020
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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1576 Journal Article

Migration, Motherhood, Marriage: Cross‐Cultural Adaptation of North American Immigrant Mothers in Israel

Authors Laura I. Sigad, Rivka A. Eisikovits
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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1577 Journal Article

MEDAM assessment report on asylum and migration policies in Europe

Authors Mikkel BARSLUND, Matthias LÜCKE, Martin RUHS
In this 2019 MEDAM Assessment Report, we present insights from MEDAM research and policy dialogue since 2016 to explain how closer cooperation among EU member states and with countries of origin and transit can improve outcomes for all stakeholders. Crucially, short of establishing a new Iron Curtain on the EU’s external border or continuing to tolerate abuses, there is no way that either individual member states or the EU as a whole can insulate themselves from irregular migrants and asylum seekers. Yet, if crossing the EU border enabled all irregular migrants to remain in the EU for good, the integrity of EU visa and asylum policies would be undermined. Thus, close cooperation with countries of origin for the return and readmission of their citizens who have no right to remain in the EU is crucial. Still, it is typically not in the interest of countries of origin to limit the mobility of their citizens. Cooperation between the EU and countries of origin must therefore cover a wide enough range of policies to ensure that all parties consistently benefit from the policy package and have a strong incentive to meet their commitments. We emphasize more EU support for refugees hosted by low- and middle-income countries and more legal employment opportunities for non-EU citizens in the EU. Rethinking EU asylum and migration policies along these lines requires extensive consultations and negotiations among stakeholders in Europe and in countries of origin and transit. Our ‘insights’ are meant to inform and stimulate such conversations. However, sustainable reforms will come only as the result of stakeholders working out the details and developing a sense of ownership of the necessary reforms. Our first set of insights relates to popular attitudes toward immigration and the structure of public preferences for asylum and refugee protection policies (section 2 of this report). Next, we explain how the EU and countries of origin and transit can all benefit from cooperating on border management, refugee protection, and expanding legal labor migration to the EU (section 3). Finally, we consider the implications for cooperation among EU member states and the long-standing plans for reform of the European asylum system (section 4).
Year 2019
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1578 Report

‘Wish to Dream’ Fulfilment: the Motivations for Onward Migration

Authors Nunzia Di Cristo, Cynthia Akwei
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 1
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1579 Journal Article

Irregular Networks: Bangkok Refugees in the City and Region

Authors Pei A. Palmgren
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1580 Journal Article

Internal Displacement and Subjective Well-Being: The Case of Ukraine in 2018

Authors Brienna Perelli-Harris, Jane Zavisca, Nataliia Levchuk, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Social Forces
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1581 Journal Article

Legal Aid for Asylum Seekers: Progress and Challenges in Italy

Authors Katia Bianchini
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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1582 Journal Article

Europe's migration crisis: an American perspective

Authors Philip Martin
Year 2016
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1583 Journal Article

Asylum seekers, Refugees and IDPs in the EaP countries: Recognition, Social Protection and integration - An Overview.

This paper is based on the information included in the twenty-one explanatory notes from CARIM East network members, covering the demo-economic, legal and socio-political aspects of the situation of asylum seekers, refugees and IDPs in individual countries of the CARIM East region. This paper gives an overview of the basic facts concerning populations in need of protection in the Eastern Partnership countries, who are defined as asylum seekers, refugees and IDPs. It focuses especially on their recognition, social protection and integration.
Year 2013
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1584 Report

A Qualitative Study Exploring the Psychosocial Needs of Male Undocumented Afghan Migrants in Istanbul, Turkey

Authors Qais Alemi, Susanne Montgomery, Carl Stempel
Year 2018
Journal Name Societies
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1585 Journal Article

A Critical Analysis of the Kampala Convention from a Children’s Rights Perspective

Authors Charissa E. Fawole
Year 2020
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1586 Journal Article

Sources of Interactional Problems in a Survey of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination

Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Public Opinion Research
Citations (WoS) 1
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1587 Journal Article

Assimilation, Ethnic Competition, and Ethnic Identities of U.S.-Born Persons of Mexican Origin

Authors Hiromi Ono
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1588 Journal Article

Dietary Sources of Calcium Among Parents and Their Early Adolescent Children in the United States by Parent Race/Ethnicity and Place of Birth

Authors Mary Cluskey, Siew Sun Wong, Rickelle Richards, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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1589 Journal Article

Border control

Authors Jemimah Steinfeld
Year 2024
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1590 Journal Article

DIASP: Assessing the Dublin Regulation’s impact on asylum seekers’ access to protection and identifying best practice implementation in the European Union

The DIASP project aims to bring the personal experiences of asylum seekers directly into the EU and member state debate on Dublin. Its central objective is twofold: to study the level of protection asylum seekers have access to under the implementation of the Dublin Regulation, and to identify and advocate for best practices in implementing Dublin procedures in 10 member states of the EU.
Year 2012
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1591 Project

Tourism and Immigration: For a Policy of hospitality in Brazil During the Years 1937-1951

Authors Senia Bastos, Maria do Rosario Rolfsen Salles, Marielys Siqueira Bueno
Year 2014
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1592 Journal Article

Assimilation, ethnic competition, and ethnic identities of US-born persons of Mexican origin

Authors H Ono
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1593 Journal Article

The Integration of the Second Generation

Principal investigator Maurice Crul (Principal Investigator), Jens Schneider (Principal Investigator), Maren Wilmes (Principal Investigator), Inken Sürig (Principal Investigator)
"TIES (The Integration of the European Second Generation) nahm seinen Anfang im Jahr 2005 als Forschungsprojekt zur zweiten Generation in acht EU-Staaten unter der Leitung des Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) der Universität Amsterdam und des Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). Die TIES-Studie richtet sich auf die Nachkommen von Einwanderern aus der Türkei, Jugoslawien (Nachkommen jugoslawischer „Gastarbeiter“) und Marokko, wobei die „zweite Generation“ gefasst wird als die Kinder von Einwanderern, die im Einwanderungsland der Eltern geboren wurden und leben. Zum Zeitpunkt der Erhebung waren die Befragten zwischen 18 und 35 Jahre alt. Daneben wurde eine Kontrollgruppe von Probanden „nicht-migrantischer“ Herkunft interviewt. Da es sich bei Migration um ein größtenteils urbanes Phänomen handelt, wurde die Studie in 15 Städten in acht EU-Ländern durchgeführt: Paris und Straßburg in Frankreich, Berlin und Frankfurt am Main in Deutschland, Madrid und Barcelona in Spanien, Wien und Linz in Österreich, Amsterdam und Rotterdam in den Niederlanden, Brüssel und Antwerpen in Belgien, Zürich und Basel in der Schweiz und Stockholm in Schweden. In fast allen Städten wurden jeweils drei verschiedene Gruppen unterschiedlicher ethnisch-nationaler Herkunft befragt, namentlich zwei Gruppen der zweiten Generation und eine Kontrollgruppe autochthoner Herkunft. Die jeweiligen Gruppen der zweiten Generation waren türkischer und marokkanischer Herkunft in den Niederlanden und Belgien sowie türkischer und jugoslawischer Herkunft in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. In Frankreich und Schweden wurde nur die zweite Generation türkischer Herkunft und die Kontrollgruppe untersucht, in Spanien nur Marokkaner der zweiten Generation und die Kontrollgruppe. Die TIES-Studiengruppe bestand aus neun nationalen Partnern und einer internationalen Koordinationseinheit. Die deutsche Volkswagen-Stiftung stellte die Mittel für eine Kernuntersuchung unter Türken zweiter Generation in fünf Ländern zur Verfügung stellte. Zusätzliche nationale und internationale Förderung insbesondere durch ESF ECRP und die Bertelsmann-Stiftung gestattete die Ausweitung der TIES-Erhebung auf drei weitere Länder und die Einbeziehung zweier weiterer Befragtengruppen."
Year 2006
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1594 Project

Hope, Disillusion and Coincidence in Migratory Decisions by Senegalese Migrants in Brazil

Authors Philipp Roman Jung
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Inclusion
Citations (WoS) 4
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1595 Journal Article

“We Demand Our Rights!” The Refugee Protest Camp Vienna

Authors Monika Mokre
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
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1596 Book Chapter

Interviewing Female Asylum Seekers

Authors Gill Hinshelwood
Year 1996
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
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1597 Journal Article

Public opinion, mobilisations and policies concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrants times (Europe and Belgium)

The European challenges in the field of migration have an impact on society, since the division between them opposed to newcomers and welcoming them has been continuously increasing. The project addresses the perceptions of the Belgian and European population about refugees/migrants and vice versa as well as their interactions with the policy agenda of asylum and migration with a European comparative perspective and a specific focus on Belgium. As Europe face important migratory challenges and political difficulties we have seen an increase of the public opinion’s polarisation regarding asylum and refugees, it is important to address this question. Including teams from our project will analyse this polarisation and its links to policies, as it is necessary for a better understanding of the current debate on migration in Europe and Belgium. The 2015 asylum crisis will be considered as indicative of the general European and Belgian citizens’ reactions about migration. The focus is then on attitudes, representations, discourses and practices about refugees, on the interactions at the local level between the majority populations and newly arrived migrants. The project will follow two objectives. First studying public opinion towards asylum seekers and refugees with a European cross- national perspective but also how these groups perceive Belgium, its asylum system and its reception policies. The second objective is to analyse the polarisation of the public opinion by focussing on pro and anti-refugees’ actions at the local level. This will allow understanding the links between public opinion and the implementation of asylum and reception policies. In order to fulfil these objectives, our project is based on 5 Work Packages that each focus on a specific dimension. The first two ones aim at developing a European comparative perspective on perceptions towards migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. This then includes a quantitative analysis of public opinion’s perceptions towards new immigration flows as well as a comparison of 5 European case studies (Sweden, Italy, Grece, Hungary and Germany). The three other work packages aim at a deep analysis of the Belgian situation. First, they consist of understanding actions and reactions towards asylum seekers and refugees at a local level. This implies to study the opposite reactions with an in-depth analysis of their content, justifications and determinants but also to focus on interactions between social groups (pro vs. anti migrants groups; ional citizens & refugees) as well as the interactions between the population’s reaction and the implementation of asylum and receptions policies. Second, studying the Belgian situation implies to analyse asylum seekers and refugees perceptions regarding the country’s asylum and reception policies. Lastly, it implies to realise a policy evaluation of those policies. The aim of this project and the main questions it addresses focus more on the relations and on the dynamics existing between the citizens and the migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Hence, we propose to broaden the scope of what is usually done by extending the focus on actors that are often not implied in migration studies: the majority population and the impact of new migration waves on social cohesion. The expected results concerns: 1) an in-depth and comparative knowledge of attitudes towards migrants and refugees in Europe; 2) an analysis of the factors influencing the attitudes of rejections, disregards and support; 3) an in-depth analysis of the specificities of the current wave of migration compared to the last ones; 4) an in-depth analysis of citizens’ and migrants’ discourses, representation and practices and of their reaction on social cohesion at a local level;
Year 2017
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1598 Project

Internally displaced families in Khartoum-Sudan: challenges and policy implications

Authors Azza Abdelmoneium
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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1599 Journal Article

Select bibliography. Internet sources on internally displaced persons in Africa

Authors Anon
Year 1999
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
1600 Journal Article
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