
Showing page of 1908 results, sorted by

The interdisciplinary approach of socio-historical migration research: terms, concepts, methodological and theoretical questions

Authors Klaus J. Bade
Year 2018
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1 Journal Article

Intercultural teaching competence: a multi-disciplinary model for instructor reflection

Authors Nanda Dimitrov, Aisha Haque
Year 2016
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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2 Journal Article

The dragon and the snake: health practices among Chinese in the UK from an inter-disciplinary perspective

Authors Joanna Long, Paula Byrne, Mark Gabbay, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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3 Journal Article

Community sport and physical activity programs as sites of integration: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research conducted with forced migrants

Authors Thierry R. F. Middleton, Brennan Petersen, Robert J. Schinke, ...
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 27
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4 Journal Article


Authors Magdalena Bila, Alena Kacmarova, Ingrida Vankova
Year 2015
Journal Name Human Affairs
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5 Journal Article

A Cross-Atlantic Dialogue: The Progress of Research and Theory in the Study of International Migration

Authors Alejandro Portes, Josh DeWind
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
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6 Journal Article

The Intellectual and Material Legacies of Late Medieval Sephardic Judaism: An Interdisciplinary Approach

From the 13th to the 15th centuries, the Jews of the Iberian Peninsula (Sepharad) lived side by side with Christians and Muslims. Although persistent tensions existed between these three groups, their members also participated in a common artistic, intellectual and scientific endeavour that produced the requisite conditions for the dawn of the European Renaissance. The worldviews of all three communities revolved around their sacred texts—the Hebrew and Christian Bibles and the Qur’an. This project will take as a focal point Judaism and its sacred text, and will explore its role and impact in late medieval society at large. The project will coordinate the research of a group of young scholars doing groundbreaking work in the field, all sharing a cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary perspective. As a group, we will bring under analysis a wide range of concepts—the production of sacred texts as objects, the history of their cataloguing and preservation, the multiple and conflicting interpretations of their contents, their role as social agents that fostered coexistence or created exclusions, their impact in literature and the arts, their relationship with medieval science, and their relationship to Muslim and Christian Scriptures. The project has a special relevance for today’s multicultural and pluralistic Europe, as it can help to minimize fundamentalist readings of the sacred texts, bring about a greater understanding of the historical roots of modern intercultural conflict and, ultimately, contribute to the development of non essentialist theories of race and culture.
Year 2008
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7 Project

Neurodidactics of Performing Arts: The Impact of Drama Teaching on Second Language Acquisition

'Since the 1990s, Educational Neuroscience has become an emerging field of research which studies cognitive brain functions (thinking, memory, attention, emotions) and interfaces with the educational environment with the aim of improving teaching and learning. Simultaneously, 'Drama Teaching', a teaching methodology based on performing arts introduced in the 1970s, is now generating interest, especially in Foreign Language Learning. This research project will investigate aspects of cognition involved in the language learning process and it will analyse how Drama Teaching dynamics can impact language learning and proficiency. In order to define Drama Teaching as a methodology which involves the brain-mind-body dimension and fosters development of the learner as a whole person, a cognitive perspective will be adopted in relation to issues of a) embodied cognition, b) role of emotions in learning, c) impact of context and experience on learning d) cross-cultural identity process, development and awareness. Theoretical scientific investigation will be conducted on cognitive aspects relevant to learning, followed by the study and observation of dramatization practices. Development of curriculum and course implementation will follow. Particular attention will be given to the assessment of learning results and proficiency levels, as well as to the cognitive and emotional factors. The inter-disciplinary perspective adopted by this study is aimed at contributing to the debate on creative, interactive Foreign Language Education taking place in Europe and in the world. The scope is to contribute to the multi-disciplinary inquiries of Educational Neuroscience by elaborating a neuroscientifically grounded theory of Drama Teaching which gives educators guidelines to expand the range of teaching possibilities in accordance with the principles of Learning/Teaching of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”. '
Year 2015
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8 Project

Reconsidering ‘Diaspora’

Authors Jonathan Boyarin
Book Title Religion in Diaspora
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9 Book Chapter

A quantitative analysis of the micro-dynamics of persecution using biographic data of the Jews of Munich (1933-1945)

This project addresses the micro-dynamics of persecution during the Shoah. The project’s first main objective is the creation of a new and unique dataset based on biographical data of all 13,500 Jews who lived in Munich between 1933 and 1945, and historical tax and forced divestment files which will be digitalised at the beginning of the project. The second main objective is to use this novel data set and state-of-the-art econometric methods to analyse (i) the role of social status in the exposure to expropriation, (ii) the reaction of victims to expropriation, (iii) the roles of socio-economic characteristics in the success to migrate, and (iv) the roles of socio-economic characteristics in the timing and probability of deportation. This innovative approach is complementary to the mainly qualitative Holocaust literature and will fill persistent research gaps in Holocaust research in particular and conflict research in general. The project will be realised at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Sweden, and feature collaborations with the Staatsarchiv München and the Institute for Contemporary History, Germany. SIPRI is a leading institute in peace research and exhibits a strong record in the analysis of security, violent conflict and genocide. The project will be supervised by SIPRI’s current director Prof. Tilman Brück, who is a global expert in the empirical analysis of the micro-dynamics of violent conflict. The project involves a comprehensive training plan which will accelerate the researcher’s scientific performance and contribute to the achievement of her career goals in academia. This inter-European, inter-disciplinary project is expected to meliorate European research excellence and produce significant outreach within an international multi-disciplinary scientific audience as well as the general public. It will allow follow-up investigations through the generated data set and will spark societal discourse and self-reflection.
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10 Project

Connecting Refugees to Medical Homes Through Multi-Sector Collaboration

Authors Lemaat Michael, Alexandra K. Brady, Greg Russell, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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11 Journal Article


Authors Lori Lefkovitz, David Shneer, Shelly Tenenbaum
Year 2014
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12 Journal Article

Fair and Consistent Border Controls? A Critical, Multi-methodological and Interdisciplinary Study of Asylum Adjudication in Europe

‘Consistency’ is regularly cited as a desirable attribute of border control, but it has received little critical social scientific attention. This inter-disciplinary project, at the inter-face between critical human geography, border studies and law, will scrutinise the consistency of European asylum adjudication in order to develop richer theoretical understanding of this lynchpin concept. It will move beyond the administrative legal concepts of substantive and procedural consistency by advancing a three-fold conceptualisation of consistency – as everyday practice, discursive deployment of facts and disciplinary technique. In order to generate productive intellectual tension it will also employ an explicitly antagonistic conceptualisation of the relationship between geography and law that views law as seeking to constrain and systematise lived space. The project will employ an innovative combination of methodologies that will produce unique and rich data sets including quantitative analysis, multi-sited legal ethnography, discourse analysis and interviews, and the findings are likely to be of interest both to academic communities like geographers, legal and border scholars and to policy makers and activists working in border control settings. In 2013 the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) was launched to standardise the procedures of asylum determination. But as yet no sustained multi-methodological assessment of the claims of consistency inherent to the CEAS has been carried out. This project offers not only the opportunity to assess progress towards harmonisation of asylum determination processes in Europe, but will also provide a new conceptual framework with which to approach the dilemmas and risks of inconsistency in an area of law fraught with political controversy and uncertainty around the world. Most fundamentally, the project promises to debunk the myths surrounding the possibility of fair and consistent border controls in Europe and elsewhere.
Year 2016
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13 Project

ASYFAIR: Fair and Consistent Border Controls? A Critical, Multi-methodological and Interdisciplinary Study of Asylum Adjudication in Europe

‘Consistency’ is regularly cited as a desirable attribute of border control, but it has received little critical social scientific attention. This inter-disciplinary project, at the inter-face between critical human geography, border studies and law, will scrutinise the consistency of European asylum adjudication in order to develop richer theoretical understanding of this lynchpin concept. It will move beyond the administrative legal concepts of substantive and procedural consistency by advancing a three-fold conceptualisation of consistency – as everyday practice, discursive deployment of facts and disciplinary technique. In order to generate productive intellectual tension it will also employ an explicitly antagonistic conceptualisation of the relationship between geography and law that views law as seeking to constrain and systematise lived space. The project will employ an innovative combination of methodologies that will produce unique and rich data sets including quantitative analysis, multi-sited legal ethnography, discourse analysis and interviews, and the findings are likely to be of interest both to academic communities like geographers, legal and border scholars and to policy makers and activists working in border control settings. In 2013 the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) was launched to standardise the procedures of asylum determination. But as yet no sustained multi-methodological assessment of the claims of consistency inherent to the CEAS has been carried out. This project offers not only the opportunity to assess progress towards harmonisation of asylum determination processes in Europe, but will also provide a new conceptual framework with which to approach the dilemmas and risks of inconsistency in an area of law fraught with political controversy and uncertainty around the world. Most fundamentally, the project promises to debunk the myths surrounding the possibility of fair and consistent border controls in Europe and elsewhere.
Year 2016
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14 Project

Chagas Disease in a Non-endemic Country: A Multidisciplinary Research, Bologna, Italy

Authors Chiara Di Girolamo, Giulia Martelli, Anna Ciannameo, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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15 Journal Article

Mexican Migration Project

Principal investigator Jorge Durand Arp-Nisen (Co-Director), Douglas S. Massey (Co-Director)
The Mexican Migration Project (MMP) was created in 1982 by an interdisciplinary team of researchers to further our understanding of the complex process of Mexican migration to the United States. The project is a binational research effort co-directed by Jorge Durand, professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), and Douglas S. Massey, professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, with a joint appointment in the Woodrow Wilson School, at Princeton University (US). Since its inception, the MMP's main focus has been to gather social as well as economic information on Mexican-US migration. The data collected has been compiled in a comprehensive database that is available to the public free of charge for research and educational purposes through this web-site. The MMP is a unique source of data that enables researchers to track patterns and processes of contemporary Mexican immigration to the United States. The project is a multi-disciplinary research effort that generates public use data on the characteristics and behavior of Mexican migrants.
Year 1982
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16 Project


Authors Paolo Miguel M. Vicerra, Jem R. Javier
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
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18 Journal Article

Conceptualizing Task Force Sustainability

Authors Jennifer Paul Ray
Year 2023
Journal Name Societies
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19 Journal Article

Blackness in Britain

Authors Lisa Amanda Palmer, Kehinde Andrews
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20 Book

Political violence and mental health: A multi-disciplinary review of the literature on Nepal

Authors Wietse A. Tol, Brandon A. Kohrt, Mark J. D. Jordans, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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21 Journal Article

Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Evren Yalaz
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22 Book

Contested Cities Revisited: a multidisciplinary, multi-scale analysis of urban space

'The proposed project’s meta-objectives are twofold, first; from a theoretical perspective the starting point of the project is the suggestion that rather than limiting the 'extreme divided’ city label to a selected number of contested places, there is an increasing need to broaden the category itself in order to deepen the understanding of contested urbanism across the spectrum. Secondly, to construct an innovative interdisciplinary research method connecting the long overdue qualitative and quantitative divide within urban segregation research (Vertovec 2006). Within this discussion, there is a still significant lacuna as to how researchers and policymakers themselves conceptualize and prioritize the socially and politically contentious issues of urban segregation in different cities and the impact of urban space on social outcomes (Vaughan 2007). This research project suggests there is a need to re-think labels and concepts attributed to cities and neighborhoods, to better adapt planning policy and practice to ethnic minorities and migrants in an ever more fractured urban reality. Following a broad assessment of 'urban segregation' the research will focus on two nations with diverse forms of contested urbanism with the aim of 'learning through differences, rather than seeking out similarities' (Robinson 2011); namely Sweden (known for its comprehensive welfare system) and Israel (known for its ethnically based policies); selecting four case study cities (two from each country) with high levels of ethnic minorities for further in-depth analysis. With the aim of establishing a multi-level multidisciplinary comparative framework (engaging spatial and qualitative analysis); the project will integrate three main scales of investigation: (1) the nation state role in planning for urban segregation, (2) urban segregation at the city scale, and (3) the role of local community and civil society in, and their perception of, these urban processes.'
Year 2015
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23 Project

Will sustainable tourism research be sustainable in the future? An opinion piece

Authors Bernard Lane
Year 2018
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24 Journal Article

Return for Development and Europeanization Among Moldovan Immigrants

Authors Silvia Marcu
Book Title Post-Soviet Migration and Diasporas
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25 Book Chapter

Strategies and Structures. A multi-disciplinary study of the preconditions for entrepreneurship among immigrants in Sweden.

Principal investigator Martin Klinthäll (REMESO Project Leader), Susanne Urban (Participants from REMESO), Zoran Slavnic (Participants from REMESO), Craig Mitchell (Participants not from REMESO), Tobias Schölin (Participants not from REMESO)
The project analyses how changes in policies and regulations affect conditions and opportunities for small business development in different industries over time, and how self-employed persons act in response to changes in opportunity structures. We study strategies of growth and survival within specific industries and markets, but also transitions of self-employment across industries and types of markets. The project will contribute new knowledge through a systematic and coherent longitudinal and spatial investigation of the dynamics of self-employment among immigrants in Sweden. The project systematically applies and develops instruments from recent international research on ethnic minority businesses (EMB). Theory in the field is developed through the integration of entrepreneurship theory and new theoretical contributions from EMB research. Theoretical perspectives on strategies and self-employed as actors is combined with theory on opportunity structures (the framework of ?mixed embeddedness?). Methodologically, the approach implies coordinated analyses of different dimensions on different levels, using a combination of policy studies, case studies and quantitative analyses.
Year 2014
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26 Project

The Diaspora strikes back: Caribeño tales of learning and turning

Authors Raul Rubio
Year 2011
Journal Name Latino Studies
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27 Journal Article

Mexicanos in Oregon: Their stories, their lives by Erlinda V. Gonzales-Berry and Marcela Mendoza

Authors Juanita Heredia
Year 2012
Journal Name Latino Studies
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29 Journal Article

Migration, minorities and maternity services: an international collaboration across three contrasting countries (Study Group)

Principal investigator Sarah Maria Salway (Principal Investigator)
The Study Group will examine how migration and consequent ethno-cultural diversity have been problematized and responded to within the health systems of Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada. The focus is on maternity services and reproductive outcomes. Preliminary work will establish a conceptual framework that has pertinence to the three countries of focus, a methodological approach with particular attention to achieving meaningful comparison and operational feasibility across settings, as well as an operational structure that enables both inter-disciplinary and cross-national collaboration and active involvement of policy-makers, practitioners and users/consumers.
Year 2008
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31 Project

Assessing Adherence to Accepted National Guidelines for Immigrant and Refugee Screening and Vaccines in an Urban Primary Care Practice: A Retrospective Chart Review

Authors Barbara Waldorf, Christopher Gill, Sondra S. Crosby
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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32 Journal Article

TRAvelling Ceramic Technologies as markers of human mobility in the Aegean

The main aim of TRACT is to demonstrate that the informed and interdisciplinary study of ancient pottery can shed new light on past human mobility. Based on the premise that the spread of technology involved in pottery making requires the physical movement of people, the project will adopt an inter-disciplinary methodology designed to investigate instances of technological transfer and hence mobility of potters. The methodology comprises macroscopic study of the vessel-forming methods in combination with petrographic and chemical analysis of pottery and raw material samples. An important addition is the study of modern instances of potters’ mobility in the Aegean. Altogether, this represents a novel approach, which will be employed to a specific study focused on potters from the island of Aegina during the Late Bronze Age. TRACT will investigate the spread of a particular pottery tradition developed on the island of Aegina along the Euboean Gulf, an important corridor that facilitated movement of goods and people. Furthermore, the chosen case study will aim to shed light on the underpinnings of such movement, its duration, scale, as well as interaction of potters with new landscapes and receiving communities. Therefore, TRACT will contribute to the current debate on mobility by presenting thoroughly researched case study of craftsmen mobility, and elaborate a coherent methodology that can be universally applied. The choice of the Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens as a hosting institution will not only enable a high-level training through research but also, due to the supervisor’s interest in mobility of potters’ mobility and previous research on pottery production on the island of Aegina, it constitutes a perfect match that will provide a substantial boost to career opportunities for the experienced researcher and strengthen the position of the Laboratory as a centre of excellence for the study of craftspeople mobility.
Year 2017
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33 Project

An Overview of Global Cross-Border Marriage Migration

Authors Lucy Williams
Book Title Global Marriage
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34 Book Chapter

Refugees, Patriotism, and Hogarth’sThe Gate of Calais(1748)

Authors Kate Grandjouan
Year 2020
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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35 Journal Article

Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism

POPREBEL is an inter-disciplinary consortium of researchers focused on explaining and contextualising the recent rise of populism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). While populism is a phenomenon that has by now emerged in almost every democracy, we believe that regional and cultural-historical dimensions need to be considered in order to improve not only scholarly knowledge, but also policy recommendations. It is urgent for Western Europeans to look into the CEE mirror, just as it is urgent for the CEE region to understand itself. To this end, we will create a typology of populism’s various manifestations, reconstruct trajectories of its growth and decline, investigate its causes, interpret its meanings, diagnose its consequences, and propose policy solutions. Our focus is on CEE, but we engage in comparisons with populisms elsewhere, particularly Western Europe. While scholars from different disciplines have looked at populism, we argue that the full potential of interdisciplinary research has not been achieved yet. We draw on data and models from various disciplines and combine them into a rich study of forces at play. In addition to established methods of economics, sociology, and cultural studies, at the heart of our approach is a novel methodology whose essence is a large-scale, Europe-wide, multi-lingual online conversation. This is a listening exercise; its aim is a deep understanding of everyday life in Europe challenged by the rise of populism. The method to process this unique ethnographic material is semantic social network analysis. POPREBEL relies on foresight/future studies, deep involvement with activists, policy makers, and civil society actors to boost the immune system of European democracy. We develop scenarios and share them with all interested parties to reflect, in public debate, on how well they fit both in the CEE region and the rest of Europe. Our focus is not just scholarly; the project serves as a platform for mutual learning.
Year 2019
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36 Project

Putting languages at the centre: developing the Language Across the Curriculum (LAC) faculty seminar at LaGuardia Community College, Queens, New York

Authors Lucy R. McNair, Leigh Garrison-Fletcher
Year 2022
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
Citations (WoS) 1
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37 Journal Article

Diasporic Landscape: Theoretical Reflections on African Migrants' Everyday Practices of ‘Home’ and ‘Belonging’

Authors Naluwembe Binaisa
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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38 Journal Article

Geographies of global lifestyle migration: Towards an anticolonial approach

Authors Kelsey Emard, Lise Nelson
Year 2020
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39 Journal Article

Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Authors Sharon M. Lee
Year 2014
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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41 Journal Article

Summative assessments in a multilingual context: What comparative judgment reveals about comparability across different languages in Literature

Authors Louise Badham, Antony Furlong
Year 2022
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42 Journal Article

Practical, epistemic and normative implications of algorithmic bias in healthcare artificial intelligence: a qualitative study of multidisciplinary expert perspectives

Authors Yves Saint James Aquino, Stacy M. Carter, Nehmat Houssami, ...
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 10
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43 Journal Article

Leisure negotiation within amenity migration

Authors Joe Pavelka, Dianne Draper
Year 2015
Journal Name Annals of Tourism Research
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44 Journal Article

The need to safeguard cultural heritage against climate change

Authors Anila Sulaj, Brixhilda Kadiu, Arben Terpollari
Year 2023
Journal Name Technical Annals
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45 Journal Article

The Practice of Research on Migration and Mobilities

Authors Fernando Lozano-Ascencio, Liliana Rivera-Sánchez
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47 Book

Migration Governance and Policy in the Global South: Introduction and Overview

Authors Rachel M. Gisselquist, Finn Tarp
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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48 Journal Article

Immigrant Businesses

Authors Jan Rath
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49 Book

RICHE – a platform and inventory for child health research in Europe

The European Commission and other funding agencies make a large investment in child health research. The health of our children is satisfactory, but there are serious concerns, for example, obesity, mental health, alcohol abuse, and sexuality. We know that there are strong links between the health of young people and their social inclusion and level of education. Our objective is to establish a sustainable network for researchers, funders, policy makers, advocates and young people in Europe, to support collaboration in developing the future of child health research. We will produce an inventory of research, and reports, on gaps in research, and on roadmaps for the future of research. Our co-ordination will establish a unique, open, multi-lingual platform for child health research. This will embrace the full multi-disciplinary diversity of European research, while addressing fragmentation by making the parts visible, and supporting multi-lingual input and searching. We will develop formal processes for finding gaps in research, and for making roadmaps. We will use these to find current gaps, and make roadmaps for the future, including for the necessary research capacity. We will promote our work and our results in a series of meetings open to researchers and other stakeholders. Our consortium is a multi-disciplinary team, with great experience in doing innovative child health research in Europe, in developing, and in delivering child health strategies at national, and European level. This mixture of skills and experience gives us a unique perspective on the strategic problems at European level. We have an Expert Group, including young people, advocates, and researchers who will support us. RICHE will support the development and implementation of child health research strategies, and the use of evidence for child health action. These in turn will support innovative research, improve social policy for children, and so improve the quality of life of European children.
Year 2010
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50 Project

From Forced Migration to Displacement?

Authors David Owen
Year 2024
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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51 Journal Article


Authors W BLOCK
Year 1992
Journal Name Journal of Business Ethics
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52 Journal Article

Parental Influence on Fertility Behavior of First Generation Turkish Immigrants in Germany

Authors Akiko Nosaka, Athanasios Chasiotis
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 3
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54 Journal Article

Sayed’s Journey to Encampment: Examining Sites and Scenes of Economic Migrant Displacement in Mandate Palestine

Authors Lauren Banko, Lauren Banko
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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55 Journal Article

Introduction: Mediterranean Migration Studies – A Research Agenda for the Coming Years

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Ibrahim Awad
Year 2024
Book Title Migrations in the Mediterranean
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57 Book Chapter

International Migration and Gentrification: Territorial Exclusion at National and Urban Scales

Authors Darshan Vigneswaran
Year 2019
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
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58 Journal Article

Linkages Methodology: No Man is an Island

Authors Elizabeth Colson
Year 2007
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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60 Journal Article

Science and Society: From a History of the “Emotional Images of DNA” to a Set of Multidisciplinary Actions for Disseminating Good Social Values in Europe

Joining Life Long Learning, Sociology of Science, contemporary Genetics, and the recommendations of the Science and Society European Action Plan published by the EU in 2002, this proposed project revolves around society’s image of DNA. Society has many ideas regarding the genetic code: DNA as guarantor of social positions; DNA as a mold from which cloning is possible; DNA as repository of human qualities, etc. Comparing those ideas with the recent advancements in the life sciences we find sometimes a gap between science and society’s convictions that can hinder the scientific progress and intercultural integration of Europe. The theoretical objectives of the proposal aim to outline an history of DNA ideas present in society through an analysis of cultural elements (scientific knowledge, emotions, evocations, etc.) and of channels (theater, literature, divulgation, etc.) that contribute to their formation and diffusion. The practical actions give rise to a permanent interdisciplinary workshop, aimed at creating “cultural objects” that use narrative languages to spread a realistic and positive idea of the relationship DNA/CULTURE. This experience will allow the applicant to advance in his career becoming the coordinator of the workshop and earn the professorship on themes discussed in this proposal at the Università di Catania (Italy).
Year 2009
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61 Project

Human Trafficking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Authors C. Healy
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Refugee Law
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62 Journal Article

Legal Cultures and Literary Trials in the Age of Goethe. The Vehmic Court Motif in Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspective

The project aims at a first systematic and in-depth investigation of the motif of the Vehmic Court – a medieval secret tribunal – in German literature of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Despite the remarkable popularity of the subject, little research has yet been conducted to define the epistemological framework of its development. By dismissing the Vehme as a “trivial” trope, scholars have not grasped its broader relevance for the culture of the Saddle Period around 1800, an age of transitions and paradigm shifts in society and politics, but also in literature, historiography and the legal system. Through a close-reading analysis and interpretation of a corpus of around twenty plays and novels on the topic, most of which will be examined for the first time, Dr Vecchiato will clarify the reasons for the flourishing of Vehmic Court fictions in the Age of Goethe. By situating the texts within the cultural and historical horizon in which they were produced, he will shed new light on the interactions between popular and canonical literature, Law and Literature as well as Literature and History in that period. Furthermore, he will explore the cross-cultural dimension of the topic, by studying its reception in British literature. The project is a natural outgrowth of the researcher’s interest in the literature of the Age of Goethe; at the same time it grants him the possibility to acquire new competences and multidisciplinary knowledge, which will be crucial for the development of a broader research on the literary representation of trial scenes in German literature. Besides offering outstanding intellectual exchange and the possibility to establish international collaborations, a MSC-IF at King’s College London will help Dr Vecchiato further enhance his scholarly profile and track record of publications. Through teaching, dissemination and outreach activities, he will be able to reach full professional maturity and to generate impacts in and beyond academia.
Year 2018
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63 Project

M. Eliade's religious project on ontology and the problem of the synthesis of the paradigms

Authors Nataly Nikonovich
Year 2016
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64 Journal Article

Statistical and Computational Genetics Tools for Investigation of Human History from Large Genetic Datasets

This proposal concerns the development of new statistical and computations methods for drawing inferences from genetic data. As a member of the Genographic Consortium, the author has access to both vast amounts of genetic data, and an array of scientific collaborators worldwide, seeking to answer questions regarding history of the human species, ancient migrations, etc. through analysis of genetic data. Some of the work already performed includes a method for mutation probability estimation from large datasets, and a paper on analysis of a large mtDNA database. A number of exciting challenges for the future work are discussed. Once the author joins the faculty at Tel Aviv University, this research will contribute to ongoing international collaboration, to inter-disciplinary collaboration within the University and to increasing our understanding about the past --- and future --- of our species, and the manner in which people world wide are connected to each other as members of one extended family.
Year 2007
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65 Project

On the need to broaden the concept of ethnic identity

Authors Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Jan Blommaert, Georgia Gkoumasi, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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66 Journal Article

"Transnational Migration, Citizenship and the Circulation of Rights and Responsibilities"

'This ITN TRANSMIC project brings together a group of universities, think-tanks, institutes, practitioners and high-level officials that all share a long-term interest in migration policies and citizenship issues and who have extensive academic and/or practical expertise in this field. Their inter- and multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience is pooled with the main objective of improving the European and international career opportunities of young researchers by offering them a coherent academic training programme complemented with a professional skills training programme and by exposing them to experience on the work-floor through an internship at a think-tank, a consultancy or a law firm, all specialized in the issue of migration and citizenship issues. In addition the network will also be a catalyst for intensive cooperation and exchange of best practices amongst the participating partners and promote interaction and fertilization between academia, professional organizations, representatives of European institutions and member States as well as policy makers in various countries of research all around the globe with an interest in transnational migration and citizenship questions. Given the intensity of the cooperation, it is to be expected that the network will also provide a solid basis for cooperation and interaction beyond ITN. The focus of the research is the rapidly-evolving field of transnational migration and citizenship addressed from the perspective of circularity of rights and responsibilities. The in-depth and inter-/multi-disciplinary study of the concept of transnational migration, citizenship and related problems concerning the mobility of migrants from a comparative and rights-based perspective is extremely topical in the light of the current political and academic debates concerning circular migration, mobility partnerships, high- and low skilled migration. These debates are directly connected with the concepts and positions taken towards acquired rights, citizenship and nationality. These research issues also contribute to our broader understanding of the origins, evolution and effects of migration movements for the host as well as the home societies.'
Year 2014
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67 Project

International Migration, Immobility and Development. Multidisciplinary Perspectives.

Authors Rainer Baubock, Tomas Hammar, Grete Brochmann, ...
Year 1999
Journal Name International Migration Review
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68 Journal Article

Arts and Refugees: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Vol. 2)

Authors Marco Martiniello, Marco Martiniello, Elsa Mescoli, ...
Year 2024
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69 Journal Article

Investigating immersion and migration decisions for agent-based modelling: A cautionary tale

Authors Jakub Bijak, Ariana Modirrousta-Galian, Philip A Higham, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Open Research Europe
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70 Journal Article

Organizing integration

Principal investigator Andreas Diedrich (Project Leader), Maria-José Zapata-Campos (Participants )
The starting point of this multi-disciplinary research programme is the vertiginous growth in international migration and the recent “refugee crisis” in Europe, as well as the ever-present questions of social and economic integration of recent refugees and other immigrants. The programme aims to examine the challenges and opportunities created by novel initiatives that aim to support labour market integration of refugees and other immigrants who have been granted residency in Sweden – including the problems of coordination and organisation between the plethora of initiatives. The research will be conducted within a practice-based approach to organising (Gherardi & Nicolini, 2002; Nicolini, 2012) and aims to produce novel knowledge to facilitate the establishment of more sustainable processes and practices for integrating refugees and other immigrants in the labour market.
Year 2017
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71 Project

European Encounters

Authors Karen Schönwälder, Rainer Ohliger
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72 Book

Educating nurses for their future role in bioethics

Authors FJ Leavitt
Year 1996
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73 Journal Article

International Migration Research

Authors Michael Bommes, Ewa Morawska
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74 Book

Human Mobility: An Issue of Multidisciplinary Research

Authors Armando Montanari, Barbara Staniscia
Year 2016
Book Title Global Change and Human Mobility
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75 Book Chapter

Storytelling. Interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives

Authors R Bendix
Year 2003
Journal Name FABULA
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77 Journal Article

'Storytelling' : Interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives.

Authors MJ Becker
Year 2005
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79 Journal Article

International Cooperation on Migration Control: Towards a Research Agenda for Refugee Law

Authors Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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80 Journal Article

Introduction: Intersecting whiteness, interdisciplinary debates

Authors Melissa Steyn, Daniel Conway
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 25
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81 Journal Article

Conceptualizing and contextualizing research and policy for links between climate change and migration

Authors Himani Upadhyay, Ilan Kelman, Lingaraj G J, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
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82 Journal Article

Investigating immersion and migration decisions for agent-based modelling: A cautionary tale

Authors Jakub Bijak, Ariana Modirrousta-Galian, Philip A Higham, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Open Research Europe
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83 Journal Article

Regards croisés sur la migration de retour

Authors Audrey Lenoël, Anda David, Annalisa Maitilasso
Year 2020
Journal Name Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales
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84 Journal Article

A reading in cross-cultural service encounter: Exploring the relationship between cultural intelligence, employee performance and service quality

Authors Elham Alshaibani, Ali Bakir
Year 2017
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85 Journal Article


Authors David N. Pellow
Year 2016
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Citations (WoS) 26
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86 Journal Article

Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook

Authors Machteld Venken, Virpi Kaisto, Chiara Brambilla
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Borderlands Studies
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87 Journal Article

Contexts of reception, post-disaster migration, and socioeconomic mobility

Authors Asad L. Asad
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 9
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88 Journal Article

Memory and Migration: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Memory Studies

Authors Dina Georgis
Year 2013
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90 Journal Article

Immigration Research for a New Century: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Authors Nancy Foner, Rubén G. Rumbaut, Steven J. Gold
Year 2000
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91 Book

Gunnar Myrdal: A Theorist of Modernity

Authors Sven Eliæson, Sven Eliœson
Year 2000
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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92 Journal Article

Bounded Justice and the Limits of Health Equity

Authors Melissa S. Creary
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 37
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93 Journal Article

Crossings: Mexican immigration in interdisciplinary perspectives

Authors JD Vigil
Year 2000
Journal Name Journal of Latin American Studies
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95 Journal Article

Understanding everyday racism: An interdisciplinary theory

Authors Stephen P. Banks
Year 1994
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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96 Journal Article

Introduction: Interdisciplinary Dialogues and Methodological Debates

Authors Fernando Lozano-Ascencio, Liliana Rivera-Sánchez
Book Title The Practice of Research on Migration and Mobilities
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
97 Book Chapter

Doing 'Deep Big History': Race, landscape and the humanity of H J Fleure (1877-1969)

Authors Amanda Rees
Year 2019
Journal Name History of the Human Sciences
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
98 Journal Article

Immigration Research for a New Century: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Authors D. Brooks Green
Year 2004
Journal Name The Professional Geographer
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
99 Journal Article
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