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The German Government’s Policy on Islam and Its Reflections on Turks in Germany

Year 2021
Journal Name Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies
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1 Journal Article

The Turkish Diaspora in Germany

Authors Wesley D. Chapin
Year 1996
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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2 Journal Article

Integration von Flüchtlingen und anderen Migranten in Bildung und Ausbildung

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2016
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4 Policy Brief

Greece Policy Brief: Addressing Migration Challenges beyond the Current Humanitarian Crisis

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2016
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5 Policy Brief

Corridor report Germany

Authors Agnieszka WEINAR, Jan SCHNEIDER
In this report we analyse the differences and similarities between the Turkish and Russian immigrants in Germany at the destination but also between the two countries of origin in order to assess their integration outcomes. We investigate the following question: what is the impact of the country of origin (Russia and Turkey) on integration outcomes in Germany? We found that the migrating groups have different characteristics (flows and stocks) and each group has been subject to a different entry policy, including different rights and obligations. In fact, the structural and policy factors at the destination are the key elements that influence the success of integration or failure of migrants. As regards the impact of the country of origin, understood as policies and practices targeting diaspora for better integration, it is negligible so far. The diaspora policies do not support integration. On the contrary, they aim at re-focusing migrants’ attention back to the country of origin. This policy can have positive ramifications for integration outcomes, e.g. when it supports Turkish migrants’ crossborder business activities or enhances Russian-language proficiency among the diaspora so that they can later on use it in international business environment. As our report shows, there is an important group of actors on various levels of governance that work to improve the final outcome. In the case of migrant organizations and organizations helping migrants in Germany, they form an additional arm of integration policy. Being close to migrants and having intimate knowledge of their integration needs, they focus on topics and fields of action that are most relevant for a successful migration story. They also form the most tangible bridge between the origin and destination.
Year 2015
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6 Report

Alters- und geschlechtsspezifische Migrationsbewegungen in den neuen Bundesländern

Principal investigator Stephan Kühntopf (Principal Investigator)
"Die Abwanderung aus Ostdeutschland dominierte nach der Wiedervereinigung lange das gesamtdeutsche Binnenwanderungsgeschehen und die Bevölkerungsentwicklung. Weit verbreitet waren in den neuen Ländern auch Suburbanisierungsprozesse, Umzüge von den Städten in das Umland. Die Ost-West-Migration hat mittlerweile an Bedeutung verloren, stattdessen steht die kleinräumige Migration innerhalb der ostdeutschen Länder zunehmend im Vordergrund. Dabei zeigen sich regional große Gegensätze, insbesondere zwischen ländlichen Räumen und Hochschulstandorten. Aufgabe des Projektes war es, die Migration innerhalb der ostdeutschen Bundesländer und zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland näher zu analysieren. Damit sollten alters- und geschlechtsspezifische Charakteristika sowie ihr Einfluss auf die regionale Bevölkerungsentwicklung und -struktur der ostdeutschen Regionen ermittelt werden. Ein besonderes Augenmerk lag dabei auf der Abwanderung junger Frauen."
Year 2011
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8 Project

Transnationales Handeln indischer Migranten in Deutschland

Principal investigator Carsten Butsch (Principal Investigator)
Das Vorhaben widmet sich den transnationalen Netzwerken in Deutschland lebender indischer Migranten. Am Beispiel der indischen Community in Deutschland wird untersucht, welche Verbindungen zwischen indischen Migranten in Deutschland, ihren Herkunftsorten in Indien und zu der indischen Diaspora in anderen Ländern bestehen. Im Zentrum des Erkenntnisinteresses stehen die Veränderungsprozesse, die an unterschiedlichen Orten durch das transnationale Handeln indischer Migranten ausgelöst werden. Untersucht werden als potentielle Ursachen der Veränderungsprozesse: (1) die Relevanz transnationaler sozialer Verbindungen und ihre Bedeutung für Folgemigration, den Austausch von Informationen, Werten, Kapital etc., (2) die Konstruktion und Veränderung von Identität transnational handelnder Migranten, Modelle der Einbindung in verschiedene Gesellschaften sowie die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen der Staatsangehörigkeit, (3) die Wege von Kapital innerhalb der transnationalen Netzwerke, die Verwendung von Rimessen sowie die Wirkung nicht-finanzieller Unterstützungen sowie (4) das politische Engagement transnationaler indischer Migranten, die Diasporapolitik der indischen Regierung und die Wirkung der deutschen Einwanderungspolitik. Das Forschungsdesign sieht vor, Erhebungen an unterschiedlichen Orten durchzuführen, welche durch die Netzwerke transnational handelnder Migranten verbunden sind. Methodologisch wird ein mixed method research (MMR)-Ansatz verfolgt, der die Vorteile unterschiedlicher Methoden miteinander vereint und durch sequentielle Integration eine Anpassung und Fokussierung der genutzten Erhebungsinstrumente sicherstellt. Das Vorhaben leistet auf konzeptioneller Ebene einen Beitrag zur Vertiefung des Transnationalismuskonzepts. Der empirische Ertrag des Vorhabens liegt in der Untersuchung der Migrationssysteme der indischen Community in Deutschland, über die bisher nur in geringem Umfang, thematisch enge Publikationen vorliegen. Von besonderem Interesse sind hierbei die bisher wenig untersuchten triadischen Beziehungen innerhalb der Community, nach Indien und zu Kontaktpersonen in der weltweiten Diaspora.
Year 2014
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9 Project


Authors RC RIST
Year 1978
Journal Name Society
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10 Journal Article

Assessing Liberal Democratic Values of Refugees in Germany and Their Origin Countries—Evidence for Cultural Self-Selection?

Authors Lukas M. Fuchs
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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11 Journal Article


Authors Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Year 2021
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12 Journal Article

Transnational Labor Markets: Migration of workers between Austria and Germany

Principal investigator Manfred Antoni (Principal Investigator), David Card (Principal Investigator), Jörg Heining (Principal Investigator), Parvati Trübswetter (Principal Investigator), Andrea Weber (Principal Investigator), Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (Principal Investigator)
We will merge labor market information on German migrants observed working in Austria with their labor market outcomes during any years they were working in Germany (either before or after their time in Austria). Similarly, we will merge labor market information on Austrian migrants observed in Germany with their labor market outcomes for any years they were working in Austria. To illustrate the nature of the resulting data set, consider a German citizen who works for several years in Germany (say, from ages 19 to 24), then moves to Austria for several years, then returns. For this individual we will be able to construct a complete longitudinal history of earnings outcomes in both the home country (Germany) and the destination country (Austria), before, during and after the migration spell. The available data for each worker will include: gender and year of birth; total earnings and total days worked in each job held in either country; all spells of unemployment in either country; geographic location and industry of each job; characteristics of co-workers at each job (e.g., fraction of co-workers who are migrants from Germany or Austria); detailed occupation (for all jobs in Germany) or blue-collar/white collar status (for all jobs in Austria); and education (reported for jobs in Germany). We will supplement these data with corresponding information on samples of native (non-migrant) workers in the two countries. These supplementary data will be used in two ways: (1) to form detailed comparisons in the home country labor market between people who emigrate and people who do not, before and after a migration spell; and (2) to form detailed comparisons in the destination country labor market between immigrants and natives. Our analysis plan includes three main components: (i) Descriptive Analysis of Migration Flows between Austria and Germany (ii) Analysis of outcomes before and after first migration experience (iii) Analysis of return migration and circular (repeat) migration Projektziel Analyse von Wanderungsströmen zwischen Österreich und Deutschland und Auswirkungen der Mobilität auf den Arbeitsmarkterfolg. Beteiligte Institute Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Universität Mannheim University of California, Berkeley, Center for Labor Economics Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Department of Economics
Year 2015
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13 Project

Germany's challenges: immigration barriers in minds, economic concerns and subjective well-being

Authors Burak Erkut
Year 2016
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16 Journal Article

Country report: Germany

Year 2010
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17 Report

Wer ist in Deutschland willkommen?

Authors Christian S. Czymara, Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran
Year 2016
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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18 Journal Article

International Student Migration and Polymedia: The Use of Communication Media by Bangladeshi Students in Germany

Authors Md Matiul Hoque Masud
Year 2020
Journal Name Research in Social Sciences and Technology
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19 Journal Article

Women’s economic rights in developing countries and the gender gap in migration to Germany

Authors Eric Neumayer, Thomas Plümper
Year 2021
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
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21 Journal Article

The Dynamics of Repeat Migration: A Markov Chain Analysis

Authors Amelie F. Constant, Klaus F. Zimmermann
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 27
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22 Journal Article

Division and Unification: Seen through the Eyes of Korean Migrants in Berlin

Authors Jin-Heon Jung, Eun-Jeung Lee
Year 2019
Citations (WoS) 1
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23 Journal Article

Health determinants among refugees in Austria and Germany: A propensity-matched comparative study for Syrian, Afghan, and Iraqi refugees

Authors Daniela Georges, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Bernhard Rengs, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name PLOS ONE
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24 Journal Article

Forget Israel-The Future is in Berlin! Local Jews, Russian Immigrants, and Israeli Jews in Berlin and across Germany

Authors Dani Kranz
Year 2016
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25 Journal Article

Migration und Finanzkrise

Authors Herbert Bruecker
Year 2015
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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26 Journal Article

Dual System of Education in Germany: Historical Context

Authors Anastasiya Yuryevna Pleshakova
Year 2018
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27 Journal Article

Displeasure at plurality and fear of strangers? An empirical study among youth in Germany and the Netherlands

Authors Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Leo van der Tuin
Year 2008
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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28 Journal Article

Xenophobia in (East) Germany

Principal investigator Susanne Veit (Principal Investigator), Dietlind Stolle (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives The emergence of the PEGIDA movement in 2014, the right-winged terror of the NSU, as well as the violent protests against refugees in 2015 demonstrate how easily anti-immigrant attitudes become politically mobilized. However, the recent wave of refugees from Syria and other countries has also sparked high levels of solidarity and civic engagement among many Germans who have welcomed refugees with open arms and gifts. Apparently, the very same social reality triggers feelings of fear or dislike in some and feelings of sympathy and empathy in others. Yet such individual differences in reactions to immigration and ethno-cultural diversity are also region-specific. At first sight it seems that perceived threat and hostility are more wide-spread in the East, whereas acts of solidarity are more common in the West. The question that we like to ask in our project is why this is the case. In other words, why do East Germans appear to feel more threatened by ethnic diversity, otherness and different immigrant and refugee groups? Previous studies have shown that xenophobia is particularly strong among Eastern Germans compared to their Western counterparts; and that is also true for societal attitudes such as generalized trust. Often these findings had been related to the harsher socio-economic realities of the East and the lack of intergroup contact. However, other research indicates that particularly East Germans maintain a relatively high support for overall social solidarity especially when it comes to redistribution of resources and reducing the divide between the poor and rich. How can these two divergent findings be reconciled? What is behind the East/West divide on such societal attitudes and how do they translate into support for various political solutions to the refugee crisis? Is xenophobia in East Germany a discrete phenomenon or rather part of a larger (a)social syndrome? Research design, data and methodology Drawing on well-established theories on social identity, life events, intergroup contact, threat, or deprivation, we will apply a mixed method design (combining different data sources and methodological approaches) in order to disentangle the dynamics that make some Germans and particularly East Germans vulnerable to xenophobia—while simultaneously asking about the characteristics at the individual and contextual levels that make some people resilient against it. We plan to combine existing surveys, new surveys, experiments as well as regional statistics to answer these questions."
Year 2015
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29 Project

Ethnic segregation in Germany

Authors Albrecht Glitz
Year 2014
Journal Name Labour Economics
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30 Journal Article

Russian Scientific Diaspora in Germany in 1990s-2010s: Formation Paths and Development Features

Authors Georgy N. Buslaev, Konstantin A. Nemudrov
Year 2024
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31 Journal Article

Dual Citizenship in the Transnational German-Turkish Space

Authors Barbara Pusch
Year 2015
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32 Policy Brief

Social Work in Germany

Authors Benedikt Hopmann, Caroline Schmitt, Matthias D. Witte
Year 2023
Journal Name Pedagogika Społeczna Nova
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33 Journal Article

Arbeitskräftemigration in Deutschland

Principal investigator Johann Fuchs (Principal Investigator), Alexander Kubis (Principal Investigator)
Auf der Basis detaillierter Daten zu Humankapital und Migration können wir testen, wie sich die geografische Mobilität auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt auswirkt. Wir analysieren Migrationsprozesse auf kleinräumiger Ebene. Fragen der Staatsangehörigkeit, des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials, sowie regionale Lohnunterschiede stehen im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung. Ziel ist die Verbesserung der Beratungsqualität in Bezug auf arbeitsmarktpolitische Handlungsfelder. Die Untersuchungen sollen Aussagen zur den Effekten internationaler Zuwanderung sowie der Binnenmigration auf regionale Wachstumspotenziale in Deutschland ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse werden im Rahmen von Publikationen veröffentlicht.
Year 2013
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34 Project

Parental Influence on Fertility Behavior of First Generation Turkish Immigrants in Germany

Authors Akiko Nosaka, Athanasios Chasiotis
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 3
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35 Journal Article

Real Exchange Rates and the Earnings of Immigrants

Authors Christian Dustmann, Hyejin Ku, Tetyana Surovtseva
Year 2023
Journal Name The Economic Journal
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36 Journal Article

A Sort of Homecoming: The German Refugee Crisis of 1929

Authors John Eicher
Year 2017
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37 Journal Article

IAB-BAMF-SOEP Befragung von Geflüchteten

Authors Nina Rother, Herbert Brücker, Jürgen Schupp
Die IAB-BAMF-SOEP Befragung von Geflüchteten ist eine repräsentative Längsschnittbefragung, die gemeinsam vom Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), dem Sozio-ökonomischen Panel (SOEP) am DIW Berlin und dem Forschungszentrum des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ) durchgeführt wird. Die erste Welle wurde 2016 erhoben und enthält 4.816 erwachsene Geflüchtete, die seit 2013 in Deutschland angekommen sind. Die IAB-BAMF-SOEP Befragung von Geflüchteten bietet eine Datenbasis, mit der neue Erkenntnisse über die Lebenssituation der Menschen, die in den vergangenen Jahren in Deutschland Schutz gesucht haben, gewonnen werden können.
Year 2016
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38 Data Set

Organizational reward allocation: a comparison of British and German organizations

Authors R Fischer
Year 2004
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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39 Journal Article

Socialism, Unification Policy and the Rise of Racism in Eastern Germany

Authors Patrick R. Ireland
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration Review
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40 Journal Article

Cultural Differences and Discrimination: Afghan Immigrants’ Experiences in Germany

Authors Abdul Qayoum Safi, Sayed Samiullah Saeedi, Herlina Agustin, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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41 Journal Article

Impact of Migration and Acculturation on Turkish Men Who Have Sex with Men in Germany: Results from the 2010 European MSM Internet Survey

Authors Axel J. Schmidt, Michael W. Ross, Rigmor C. Berg, ...
Year 2022
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42 Journal Article

How unification and immigration affected the German income distribution

Authors Markus M Grabka, Johannes Schwarze, Gert G Wagner
Year 1999
Journal Name European Economic Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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43 Journal Article

Re-Imagining the Nation

Authors Harald Bauder
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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45 Journal Article

From exporting to importing social problems: transnational migration in Germany since the mid-nineteenth century

Authors Klaus J. Bade
Year 2018
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47 Journal Article

Language Rights and Turkish Children in Germany

Authors E Beck
Year 1999
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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48 Journal Article

Immigration, Integration, and Anxiety in Germany

Authors Robin Ostow
Year 2005
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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50 Journal Article

Citizenship Rights for Aliens in Germany

Authors Kay Hailbronner
Book Title Citizenship in a Global World
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52 Book Chapter

Social integration of Syrian refugees and their intention to stay in Germany

Authors Cyrine Hannafi, Mohamed Ali Marouani
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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53 Journal Article

Anti-Racism and Ethnic Mobilisation in Europe

Authors John Rex
Book Title Ethnic Minorities in the Modern Nation State
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54 Book Chapter

New Chinese Migration to Germany: Historical Consistencies and New Patterns of Diversification within a Globalized Migration Regime

Authors Karsten Giese
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 8
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55 Journal Article

Transnational Turkish–German community in limbo. Consequences of political tensions between migrant receiving and sending countries

Authors Osman Can Unver
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 1
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56 Journal Article

Talent Migration Governance and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparing Germany and Singapore

Authors Lucie Cerna, Meng-Hsuan Chou
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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57 Journal Article

WELLCOME - Junge (Flucht-)Migranten aus Syrien

Principal investigator Hans Dietrich (Principal Investigator)
Die Studie „Wellcome“ erforscht aus einer quantiativen Perspektive die aktuelle Lebenssituation junger (Flucht-)Migranten aus Syrien und deren Eingliederungsprozess in Deutschland. Die Studie erweitert das IAB Projekt 1671 (Youth unemployment, mental health, and labor market outcomes) um eine Aufstockungsstichprobe junger (Flucht-) Migranten aus Syrien. Dazu wurden in 2016 erstmals 2.700 junger Fluchtmigranten aus Syrien im Alter von 18-24 Jahren unmittelbar nach dem Eintritt in die BA-Register erfolgreich mündlich bzw. online befragt. Anfang 2017 sowie 2017/18 wurde die Population erneut erfolgreich mit einer Kurzbefragung kontaktiert. Bei dem Projekt steht der Integrationsprozess junger Syrer in Bildung und Beschäftigung in Deutschland im Mittelpunkt des Analyseinteresses. Besondere Berücksichtigung findet auch die erste Lebensphase, die diese Personen in Syrien verlebt haben und der damit verbundenen Bildungserwerb oder das soziale und kulturelle Kapital, das im Herkunftsland erworben wurde. Die soziale Herkunft wird differenziert erfasst. Weiterhin wird der Weg nach Deutschland erfasst. Dazu werden Informationen zum Fluchtmotive bzw. -verlauf oder zu traumatischen Erlebnissen im Kontext der Migration erhoben. 96% der Erstbefragten haben ihre Zustimmung zu einer Verknüpfung mit den Registerdaten der BA erteilt. Die Verknüpfung beider Datenquellen erlaubt ein Weiterverfolgen der Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktintegration dieser Personen in Deutschland. Die Verknüpfung von Surveydaten und Registerdaten liefert eine wichtige Datengrundlage für längerfristige Analysen zum Bildungs- und Erwerbsverlauf dieser jungen Menschen. Weiterhin wurde mit der Ersterhebung eine epidemiologische Erfassung der insbesondere seelischen Gesundheit durchgeführt. In den Wiederholungsbefragungen wurde der gesundheitliche Verlauf weiterverfolgt. Dies wird die Grundlage für künftige Analysen zum Verlauf von (seelischer) Gesundheit und der Verarbeitung von Trauma-Erfahrung sowie für Analysen zum Einfluss von (seelischer) Gesundheit auf den Prozess der Integration in Bildung und Beschäftigung bilden. Projektmethode empirisch quantitative Befragung, Verknüfung mit IAB-Prozessdaten; Verlaufs- und Verbleibsanalysen; Analysen zu Survey-Methodologie bei Migranten Projektziel Informationen zur Integration junger Fluchtmigranten in Bildung und Beschäftigung in Deutschland
Year 2016
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58 Project

Self-selection of Asylum Seekers: Evidence From Germany

Authors Lucas Guichard
Year 2020
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 24
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59 Journal Article

Economic Activities of Migrants in Transnational Social Spaces

Authors Thomas Faist
Book Title Minorities in European Cities
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60 Book Chapter

Return Migration of Qualified Turkish Migrants from Germany and the US

Authors Meltem Yilmaz Sener
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Humanity and Society (insan & toplum)
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61 Journal Article

How relevant are district characteristics in explaining subjective health in Germany? - A multilevel analysis

Authors Katharina Diehl, Sven Schneider
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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62 Journal Article

Representing the “European refugee crisis” in Germany and beyond: Deservingness and difference, life and death

Year 2016
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 124
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63 Journal Article

Geflüchtete Familien in Deutschland

Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator), Zerrin Salikutluk (Principal Investigator)
"Das IAB, das BAMF-FZ und das SOEP führen gemeinsam zwischen Juni und Oktober 2016 eine repräsentative Befragung von Geflüchteten in Deutschland durch, die zwischen dem 1. Januar 2013 und dem 31. Januar nach Deutschland eingereist sind. Im Rahmen des GeFam Projekts fördert das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) eine Verdoppelung der Fallzahlen um weitere 1.600 Ankerpersonen sowie deren Familien vor, die zwischen Oktober und Dezember 2016 befragt werden. Im Rahmen eines inhaltlichen Analyseprojektes der Befragtungsdaten, das am BIM und dem IAB angesiedelt ist, soll die Arbeitsmarktintegration Geflüchteter untersucht werden. Das Vorhaben fokussiert die Bedeutung arbeitsmarktpolitischer Maßnahmen sowie den Einfluss des sich veränderten rechtlichen Rahmens des Arbeitsmarktzugangs Geflüchteter. Zuwendungsgeber: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) Kooperationsprojekt mit dem Sozio-Oekonomischen Panel am DIW Berlin, dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit und in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ)"
Year 2016
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64 Project

New Racism in Germany

Authors Jochen Blaschke
Book Title Scapegoats and Social Actors
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65 Book Chapter

Citizenship and Labor Market Position: Turkish Immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands

Authors Rob Euwals, Jaco Dagevos, Hans Roodenburg, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 16
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67 Journal Article

Religiosity and natives’ social contact with new refugees. Explaining differences between East and West Germany

Authors Jan-Philip Steinmann
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 9
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68 Journal Article

Gastarbeiter Migration Revisited: Consolidating Germany’s Position as an Immigration Country

Authors Jutta Höhne, Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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69 Book Chapter

Hysterie und Hysterese. Die Asylmigration und der Erfolg der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)

Authors Markus Klein, Frederik Springer
Year 2020
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Citations (WoS) 2
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70 Journal Article

Cultural Integration in Germany

Authors Amelie Constant, Olga Nottmeyer, Klaus Zimmermann
Year 2012
Book Title Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe
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71 Book Chapter

Differences in How Trait Emotional Intelligence Predicts Life Satisfaction: The Role of Affect Balance Versus Social Support in India and Germany

Authors Selda Koydemir, Omer Faruk Simsek, Astrid Schuetz, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Happiness Studies
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72 Journal Article

The Fertility of Migrants Before and After Crossing the Border: The Ethnic German Population from the Former Soviet Union as a Case Study

Authors R.H. Dinkel, U.H. Lebok
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 14
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73 Journal Article

Polish Organisations in Germany

Authors Michal Nowosielski
Year 2013
Journal Name
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74 Journal Article

The interactive nature of acculturation: perceived discrimination, acculturation attitudes and stress among young ethnic repatriates in Finland, Israel and Germany

Authors Jasinskaja-Lahti, K Liebkind, G Horenczyk, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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75 Journal Article

Immigrants in the UK and in West Germany ?Relative income position, income portfolio, and redistribution effects

Authors Felix B�chel, Joachim R. Frick
Year 2004
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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76 Journal Article

The Concept of the Nordic Race in German and Nordic Racial-Theoretical Research in the 1920s

Authors Merle Wessel
Year 2016
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77 Journal Article

Stuck in Reception: How Refugees in Austria and Germany Experience Long-Term Reception Constellations

Authors Alexander-Kenneth Nagel, Ursula Reeger
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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78 Journal Article

Muslims’ experiences of equality recognition in Germany: Effects on identification with the larger society and on equality recognition of other societal subgroups.

Authors Christoph Daniel Schaefer, Bernd Simon
Year 2020
Journal Name Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Citations (WoS) 12
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79 Journal Article

Circular Migration between Fact and Fiction

Authors Jan Schneider, Bernd Parusel
Year 2015
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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80 Journal Article

Ideological Configurations and Prediction of Attitudes toward Immigrants in Chile and Germany

Authors Hector Carvacho
Year 2010
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81 Journal Article

Immigration to the Federal Republic of Germany as a Demographic and Social Problem

Authors Max Wingen
Year 1995
Journal Name International Migration Review
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82 Journal Article

Gekommen, um zu bleiben? Der Verbleib internationaler Studierender in Deutschland aus einer Lebenslaufperspektive

Authors Birgit Glorius
Year 2016
Journal Name Raumforschung und Raumordnung
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83 Journal Article

Polish and Turkish Migrant Organizations in Germany

Authors Patricia Pielage, Dirk Halm, Ludger Pries, ...
Book Title Cross Border Migrant Organizations in Comparative Perspective
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84 Book Chapter

Occupational Attainment Among Parents in Germany and the US 2000–2016: The Role of Gender and Immigration Status

Authors Paige N. Park
Year 2022
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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85 Journal Article

Acculturation, Social Support and Mental Health Outcomes among Syrian Refugees in Germany

Authors Molly Green, Elizabeth King, Florian Fischer
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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86 Journal Article

Germany: one race, one nation?

Authors Nora Räthzel
Year 1991
Journal Name Race & Class
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87 Journal Article


Authors R BENDIX
Year 1990
Journal Name Society
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88 Journal Article

Immigrant workers in West Germany

Authors W. R. Böhning
Year 1971
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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89 Journal Article

Germany: from Segregation to Integration

Authors Ayhan Kaya
Book Title Islam, Migration and Integration
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90 Book Chapter

Jews and Turks in Germany

Authors Gökçe Yurdakul
Book Title Rethinking the Public Sphere Through Transnationalizing Processes
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91 Book Chapter

Working Below Skill Level as Risk Factor for Distress Among Latin American Migrants Living in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors Bernarda Espinoza-Castro, Luis E. Vasquez Rueda, Rossana V. Mendoza Lopez, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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92 Journal Article

Quality of life in rural areas: Processes of divergence and convergence

Authors Annette Spellerberg, Denis Huschka, Roland Habich
Year 2007
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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93 Journal Article

Race, Islamophobia and the politics of citizenship in post-unification Germany

Authors Aleksandra Lewicki
Year 2018
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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94 Journal Article

Speaking for the dead: the memorial politics of genocide in Namibia and Germany

Authors Ronald Niezen
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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95 Journal Article

German Case Study

Authors Pierre GOTTSCHLICH
Indian immigration to Germany has a century-long history. Today, the Indian population in Germany is a fully established and, despite its rather small size, highly influential ethnic group. From early 20th century freedom fighters and students to engineers and nurses to contemporary businessmen and IT-specialists Indians have played important roles in German history and society. They have become more and more visible through the founding of numerous associations, clubs, and societies, through cultural commitment and political success, and also through the establishment of prominent places for worship such as Hindu temples and Sikh gurdwaras. This study attempts to shed some light on one of the less prominent Indian communities. It deals with its history, its demographic characteristic, and its socio-economic profile. Furthermore, the paper will assess the legal framework in Germany and analyse the media perception of Indian migrants in the country. Additionally, there will be an overview over the most important religious centres and cultural associations. The study also discusses the sociocultural and political integration of the Indian population in Germany. Finally, some policy recommendations will be given.
Year 2012
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96 Report

Intersectionalities and im/mobilities in family and marriage: a comparative study of Germany and India

Authors Mayurakshi Chaudhuri, Saurav Karmakar, Sakshi Shukla
Year 2024
Journal Name Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
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97 Journal Article

Demographic challenges and health in Germany

Authors Patrice K. Nicholas, Mary F. Smith
Year 2007
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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98 Journal Article

Student Mobility from India to Selected European Countries: The case of Germany and France

Authors Shahana MUKHERJEE, Rupa CHANDA
The development of European policies on higher education in the last two decades has facilitated and encouraged (inward) non-European student mobility. This paper examines the issue of student mobility between two European host countries, namely Germany and France and a leading source country, namely India. Often regarded as the “middle players”, the paper identifies factors that drive the demand for higher education in these alternative destinations and elements that have contributed to their growing visibility among Indian students. The paper draws on findings from a recently conducted survey on Indian students in Europe to also identify the challenges associated with pursuing higher education in Germany and France. The paper further examines the role of competition and its impact on the international competitiveness of these destinations and concludes with policy recommendations, which can facilitate international student flows to Germany and France.
Year 2012
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99 Report

“We Turks are No Germans”: Assimilation Discourses and the Dialectical Construction of Identities in Germany

Authors Patricia Ehrkamp
Year 2006
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Journal Article
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