
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Integration policies : country report for Croatia

Authors Simona KUTI
The report provides a description of the main policy documents, initiatives and actors dealing with immigrant integration in Croatia. After introductory remarks concerning the context and recent migration flows to Croatia – which are composed mainly of citizens from the countries of former Yugoslavia – the report identifies main target groups and the focus of integration measures, as well as the main policy tools implemented thus far. The third section focuses on forms of engagement by civil society organisations concerning integration – providing services and various forms of assistance, primarily to asylum seekers, refugees and persons under subsidiary protection. Given that the main policy measures are in the early stages of development or planned for upcoming periods, it is premature to fully assess their implementation. However, since most of the current measures target asylum seekers, asylum grantees and subsidiary protection beneficiaries it will be necessary to develop new integration instruments or extend the applicability of the existing ones to different categories of immigrants, to correspond to the envisaged future role of Croatia as an immigration country.
Year 2014
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1601 Report

Making Sense? The Support of Dispersed Asylum Seekers

Authors Philip Brown, Christine Horrocks
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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1602 Journal Article

Dispersal as Abjectification: The Diffusion of Punitive ‘Internal’ Controls

Authors Vicki Squire
Book Title The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum
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1603 Book Chapter

Historical Layers of Refugee Reception in Border Areas of Italy: Crossroads of Transit and Temporalities of (Im)mobility

Authors Stefano degli Uberti, Stefano degli Uberti, Roberta Altin, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 1
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1604 Journal Article

Entre non-entrée e non-refoulement: uma análise crítica do discurso norueguês em sua atual gestão migratória

Authors Gabriela MEZZANOTTI
Year 2000
Book Title Forced migrants: concept and contexts
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1605 Book Chapter

Behind the Scenes of South Africa’s Asylum Procedure: A Qualitative Study on Long-term Asylum-Seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Authors Liesbeth Schockaert, Emilie Venables, Maria-Teresa Gil-Bazo, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Citations (WoS) 11
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1606 Journal Article

Channels of Entry and Preferred Destinations: The Circumvention of Denmark by Chinese Immigrants

Authors Mette Thunø
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 5
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1608 Journal Article


Authors William Walters
Year 2006
Journal Name European Journal of Social Theory
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1609 Journal Article

European Asylum Policies and the Stranded Asylum Seekers in Southeastern Europe

Authors Marko Valenta, Moa Nyamwathi Lonning, Jo Jakobsen, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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1610 Journal Article

Where are you from? A validation of the Foreigner Objectification Scale and the psychological correlates of foreigner objectification among Asian Americans and Latinos.

Authors Brian E. Armenta, Richard M. Lee, Stephanie T. Pituc, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
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1611 Journal Article

Labor Migration and Trafficking among Vietnamese Migrants in Asia

Authors Daniele Belanger
Year 2014
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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1612 Journal Article

The systematic composition of asylum legislation in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Authors Alovsat ALIYEV
The law with the greatest legal effect on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan (RA) is the RA Constitution.1 Granting political asylum is provided for by Article 70 of the RA Constitution that stipulates that ?in accordance with universally accepted norms of the international law, [RA] grants political asylum to foreign nationals and stateless persons
Year 2013
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1613 Report

Asielzoekers in het gareel? Plan-, proces en effectevaluatie werking extra begeleiding en toezichtlocaties

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Jos Kuppens, Lisa Klein Haneveld, ...
Sinds eind 2017 is het mogelijk om overlastgevende asielzoekers een maatregel op te leggen en hen te plaatsen in een zogenaamde extra begeleiding en toezichtlocatie (ebtl). De ebtl-maatregel is te beschouwen als een aanvulling op de al bestaande maatregelen die het Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers (COA) kan opleggen. De ebtl-maatregel is vormgegeven als een pilot voor twee jaar en is binnen deze termijn geëvalueerd. De voor u liggende rapportage is het resultaat van deze evaluatie. De evaluatie valt uiteen in een plan-, een proces- en een effectevaluatie. Binnen de planevaluatie is gekeken wat de oorspronkelijk bedoelde doelen, doelgroep, werkzame bestanddelen en randvoorwaarden waren en is een oordeel gegeven of in vier elementen voldoende is voorzien. De procesevaluatie richtte zich op de daadwerkelijke invulling van deze elementen in de praktijk en de effectevaluatie op de daadwerkelijke resultaten van de ebtl-maatregel.
Year 2019
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1614 Report

Ricochet Effects: Global Circulations of Cultural Memory Debates

'The aim of this project is for Dr Alison Ribeiro de Menezes to go from University College Dublin, Ireland, to Brown University, USA, for a period of 1 year to gain new expertise in memory debates and cultural exchanges in the Portuguese and Spanish-speaking worlds. She will transfer this to Ireland during a return year of training at University College Dublin, thereby developing a new understanding within the ERA of the global circulation of memory debates. The project addresses memory’s global migrations by shifting attention from nationally based perspectives to a multi-lingual and multi-continental view. Knowledge of identity and memory debates in the Lusophone world (including Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, and East Timor) and of Hispanic transatlantic exchanges (particularly between Spain, Argentina, and Chile) gained at Brown will be used to develop a ‘ricochet’ model of transnational cultural exchange. The research foregrounds the contingency of exchange processes involved in memory formation, de-formation, and re-formation; explores the lessons, for the advancement of national and international justice, of the vernacularization of human rights discourses and their role in promoting memory’s cross-cultural migrations; and seeks re-centre cultural memory studies by exploring multidirectional memory in a Luso-Hispanic perspective in order to supplement and deepen prevailing Franco-German theoretical models. Through knowledge transfer activities in the incoming phase, the project will facilitate mutual exchanges between researchers and policy makers in the fields of memory, rights and retrospective justice in the ERA and so enhance research excellence and bridge links between academia and practitioners.'
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1615 Project

Comparative Citizenship and Aliens’ Rights

Authors Atsushi Kondo
Book Title Citizenship in a Global World
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1616 Book Chapter

Frequency of Infectious Diseases in Immigrants in a Western European Country: A Population-Based Study

Authors Rosa Maria Limina, Guglielmino Baitelli, Claudio Marcantoni, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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1618 Journal Article

Indian and Polish Migrant Organizations in the UK

Authors Thomas Lacroix
Book Title Cross Border Migrant Organizations in Comparative Perspective
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1619 Book Chapter

Interview Language: A Proxy Measure for Acculturation Among Asian Americans in a Population-Based Survey

Authors Sunghee Lee, Hoang Anh Nguyen, Jennifer Tsui
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 40
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1621 Journal Article

Economic Assimilation of the “Third Generation”: An Intergenerational Mobility Perspective

Authors Aslan Zorlu, Wouter van Gent
Year 2023
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1622 Journal Article

Evaluating local system change using a comparative maturity matrix

Authors Mike Coldwell, Sarah Pearson, Ian Wilson
Year 2022
Citations (WoS) 1
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1623 Journal Article

Rethinking irregular migration in Turkey: Some Demo-Economic Reflections

Authors Ahmet İÇDUYGU
At the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, Turkey faces irregular migration flows, both as a country of destination and of transit: the irregular migration flows to the country consist mainly of transit migrants, clandestine immigrant workers, asylum seekers and refugees. In the last decade, the major migration flows into Turkey have come from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, while significant numbers have also arrived from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Georgia. Migrants from the former countries are mainly transients heading for Europe or other more developed parts of the world. They stay in Turkey only on a temporary basis. Migrants from the latter group of countries are foreign nationals who intend to work illegally in Turkey, for a limited period of time. Turkey’s position over the 1951 Geneva Convention, excluding non-European asylum seekers, further complicates the situation as non-Europeans account for the majority of asylum seekers in Turkey. Another feature of migration to Turkey is the national diversity of the immigrants: authorities in Turkey have identified 163 nationalities that have arrived in the country in the last decade. Clearly, Turkey has become a country with multiple roles in irregular migratory movements. Utilising a relatively revealing data set on the apprehending of irregular migrants provided by the security forces together with the findings of several surveys conducted in the country, this paper, first, documents the irregular migration experience in Turkey over the last 30 years. It also relates the phenomenon of irregular migration in Turkey to the wider context of European international migratory regimes. Then the paper outlines the developments associated with irregular migration in the country. The role of Turkey’s EU affairs within these changes is complex and contradictory, and not yet fully explored. After describing irregular migration, the paper explores, finally, the way in which the political construction of irregular migration is associated with the securitisation and economisation of international migratory regimes in Europe and around its peripheries.
Year 2008
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1624 Report

Italy and the refugees crisis

Authors Francesca Longo
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Political and Military sociology,
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1625 Journal Article

Polarisation, Public Housing and Racial Minorities in US Cities

Authors William H. Carter, Michael H. Schill, Susan M. Wachter
Year 1998
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 56
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1626 Journal Article

From Legislation to Integration?

Authors Patrick Roach, Muhammad Anwar, Ranjit Sondhi
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1627 Book

Classical and Modern Prejudice toward Asylum Seekers: The Mediating Role of Intergroup Anxiety in a Sample of Italians

Authors Rocco Servidio
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 7
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1629 Journal Article

Forced Unemployment or Undocumented Work: The Burden of the Prohibition to Work for Asylum Seekers in the UK

Authors Nuria Targarona Rifa, Giorgia Dona
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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1630 Journal Article

Intergenerational Transmission of Ethnic Identity, Integration and Transnational Ties

Authors Zana Vathi
Book Title Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World
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1631 Book Chapter

Exploring the health consequences of majority-minority neighborhoods: Minority diversity and birthweight among native-born and foreign-born blacks

Authors Zoua M. Vang, Irma T. Elo
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1632 Journal Article

Public opinion, mobilisations and policies concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrants times (Europe and Belgium)

The European challenges in the field of migration have an impact on society, since the division between them opposed to newcomers and welcoming them has been continuously increasing. The project addresses the perceptions of the Belgian and European population about refugees/migrants and vice versa as well as their interactions with the policy agenda of asylum and migration with a European comparative perspective and a specific focus on Belgium. As Europe face important migratory challenges and political difficulties we have seen an increase of the public opinion’s polarisation regarding asylum and refugees, it is important to address this question. Including teams from our project will analyse this polarisation and its links to policies, as it is necessary for a better understanding of the current debate on migration in Europe and Belgium. The 2015 asylum crisis will be considered as indicative of the general European and Belgian citizens’ reactions about migration. The focus is then on attitudes, representations, discourses and practices about refugees, on the interactions at the local level between the majority populations and newly arrived migrants. The project will follow two objectives. First studying public opinion towards asylum seekers and refugees with a European cross- national perspective but also how these groups perceive Belgium, its asylum system and its reception policies. The second objective is to analyse the polarisation of the public opinion by focussing on pro and anti-refugees’ actions at the local level. This will allow understanding the links between public opinion and the implementation of asylum and reception policies. In order to fulfil these objectives, our project is based on 5 Work Packages that each focus on a specific dimension. The first two ones aim at developing a European comparative perspective on perceptions towards migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. This then includes a quantitative analysis of public opinion’s perceptions towards new immigration flows as well as a comparison of 5 European case studies (Sweden, Italy, Grece, Hungary and Germany). The three other work packages aim at a deep analysis of the Belgian situation. First, they consist of understanding actions and reactions towards asylum seekers and refugees at a local level. This implies to study the opposite reactions with an in-depth analysis of their content, justifications and determinants but also to focus on interactions between social groups (pro vs. anti migrants groups; ional citizens & refugees) as well as the interactions between the population’s reaction and the implementation of asylum and receptions policies. Second, studying the Belgian situation implies to analyse asylum seekers and refugees perceptions regarding the country’s asylum and reception policies. Lastly, it implies to realise a policy evaluation of those policies. The aim of this project and the main questions it addresses focus more on the relations and on the dynamics existing between the citizens and the migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Hence, we propose to broaden the scope of what is usually done by extending the focus on actors that are often not implied in migration studies: the majority population and the impact of new migration waves on social cohesion. The expected results concerns: 1) an in-depth and comparative knowledge of attitudes towards migrants and refugees in Europe; 2) an analysis of the factors influencing the attitudes of rejections, disregards and support; 3) an in-depth analysis of the specificities of the current wave of migration compared to the last ones; 4) an in-depth analysis of citizens’ and migrants’ discourses, representation and practices and of their reaction on social cohesion at a local level;
Year 2017
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1633 Project

“Whom Should I Talk To?”: Role Prescription and Hierarchy Building in Supervised Living Groups

Authors Daniel Schubert, Alexander Brand
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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1634 Journal Article

Confined in Waiting: Young Asylum Seekers Narrating In and Out of Temporary Shelter

Authors Maria Petajaniemi, Mervi Kaukko, Maija Lanas
Year 2020
Journal Name YOUNG
Citations (WoS) 3
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1636 Journal Article

Temporary vs. permanent migration A decision theoretical approach

Authors Siegfried Berninghaus, Hans G�nther Seifert-Vogt
Year 1989
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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1637 Journal Article

The European Second Generation Compared

Authors Jens Schneider, Maurice Crul, Frans Lelie
Year 2012
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1638 Book

Envisioning (black) male feminism: a cross-cultural perspective

Authors S Adu-Poku
Year 2001
Journal Name Journal of Gender Studies
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1639 Journal Article

A mixed-method study of expert psychological evidence submitted for a cohort of asylum seekers undergoing refugee status determination in Australia

Authors Kuowei Tay, Naomi Frommer, Jill Hunter, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1640 Journal Article

Mental ill health among asylum seekers and other immigrants in Sweden

Authors Julia Lindgren, Solvig Ekblad, Maria Asplund, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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1641 Journal Article

The Volunteer Asylum Seeker: a New Figure of the “Deserving Migrant”?

Authors Simone Di Cecco
Year 2021
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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1642 Journal Article

‘Wish to Dream’ Fulfilment: the Motivations for Onward Migration

Authors Nunzia Di Cristo, Cynthia Akwei
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 1
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1643 Journal Article

Context-Based Qualitative Research and Multi-sited Migration Studies in Europe

Authors Russell King
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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1644 Book Chapter

Local responses to hostility to new asylum seeker centres in Norway

Authors Mette Stromso, Susanne Bygnes
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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1645 Journal Article

Mobility: A Practice or a Capital?

Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
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1646 Book Chapter

Understanding the complexities of ethnic-racial socialization processes for both minority and majority groups: A 30-year systematic review

Authors Naomi Priest, Jessica Walton, Fiona White, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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1647 Journal Article

The impact of immigration on the internal migration of natives and immigrants

Authors Mary M. Kritz, Douglas T. Gurak
Year 2001
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 52
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1648 Journal Article

Welfare Index of Migrant Workers in the Gulf: the Case of Qatar

Authors Abdoulaye Diop, Semsia Al-Ali Mustafa, Michael Ewers, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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1649 Journal Article

Towards an anthropology of cultural mobilities

Authors Noel B Salazar
Year 2010
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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1650 Journal Article

Making it in America: Social mobility in the immigrant population

Authors George J. Borjas
Year 2006
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1651 Journal Article

Geographies of Discrimination: Variations in Perceived Discomfort and Discrimination in Canada's Gateway Cities

Authors Brian Ray, Valerie Preston
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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1653 Journal Article

Migration between States and Markets

Authors Marco Martiniello
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1654 Journal Article

Counter-Terrorism Measures and Refugee Protection in North Africa

Authors Nizar Messari, Johannes van der Klaauw
Year 2010
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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1655 Journal Article

Cross-cultural Comparisons of Managerial Perceptions on Profit

Authors Aster Yong
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Business Ethics
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1656 Journal Article

Asylum seekers - Australia's response to refugees

Authors J Burnside
Year 2002
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1657 Journal Article

ASAW: Asylum Seeking And Work

Exchange about and raising awareness for asylum seeker’s labour market excess in good time under consideration of EU Legislations and an improvement of information services
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1658 Project

Accurately Counting Asian Americans Is a Civil Rights Issue

Authors Jennifer Lee, Karthick Ramakrishnan, Janelle Wong
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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1659 Journal Article

Impact of visa liberalisation on countries of destination

Authors European Migration Network
. The main direct impacts of visa liberalisation included an immediate increase in shortterm travel to the countries of destination from visa-free countries and an immediate reduction in the workload of consulate staff. The new visa-free regime also led to an increase in border control activities by EU Member States and Norway to avoid the misuse of visa liberalisation. 2. One of the main indirect impacts of visa liberalisation related to the facilitation of access to the labour market in specific Member States. Following visa liberalisation, which has made it easier for third-country nationals to travel to the EU and Norway to explore employment opportunities, there has been an increase in the number of residence permits issued to nationals of the eight visa-free countries (mostly for remunerated activities). Another indirect impact relates to higher levels of cooperation during return and readmission procedures with visa-free countries. 3. Following visa liberalisation, there has been an overall increase in the number of asylum applicants from visa-free countries, most of which have received a negative decision. Some of the measures adopted by Member States to cope with the high number of asylum applications included the designation of visa-free countries as safe countries of origin (allowing an accelerated asylum procedure), information campaigns and cooperation with the national authorities of visa-free countries. 4. There has been an increase in the number of nationals from visa-free countries detected as overstaying their maximum period allowed after visa liberalisation and 12 Member States reported this as a challenge. However, it was not possible to establish a clear link between visa liberalisation, irregular stay and overstay and less than half of the Member States implemented any specific measures to combat this phenomenon. 5. Most Member States did not report any specific challenges in the area of illegal employment after visa liberalisation was introduced. Only a few Member States adopted measures specifically targeting nationals from visa-free countries. 6. There was little evidence of a link between visa liberalisation and the facilitation of irregular migration. Several Member States adopted additional or new measures to counter the activities of facilitators after visa liberalisation, including reinforcing bilateral cooperation, strengthening penalties for facilitation of irregular migration and setting up joint police investigations. Similarly, available data cannot establish a clear link between visa liberalisation and any increases in smuggling and trafficking in human beings. 7. After visa liberalisation was introduced, several Member States observed an increase in criminal activities. All eight visa-free countries were asked to reinforce their actions to fight against such activities, particularly against organised crime groups. This phenomenon is closely monitored and failure to cooperate with EU Member States and Norway in this area could lead to the suspension of the visa-free travel to nationals from the eight countries subject of this study.
Year 2019
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1661 Report

Rethinking Australian Immigration and Immigrant Settlement Policy

Authors Jock Collins
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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1662 Journal Article

Mortality differences between the foreign-born and locally-born population in France (2004-2007)

Authors Roxane Boulogne, Eric Jougla, Yves Breem, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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1664 Journal Article

Self‐Employment and Earnings Among Migrants in Australia

Authors Anh T. Lee
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration
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1665 Journal Article

From Refugees to Forced Migration: The UNHCR and Human Security

Authors Howard Adelman
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 22
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1666 Journal Article

Who Leaves? The Outmigration of the Foreign-Born

Authors GJ Borjas, B Bratsberg
Year 1996
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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1668 Journal Article

Internal migration of Canadian immigrants, 1993-2004: Evidence from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics

Authors Karen M. King, K. Bruce Newbold
Year 2011
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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1669 Journal Article

Ancestral Return Migration and Second-Generation Greeks in Italy

Authors Andrea Pelliccia
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Modern Greek Studies
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1670 Journal Article

The new European border and coast guard agency: pooling sovereignty or giving it up?

Authors Martin Deleixhe, Denis Duez
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of European Integration
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1671 Journal Article

No necessary tradeoff: Context, life course, and social networks in the identity formation of second-generation Nigerians in the USA

Authors Oluwakemi M. Balogun
Year 2011
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 14
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1673 Journal Article

Second generation from refugee backgrounds in Europe

Authors Milena Chimienti, Alice Bloch, Laurence Ossipow, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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1674 Journal Article

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: a Human Rights Assessment of the Fate of Excluded Asylum-seekers and Criminal Refugees in Australia

Authors Julia Zomignani Barboza
Year 2022
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
Citations (WoS) 1
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1675 Journal Article

HPV Vaccine recommendations: does a health care provider’s gender and ethnicity matter to Unvaccinated Latina college women?

Authors Natalie D. Hernandez, Ellen M. Daley, Lauren Young, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
Citations (WoS) 3
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1676 Journal Article

Accommodation centres for asylum seekers as sites of conflict and collaboration: Strategies for the prevention of violence

Authors Noa Milman, Sifka Etlar Frederiksen
Year 2023
Journal Name Culture, Practice & Europeanization
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1677 Journal Article

Supporting Women Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Authors Jane Freedman
Year 2015
Book Title Gendering the International Asylum and Refugee Debate
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1679 Book Chapter

Educational Assimilation of First-Generation and Second-Generation Immigrants in Germany

Authors Thomas Gries, Margarete Redlin, Moonum Zehra
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 12
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1680 Journal Article

Rooted displacement: the paradox of belonging among stateless people

Authors Kristy A. Belton
Year 2015
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
1681 Journal Article

Valletta Summit on Migration: A Common Political Basis. Cooperation in Migration Between Africa and the European Union.

Authors International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Year 2015
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1682 Policy Brief

The Political Economy of Refugee Migration

Authors Mathias Czaika
Year 2009
Journal Name Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
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1683 Journal Article

The emigration of immigrants, return vs onward migration: evidence from Sweden

Authors Lena Nekby
Year 2006
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 51
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1685 Journal Article

Children as informal interpreters in GP consultations: pragmatics and ideology

Authors S Cohen, J Moran-Ellis, C Smaje
Year 1999
Journal Name Sociology of Health & Illness
1686 Journal Article

Immigration and Adult Transitions

Authors Ruben G. Rumbaut, Golnaz Komaie
Year 2010
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1687 Journal Article

Waiting in Motion. Migrants’ Involvement in Civil Society Organizations While Pursuing a Migration Project

Authors Olga Odgers-Ortiz, Olga Odgers-Ortiz, Olga Lidia Olivas Hernández, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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1688 Journal Article

Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in the Netherlands. Choice or chance?

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Sanne Noyon, Monika Smit, ...
Worldwide, many migrants leave their countries in search of safety and internation- al protection. In 2015, the number of asylum seekers in Europe reached a peak. Among them were unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (UMAs). The current study aimed to shed light on the push and pull factors that played a role in the flight of the UMAs who arrived in the Netherlands in 2015, to understand the processes through which these minors ultimately ended up in this country, their expectations regarding the intended destination, if any, and their satisfaction with life in the Netherlands – topics about which little is known so far.
Year 2018
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1689 Report

MEDAM assessment report on asylum and migration policies in Europe

Authors Mikkel BARSLUND, Matthias LÜCKE, Martin RUHS
In this 2019 MEDAM Assessment Report, we present insights from MEDAM research and policy dialogue since 2016 to explain how closer cooperation among EU member states and with countries of origin and transit can improve outcomes for all stakeholders. Crucially, short of establishing a new Iron Curtain on the EU’s external border or continuing to tolerate abuses, there is no way that either individual member states or the EU as a whole can insulate themselves from irregular migrants and asylum seekers. Yet, if crossing the EU border enabled all irregular migrants to remain in the EU for good, the integrity of EU visa and asylum policies would be undermined. Thus, close cooperation with countries of origin for the return and readmission of their citizens who have no right to remain in the EU is crucial. Still, it is typically not in the interest of countries of origin to limit the mobility of their citizens. Cooperation between the EU and countries of origin must therefore cover a wide enough range of policies to ensure that all parties consistently benefit from the policy package and have a strong incentive to meet their commitments. We emphasize more EU support for refugees hosted by low- and middle-income countries and more legal employment opportunities for non-EU citizens in the EU. Rethinking EU asylum and migration policies along these lines requires extensive consultations and negotiations among stakeholders in Europe and in countries of origin and transit. Our ‘insights’ are meant to inform and stimulate such conversations. However, sustainable reforms will come only as the result of stakeholders working out the details and developing a sense of ownership of the necessary reforms. Our first set of insights relates to popular attitudes toward immigration and the structure of public preferences for asylum and refugee protection policies (section 2 of this report). Next, we explain how the EU and countries of origin and transit can all benefit from cooperating on border management, refugee protection, and expanding legal labor migration to the EU (section 3). Finally, we consider the implications for cooperation among EU member states and the long-standing plans for reform of the European asylum system (section 4).
Year 2019
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1690 Report

Whither US immigration?

Authors Philip Martin
Year 2016
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1691 Journal Article

Foreign-born Peers and Academic Performance

Authors Dylan Conger
Year 2015
Journal Name Demography
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1692 Journal Article

Policy Change, Threat Perception, and Mobility Catalysts: The Trump Administration as Driver of Asylum Migration to Canada

Authors Craig Damian Smith
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1693 Journal Article

From Conflict Zones to Europe: Syrian and Afghan Refugees’ Journeys, Stories, and Strategies

Authors Souhila Belabbas, Jakub Bijak, Ariana Modirrousta-Galian, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Inclusion
Citations (WoS) 6
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1694 Journal Article

MADE-REAL: Making Alternatives to Detention in Europe a Reality by Exchanges, Advocacy and Learning

The objectives are to address the knowledge and implementation gap concerning alternatives to detention for asylum seekers in the EU, paying particular attention to vulnerable asylum seekers, to assist Member States in the transposition of the recast Reception Conditions Directive and to enhance the use of alternatives to detention complying with EU and international legal standards.
Year 2013
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1695 Project

Can Google Trends predict asylum-seekers’ destination choices?

Authors Haodong Qi, Haodong Qi, Tuba Bircan, ...
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 1
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1696 Journal Article

Asylum seekers, refugees and IDPs in the EaP countries : recognition, social protection and integration : an overview

Authors Zuzanna BRUNARSKA, Agnieszka WEINAR
This paper is based on the information included in the twenty-one explanatory notes from CARIM East network members, covering the demo-economic, legal and socio-political aspects of the situation of asylum seekers, refugees and IDPs in individual countries of the CARIM East region. This paper gives an overview of the basic facts concerning populations in need of protection in the Eastern Partnership countries, who are defined as asylum seekers, refugees and IDPs. It focuses especially on their recognition, social protection and integration.
Year 2013
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1697 Report

Podcasting the Italian Postcolonial: An Analysis of Black Coffee and S/Confini

Authors Anna Finozzi
Year 2023
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1698 Journal Article

Responsibility for Examining an Asylum Request

Authors Goran Melander
Year 1986
Journal Name International Migration Review
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1699 Journal Article

Sovereign Power, Abject Spaces and Resistance: Contending Accounts of Asylum

Authors Vicki Squire
Book Title The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum
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1700 Book Chapter
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