Education services and training opportunities

Higher education services and opportunities mostly pertain to student mobility but education also plays a role for other migration forms including unaccompanied migrant minors, asylum seekers, refugees, irregular migrants, and other internal and international migrants. Education services also include professional training, which mostly pertains to high-skilled migration.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to (higher) education, education quality and cost, and professional training.

Showing page of 540 results, sorted by

Connectivity as the facilitator of intra‐European student migration

Authors Vladimír Baláž, Allan M. Williams, Martina Chrančoková
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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1 Journal Article

Labor migration among elite sport coaches: An exploratory study

Authors Johannes Orlowski, Pamela Wicker, Christoph Breuer
Year 2018
Journal Name International Review for the Sociology of Sport
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2 Journal Article

Push/Pull Factors, Networks and Student Migration from Côte d’Ivoire to France and Switzerland

Authors Franck Dago, Simon Barussaud
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Inclusion
Citations (WoS) 2
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3 Journal Article

Is it Push or Pull? Recent Evidence from Migration into Bangalore, India

Authors Kala Seetharam Sridhar, A. Venugopala Reddy, Pavan Srinath
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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4 Journal Article

Employment in a “Land of Opportunity?” Immigrants’ Experiences of Racism and Discrimination in the Australian Workplace

Authors Agnieszka Kosny, Iracema Santos, Alison Reid
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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5 Journal Article

Do professional facial image comparison training courses work?

Authors Alice Towler, Richard I. Kemp, A. Mike Burton, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 2
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6 Journal Article

Enlightened or just less threatened: Education and anti-immigrant attitudes

This research proposal combines the strengths of sociology and social psychology to investigate the effect of education on anti-immigrant attitudes. Many studies in the last fifty years have found that the higher educated have less negative anti-immigrant attitudes. Anti-immigrant prejudice can have many negative consequences for social integration in communities but also for EU integration. However, the exact nature of the effect of education is unclear, partly as a consequence of the difficulty of establishing causal effects using representative surveys. We will use recent methodological (implicit measures) and theoretical (group-based emotions) advances in social psychology to tackle this issue. Theoretically, the sociological and social psychological literature on the role of group threat is integrated. The proposed research consists of (1) a detailed analysis of the education effect on all types of anti-immigrant attitudes in existing studies, e.g. the European Social Survey, (2) a study with an educationally diverse sample including explicit and implicit measures of anti-immigrant attitudes, and also group-based emotions, and (3) experimental studies that further investigate the role of intergroup economic threat in educational differences in anti-immigrant attitudes. The researcher’s strong background in sociology and social psychology makes him well-prepared to carry out this project. The exceptional training environment offered by the School of Psychology at Cardiff University will ensure the successful execution of the project and particularly the training of the researcher in the fields relevant to this proposal and in which the School of Psychology has abundant expertise (intergroup relations, emotions, automatic aspects of attitudes). Finally, the extensive international collaborations of Professor Spears (the supervisor) will provide opportunities for the applicant to collaborate on related research and establish international connections.
Year 2010
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7 Project

Current Trend and Determinants of Intentions to Migrate: Evidence From China

Authors Kashif Iqbal, Yichu Wang, Khurshaid Khurshaid, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 3
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8 Journal Article

Is the push-pull paradigm useful to explain rural-urban migration? A case study in Uttarakhand, India

Authors Ellen M. Hoffmann, Verena Konerding, Sunil Nautiyal, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 1
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9 Journal Article

Training, skill-upgrading and settlement intention of migrants: Evidence from China

Authors Qing Wang, Ting Ren, Ti Liu
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Studies
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10 Journal Article

Investitionen in Sprachkenntnisse und Migrationsentscheidungen

Principal investigator Panu Poutvaara (Principal Investigator ), Silke Übelmesser (Principal Investigator )
Migration ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Zuge der zunehmenden Globalisierung zu einem wichtigen Aspekt geworden. Für die meisten Migranten sind dabei Sprachkenntnisse von großer Bedeutung. Empirische Forschung zum Zusammenhang zwischen Sprachkenntnissen und Migration ist allerdings bisher auf Grund fehlender, qualitativ hochwertiger Daten nur beschränkt möglich. Insbesondere mangelt es an Informationen zu Spracherwerb, Sprachkenntnissen sowie Migrationsabsichten potentieller Migranten. Zudem ermöglicht ein besseres Verständnis der Sprachinvestitionen auch allgemeinere Erkenntnisse zum Zusammenhang von Bildungsinvestitionen und Migrationsentscheidungen.Unser Projekt baut auf drei zusammenhängenden Literatursträngen auf und erweitert diese: (1) Spracherwerb von Erwachsenen vor Migration, (2) (geschlechter-spezifische) Migrationsentscheidungen und (3) Investition in international anwendbare und länderspezifische Bildung im Zusammenhang mit Migrationsentscheidungen. Dazu sollen Befragungen von Sprachkursteilnehmern an Goethe-Instituten durchgeführt werden. Das Goethe-Institut ist ein wichtiger Anbieter von Deutsch-Kursen mit allein 272.000 Kursteilnehmern im Jahr 2015. Befragungen von Universitätsstudierenden sollen diese Befragungen komplementieren. Die Daten werden Informationen zu individuellen Migrationsabsichten und bisheriger Migrationserfahrung enthalten, zum Niveau der Sprachkenntnisse und den Gründen für das (Nicht-)Erlernen von Sprachen, sowie zum sozioökonomischen Hintergrund der Teilnehmer, insbesondere zu ihren Bildungsbiographien. Es sind vier Studien geplant: Die erste Studie wird sich mit den Gründen des Erwerbs von Sprachen im Heimatland und dessen Determinanten befassen. Die zweite Studie wird den Zusammenhang zwischen Migrationsabsichten auf der einen Seite und Sprachkenntnissen und individuellen und länderspezifischen Eigenschaften auf der anderen Seite untersuchen. Der Fokus auf Migrationsabsichten ermöglicht ein besseres Verständnis von Migrationsbarrieren als eine Betrachtung tatsächlicher Migration. In einer dritten Studie wird getestet, ob Migration mit der internationalen Anwendbarkeit der erworbenen Bildung zusammenhängt. Die vierte Studie zielt schließlich darauf ab, Investitionen in Sprachkenntnisse im Kontext geschlechtsspezifischer Migrationsabsichten zu verstehen. Die bedeutende Rolle von Sprachkenntnissen für die Integration von Migranten macht ein detailliertes Verständnis von individuellen Motiven des Spracherwerbs und Migrationsabsichten für die zielgenaue Gestaltung von Politikmaßnahmen bereits vor der Migration erforderlich. Beispiele dafür sind das Angebot von Sprachkursen und gesetzliche Anforderungen an Sprachkenntnissen.Dieses Projekt wird gemeinsam von der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und dem ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München durchgeführt.
Year 2015
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11 Project

Performance analysis of students of technical professional education in Logistics before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors Carlos Vital Giordano, Napoleao Verardi Galegale, Kelly Regina Zambrano Lavezzo
Year 2023
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14 Journal Article

Determinants of Mental Health Consultations Among Recent Chinese Immigrants in British Columbia, Canada: Implications for Mental Health Risk and Access to Services

Authors Alice W. Chen, Arminee Kazanjian, Hubert Wong
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 18
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15 Journal Article

The contribution of Chinese-educated physicians to health care in the United States

Authors Robbert J. Duvivier, John Boulet, Jason Z. Qu
Year 2019
Journal Name PLOS ONE
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16 Journal Article

Immigrants’ Chances of Being Hired at Times of Skill Shortages: Results from a Factorial Survey Experiment Among German Employers

Authors Alexandra Mergener, Tobias Maier
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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17 Journal Article


Authors Safure CANTÜRK, Zahide ERDOĞAN
Year 2022
Journal Name Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi
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18 Journal Article

Professional Identities in Transit: Factors Shaping Immigrant Labour Market Success

Authors Larissa Remennick
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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19 Journal Article

Circular migration of the population of the Republic of Moldova

Authors Valeriu MOSNEAGA
The specific nature of Moldovan circular migration to the CIS and EU is determined by two criteria: vector (direction) of migration and nature of employment in destination countries. According to the results of public opinion poll, mainly people from the villages participate in circular migration to the CIS; heads of households, men with secondary or vocational education. For them labor migration abroad is a secondary form of employment, and it is seasonal. Circular migrants to the other countries are predominantly women, and a great share of them have higher education. There are significant differences which determine circular nature of migration, especially in the impact of push and pull factors. Labor migration to the CIS countries is determined to a greater extent by the migrants' and their households' need to survive, while migration to the EU countries is conditioned by the greater living (functioning) opportunities for migrants and their families. Visa regime, high travel expenses have a significant impact on the nature of circular migration to the EU. It explains greater length of trips. Work trip to the CIS (mainly to Russia) usually lasts around 7 months, while in the EU it's twice longer, 15 months. Quite often it stimulates non-return migration. In the conditions of modern financial and economic crisis of 2008-2010 circular migration acquired several new features. These include delayed nature of migration, greater comparable choice possibilities in terms of destination countries and countries of origin, uncertainty and mass multiple choices of its implementation.
Year 2012
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20 Report

Factors influencing intercultural doctor-patient communication: A realist review

Authors Emma Paternotte, Sandra van Dulmen, Nadine van der Lee, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Patient Education and Counseling
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21 Journal Article

Choosing the northern periphery: Paradoxes in the ways of dwelling of new residents of Eastern Minganie (North Shore, Québec, Canada)

Authors Laurie Guimond, Alexia Desmeules
Year 2019
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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22 Journal Article

The prevalence of over-qualification and its association with health status among occupationally active new immigrants to Canada

Authors Cynthia Chen, Peter Smith, Cameron Mustard
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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23 Journal Article

Cross‐Border Marriages in South Korea and the Challenges of Rising Multiculturalism

Authors Keuntae Kim
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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24 Journal Article

AMerican Bridge for the Excellence in Research with Europe

'The aim of AMBER is the implementation of precise and sustainable actions to increase the researchers’ mobility between Latin America and Europe. These actions would improve the intercontinental mobility providing continuity to those researchers who currently develop their activity in Europe, facilitating the return of European investigators avoiding the brain drain, and attracting high-skilled scientists. To reach this general objective three secondary goals are defined: (1) To provide access to qualified information, in the 'Knowledge triangle' (education, science and technology and innovation), to LAC researchers, avoiding the current spread information (*1 *30). This activity will benefit the prior stage to the researcher’s arrival. (2) To minimize the problems caused by the existing administrative barriers (immigration, homologation, idiomatic, recruitment’s procedures, …) to expedite the integration of the LAC researcher in the European destination (*4). This activity will benefit the researcher and its family both prior to and during the stay. (3) To support the Career Development Plan of the researchers in their stay in Europe by means of actions focused on facilitating and assuring the residence of Latin-American researchers improving the conditions of stay and work, by raising the quality of the assistance provided, through the implementation of a Training Plan of the mobility managers on scientific cooperation with Latin America (*1 *30)'
Year 2013
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25 Project

Internship as a Mean for Integration. A Critical Study

Authors Hala Alaraj, Majsa Allelin, Matilda Amundsen Bergstrom, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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26 Journal Article

Schooling Externalities, Technology, and Productivity: Theory and Evidence from U.S. States

Authors Susana Iranzo, Giovanni Peri
Year 2009
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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27 Journal Article

Trends and Determinants of Income-Oriented Livelihood Transitions in Rural China

Authors Rui Sun, Jianing Mi, Shu Cao, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 6
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28 Journal Article

“What Are You Really Doing in This Country?”: Emigration Intentions of Nigerian Doctors and Their Policy Implications for Human Resource for Health Management

Authors Adebusola Adebayo, Oluwaseun Oladapo Akinyemi
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 15
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29 Journal Article

Equitable Substance Use Treatment for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Flanders, Belgium: Service Coordinator and Expert Perspectives

Authors Charlotte De Kock
Year 2022
Journal Name Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
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30 Journal Article

Integration and International Migration : Pathways and Integration Policies

Principal investigator Thomas Lacroix (Research Partner)
The INTEGRIM research training programme aims to establish a multi-site network of early stage researchers (predominantly PhD students) at the eight partner institutions fostering a multidisciplinary research career on International Migration and Integration within the European context. The network will apply a qualification framework with a compatible set of qualifications/knowledge/skills across the national systems for graduates of the INTEGRIM programme. Besides, the INTEGRIM research training programme will address the integration challenges that migration flows pose to policy makers, civil society and industrial partners in Europe. The main features of the proposed research training programme can be described as follows: (1) provide high quality research training on integration policies and processes in the European Union and neighbouring countries. It aims to enhance the quality of the existing knowledge of scholars, policy makers, practitioners, economic actors and civil society dealing with integration. (2) contribute to the creation of an international inter-sectoral and multidisciplinary critical mass on the politics of integration and more specifically on cultural and identity management, citizenship and political participation, labour and social integration and urban integration, residential patterns and mobility. (3) enrich the political and social debate through a transnational multidisciplinary analysis on the causes and conditions leading to migrant integration and economic, social and territorial cohesion. The network aims to bring together key actors with proven experience and knowledge of integration policies and processes from academic, enterprise, civil society and public backgrounds. (4) provide EU policy makers and practitioners with qualitative and quantitative scientific tools to inform their decision making and implementation processes on the four indicated integration policy areas. The proposed programme aims to contribute to the EU’s integration agenda on the basis of the coherent approach to integration pursued at EU level and fostered by the European Commission.
Year 2007
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31 Project

The Perception of Myanmar Development on its Return Migrants: Implications for Burmese Migrants in Thailand

Authors Mya Mya Thet, Piriya Pholphirul
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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32 Journal Article

The Australian Labor Market for Medical Practitioners and Nurses: Training, Migration and Policy Issues

Authors Robyn Iredale
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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33 Journal Article

Multivariate explanation of the 1985–1990 and 1995–2000 destination choices of newly arrived immigrants in the United States: the beginning of a new trend?

Authors Kao‐Lee Liaw, William H. Frey
Year 2007
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 23
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34 Journal Article

Charakterystyka migrantów powracających do Polski oraz ich aktywność zawodowa na rodzimym rynku pracy

Year 2013
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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35 Journal Article

The Aspiration to Stay: A Global Analysis

Authors Alix Debray, Ilse Ruyssen, Kerilyn Schewel
Year 2023
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36 Journal Article

Internal consistency of demographic assumptions in the shared socioeconomic pathways

Authors Leiwen Jiang
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 11
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37 Journal Article

Immigrant Children, Educational Performance and Public Policy: a Capability Approach

Authors Abdirashid A. Ismail
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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38 Journal Article

Graduate Overeducation and its Effects among Recently Arrived Immigrants to Australia: A Longitudinal Survey

Authors Parvinder Kler
Year 2006
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 26
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39 Journal Article

Globalization, Migration and Development

Authors John Samuel, Susan George
Year 2002
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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40 Journal Article

Sources of geographic mobility among professional workers: A multivariate analysis

Authors Jack Ladinsky
Year 1967
Journal Name Demography
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41 Journal Article

Does human capital raise earnings for immigrants in the low-skill labor market?

Authors Matthew Hall, George Farkas
Year 2008
Journal Name Demography
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42 Journal Article

Die Arbeitsmarktintegration qualifizierter MigrantInnen im internationalen Vergleich

Principal investigator Martin Abraham (Principal Investigator), Andreas Damelang (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Chancen im Ausland ausgebildeter Migranten im Bewerbungsprozess sowie ihren Arbeitsmarkterfolg international vergleichend zu untersuchen. Da sich ihre Zielländer hinsichtlich der institutionellen Ausgestaltung des Arbeitsmarktes unterscheiden und diese Rahmenbedingungen das Rekrutierungsverhalten von Firmen beeinflussen, erwarten wir unterschiedliche Chancen für qualifizierte ausländische Fachkräfte.Im Einzelnen widmen wir uns den folgenden Forschungsfragen: a) Unterscheiden sich die Einstellungschancen zugewanderter Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland zwischen Aufnahmeländern mit unterschiedlichen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen? und b) Inwiefern bieten Arbeitgeber unter diesen verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen Möglichkeiten für Aufwärtsmobilität ausländischer Fachkräfte?Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen vergleichen wir für verschiedene Einwanderungsländer die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Arbeitgeber qualifizierte Migranten einstellen. Dieser Ländervergleich ermöglicht zugleich Rückschlüsse darauf, ob individuelle Ausstattungsmerkmale von Migranten durch Arbeitgeber unter verschiedenen Rahmenbedingungen unterschiedlich bewertet werden. Erwartet wird, dass Migranten mit denselben Eigenschaften in den einzelnen Zielländern unterschiedliche Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben.Unsere empirische Vorgehensweise sieht ein harmonisiertes experimentelles Erhebungsdesign (Faktorieller Survey) vor. Wir simulieren den Einstellungsprozess, indem wir Arbeitgebern hypothetische Bewerber vorstellen, die hinsichtlich ihrer individuellen Ausstattung variieren. Es ist geplant, diese Erhebung in sechs verschiedenen Zielländern durchzuführen. Die so gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sollen ergänzt werden um Analysen von Sekundärdaten (PIAAC: Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies). PIAAC ermöglicht länderübergreifend den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Migranten unter Berücksichtigung ihrer individuellen Fähigkeiten zu messen. Unsere Studie leistet somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten. Erstens können wir die Rolle von Firmen im Integrationsprozess genauer bestimmen und zweitens die Rolle institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen herausarbeiten. Hieraus können wir Empfehlungen für politische Entscheidungsträger ableiten, wie institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen ausgestaltet sein müssen, damit die Integration von zugewanderten Fachkräften gelingt.Von der Einbettung in ein übergreifendes Projekt erwarten wir für unser Forschungsvorhaben einen großen gegenseitigen Nutzen, da das Netzwerk exzellente Möglichkeiten bietet, mit profilierten Forschern über Disziplinen hinweg kritisch zu diskutieren und zu kooperieren. Insbesondere stehen wir in direktem Austausch mit den folgenden Projekten: Einfluss beruflicher Institutionen (Gathmann/Hillmann); Matching auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (Merkl/Stüber); Die Rolle von Firmen und ihrer Personalpolitik für berufliche Mobilität (Gangl).
Year 2017
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43 Project

The Intercultural Communication as a Tool of Multilingual Personality Formation in Modern Educational Space of Ukraine

Authors Viktoria Zagorodnova, Natalia Panova, Irina Cherezova, ...
Year 2019
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44 Journal Article

Towards a specialised repository on “Migration studies” through new filters of the SoReCom A.S. de Rosa @-library

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, et Al.
Year 2020
Book Title Towards a specialised repository on “Migration studies” through new filters of the SoReCom A.S. de Rosa @-library
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
45 Book Chapter

Towards a ‘Holding Environment’ for Europe’s (Diverse) Social Citizenship Regimes

Authors Anton Hemerijck
Book Title Debating European citizenship
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46 Book Chapter

Integration of Refugee Students in European Higher Education Comparative Country Cases

According to UNHCR, an estimated 68.5 million individuals are today forcibly displaced worldwide. Around half of the world’s refugees are children and young people under the age of 35. While many students are forced to abandone their studies in their home countries, only one percent of refugee youth is able to access and continue higher education. Evidence shows that despite a fundamental right to education, refugees and similar at-risk populations encounter significant challenges barring access to higher education. The situation also prevails in Europe. When confronted with dramatic increases of mass migration in 2015 and 2016, European countries did little to adjust access to higher education for refugees. With very few exceptions, there are still no specific national policy approaches among European countries. Higher education institutions are mostly left to their own practices to handle the issue. Emergency responses generally focus on providing limited numbers of competitive scholarships, linguistic support, and counseling services. However, large-scale, sustainable broad-based internationalization policies and frameworks are utterly lacking. While effective response to refugees’ higher education needs is a responsibility for all higher education institutions, rather than taking the lead to push for inclusive societies, universities have curbed their activities within the restricted legislative frameworks that create status-related obstacles for refugees. Accordingly, this report provides an overview and descriptive analysis of how selected countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, UK and Turkey) have responded to the massive inflow of refugees, as well as the policy practices they have developed concerning refugee students’ integration into higher education. Seeking to encourage sustainable policy responses and national frameworks, this report highlights these selected countries’ procedures to ensure access to higher education and also approaches to recognize foreign qualifications. It also examines particular challenges in the case of each country. The report limits its scope exclusively to refugee students, excluding practices developed for refugee academics/university staff. This report offers a contribution to the existing literature on educational policy for refugees and encourages higher education institutions to remember their central role as a driving force for social development and integration.
Year 2019
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47 Report

Application of the force-field technique to drought vulnerability analysis: A phenomenological approach

Authors Bernard M. Hlalele
Year 2019
Journal Name Jàmbá Journal of Disaster Risk Studies
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48 Journal Article

Study on migrants' profiles, drivers of migration and migratory trends

Authors Luigi ACHILLI, Philippe FARGUES, Justyna Janina SALAMONSKA, ...
This study analyses the socioeconomic background of migrants and refugees who have fled to Italy. It compiles information about their education level, work experience, skills, professional aspirations and future employment prospects. The aim of this research is to help policy-makers in Italy and across Europe get a current, in-depth profile of migrants, understand what drives them to leave home, what influences their decisions during their journey and how they can better integrate in Italy.
Year 2016
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49 Report

The imperial welfare state? Decolonisation, education and professional interventions on immigrant children in Birmingham, 1948-1971

Authors Christian Ydesen, Kevin Myers
Year 2016
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50 Journal Article

Skill Specificity and Attitudes toward Immigration

Authors Sergi Pardos‐Prado, Carla Xena
Year 2018
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 1
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51 Journal Article

From Parent to Child? Transmission of Educational Attainment Within Immigrant Families: Methodological Considerations

Authors Renee Reichl Luthra, Thomas Soehl
Year 2015
Journal Name Demography
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52 Journal Article

Self-Confidence of Venezuelan Migrant Entrepreneurs in Colombia

Authors Neida Albornoz-Arias, Akever-Karina Santafe-Rojas
Year 2022
Citations (WoS) 3
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53 Journal Article


Authors M.D.R. Evans
Year 2004
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
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54 Journal Article

The educational needs of refugees in a multicultural world: An innovative solution to the problem

Authors Ayşe Perihan Kırkıç, Kamil Arif Kırkıç, Şeyma Berberoğlu
Year 2018
Journal Name Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Çalışmaları Dergisi
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55 Journal Article

Quality of Life of Afghan Immigrants in Tehran city

Authors Hossein Mansourian, Seyed Abbas Rajaei
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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56 Journal Article

EU-India migration and trade linkages

Authors Chinmay TUMBE
This paper reviews the relationship between migration and trade between India and the European Union (EU). It provides an overview of EU-India trade across various dimensions and links it with migration in three specific contexts: (a) The $ 14 billion EU-India diamond trade that represents nearly 15% of total EU-India merchandise trade, and that is attributed to the direct and active role played by Indian immigrants and the diaspora (b) The trade in food products such as lentils, beans, rice and spices that reflects the pull of goods towards the EU to meet the preferences of the Indian immigrants and (c) The trade in services in the computer & information, education and entertainment sectors and the mobility of professionals, students and tourists respectively.
Year 2013
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57 Report


Authors Carmel Ferragud
Year 2011
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59 Journal Article

Teachers on the Move

Authors Rashmi Sharma
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Studies in International Education
Citations (WoS) 10
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60 Journal Article

Back to School in a New Country? The Educational Participation of Adult Immigrants in a Life-Course Perspective

Authors Janina Soehn
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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61 Journal Article

Transnationality of Migrants: Enduring ties with the home country and integration in the host country

Principal investigator Herbert Brücker (Principal Investigator)
"Bei dem Projekt handelt es sich um ein internationals Kooperationsprojekt mit 15 Partnern das im Rahmen der Marie Curie Actions Research and Training Activities von der Europäischen Kommission finanziert wird. Die Projektlaufzeit beträgt ab dem 1. Januar 2007 4 Jahre. Das Projekt setzt sich aus Forschungs- und Trainingsaktivitäten zusammen. I. Forschungsaktivitäten Das IAB beteiligt sich an zwei Aufgaben im Projekt: Remittances, the skill composition of migration, and social networks und Migrants integration, regional mobility, social and business networks, and trade. Im ersten Teilprojekt untersucht das IAB gemeinsam mit den Partnern von IRES die Folgen der Migration für Humankapitalinvestitionen und ihre Implikationen für die Qualifikationsstruktur der Migranten. Dafür wird ein Paneldatensatz mit Makrodaten herangezogen der von dem IAB gemeinsam mit dem IRES-Team aufgebaut wurde bzw. aufgebaut wird. Das IAB wird darüber hinaus Mikodatensätze wie die IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe den Partnern im Projekt zur Verfügung stellen bzw. bei der Arbeit mit den Partnern beraten. Im zweiten Teilprojekt wird das IAB die Effekte der regionalen Verteilung der Migranten über die Länder untersuchen: Die Determinanten und Ursachen der regionalen Konzentration von Migranten in prosperienden urbanen Regionen, die Substitution der regionalen Migration von Inländern durch internationale Migranten, die Lohneffekte der internationalen Migration in verschiedenen Regionen bei zentralen Tarifverhandlungen. Das IAB wird in diesem Teilprojekt mit dem CEPR-Team und der Universität Turin kooperieren. II. Trainingsaktivitäten Im Rahmen des Projektes wird jedes Jahr eine Summer-School für die Junior-Forscher in dem Exzellenznetzwerk sowie externe Teilnehmer durchgeführt. Die Organisation wird von den italienischen Partnern im Projekt übernommen, das IAB wird sich durch Vorträge und Lehrangebote an dem Programm beteiligen. Ferner wird jährlich ein internationaler Workshop durchgeführt, das IAB ist an der Vorbereitung beteiligt. Schließlich wird das IAB einen oder mehrere Junior-Wissenschaftler aus anderen EU-Staaten einstellen, die on-the-job qualifiziert werden. Projektmethode Das empirische Forschungsprogramm stützt sich überwiegend auf Panelregressionen mit Makrodaten. Makrodaten zur Migration, Qualifikationsstruktur der Migranten sowie Löhne und Beschäftigung nach Ländern und Regionen in der EU. Projektziel Die Analyse des Einflusses der Migration auf Humankapitalinvestitionen, Arbeitsmärkte und die Integration der Migranten."
Year 2006
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62 Project

Language skill acquisition in immigrant social networks: Evidence from Australia

Authors Jean-William Laliberte
Year 2019
Journal Name Labour Economics
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63 Journal Article

Drivers of highly skilled mobility from Southern Europe: escaping the crisis and emancipating oneself

Authors Laura Bartolini, Ruby Gropas, Anna Triandafyllidou
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 18
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64 Journal Article

Social Workers' Reflections on Forced Migration and Cultural Diversity-Towards Anti-Oppressive Expertise in Child and Family Social Work

Authors Merja Anis, Kati Turtiainen
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 4
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66 Journal Article

Unterwertige Beschäftigung von Migranten

Principal investigator Silke Anger (Principal Investigator), Huy Le Quang (Principal Investigator)
Ausgangspunkt des Projekts ist die Beobachtung, dass der Anteil der unterwertig beschäftigten Arbeitnehmer unter Migranten deutlich höher ist als in der einheimischen Erwerbsbevölkerung. In Deutschland liegt dieser Anteil aktuell unter Einheimischen bei 22%, während 36% aller im Ausland geborenen Migranten unterwertig beschäftigt sind (OECD 2015). Dies bedeutet zum einen, dass das vorhandenes Humankapital von Migranten in stärkerem Maße nicht ausgeschöpft wird und zum anderen, dass der Anteil der Individuen, die durch eine unterwertige Beschäftigung Lohneinbußen im Vergleich zu adäquat Beschäftigten mit ähnlicher Qualifikation hinnehmen müssen, unter Migranten besonders groß ist. Bei der Untersuchung soll auf die Unterschiede zwischen Migrantengruppen eingegangen und bspw. Unterschiede nach Bildungsgrad, Berufsgruppe, Alter, Geschlecht, Herkunftsland, erste Generation / zweite Generation analysiert werden. Ein zentraler Aspekt des Forschungsprojekts ist die dynamische Perspektive und in diesem Zusammenhang die Untersuchung, welche Bedeutung unterwertige Beschäftigung für den weiteren Erwerbsverlauf von Migranten hat. Projektziel Klärung der Forschungsfragen: In welchem Ausmaß sind Migranten in Deutschland unterwertig beschäftigt? Handelt es sich um ein kurzfristiges Ereignis? Welche Lohneinbußen gehen damit einher? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen unterwertiger Beschäftigung und zukünftigen Arbeitsmarktchancen?
Year 2016
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67 Project

Inclusive education with a community-based approach

The education system and its ecosystem – with its many stakehol-ders and ramifications – is an essential resource for strengthening processes of social inclusion in contexts of significant cultural di-versity caused by growing international migration. There is the-refore a need for greater openness and permeability towards its social and local frame of reference: the community should know how to identify and capitalise on the opportunities offered by more inclusive approaches to education on all levels. The intercul-tural approach explores the value of relationships and constantly reframes the collective identity, built from multiple contributions, with diversity itself one of its central pillars. Such intersections are beneficial, with a noticeable impact on schools and in their respec-tive contexts. This is particularly so if initiatives are long-term and structural as well as developed in such a way that they encourage participation and transformative processes.
Year 2019
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68 Report

Practical Implications: How to Deal with Structural Dilemmas?

Authors Julia Dahlvik
Book Title Inside Asylum Bureaucracy: Organizing Refugee Status Determination in Austria
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71 Book Chapter

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap: Establishing and Sustaining an Initiative

Authors Kilolo Kijakazi
Year 2016
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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72 Journal Article

What Drives Youth’s Intention to Migrate Abroad? Evidence from International Survey Data

Authors Santo Milasi
Year 2020
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
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73 Journal Article

Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Katrina on Vietnamese Immigrants in New Orleans: A Pre- and Post-Disaster Assessment

Authors Lung Vu, Mark J. VanLandingham
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 19
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74 Journal Article

Educational Assimilation of First-Generation and Second-Generation Immigrants in Germany

Authors Thomas Gries, Margarete Redlin, Moonum Zehra
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 12
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75 Journal Article

From mangos to manufacturing: Uneven development and its impact on social well-being in the Dominican Republic

Authors C Pomeroy, S Jacob
Year 2004
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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76 Journal Article

Amenities, economic opportunities and patterns of migration at the city level in China

Authors Zhonglei Yu, Hua Zhang, Zhuolin Tao, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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77 Journal Article

Research-Policy Dialogues in Austria

Authors Maren Borkert
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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78 Book Chapter

Dementia literacy of racially minoritized people in a Chinese society: a qualitative study among South Asian migrants in Hong Kong

Authors Laurence Lloyd Parial, Padmore Adusei Amoah, Karrie C. H. Chan, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
Citations (WoS) 2
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79 Journal Article

Talent Migration in Knowledge Economy: The Case of China’s Silicon Valley, Shenzhen

Authors Grace Yuehan Wang
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 9
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81 Journal Article

Prolonged contact does not reshape locals' attitudes toward migrants in wartime settings

Authors Yang‐Yang Zhou, Jason Lyall
Year 2024
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
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82 Journal Article

Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe

Processes of shrinkage are multidimensional phenomena encompassing cities, parts of cities, or regions that are experiencing a dramatic decline in their economic and social bases. While the causal factors are diverse and complex, the most evident factor in shrinkage is a loss of employment opportunities and out-migration of population. Previous research by the beneficiaries has pointed out that decline is enduring, and shrinkage is most probably jeopardizing the prosperity of European competitiveness. Moreover, experts, who are specifically trained in leadership and management of shrinkage processes, are in short supply throughout Europe. Through this RE-CITY ETN, new approaches and success factores for shrinking cities will be explored and evaluated. RE-CITY provides a perspective for the robust and sustainably sound development of shrinking cities, while supporting elements of economic prosperity, liveability, social stability and innovation. This ETN will develop novel solutions for shrinking cities, and investigate case studies approaches for dealing with shrinking cities in terms of four innovative key themes: conceptualising shrinking smart, governing, greening/right-sizing, and regrowing shrinking cities. On this basis RE-CITY applications will be developed: a tangible framework of tools and methods including planning instruments. The RE-CITY ETN aims at training highly skilled experts for the four key themes of shrinking cities noted above, enabling them to act as leaders, mediators, and consultants of change while fostering innovative solutions and perspectives for these areas. These aims will be achieved by a structured training programme to provide expertise to multidisciplanary RE-CITY professionals by means of key scientific skills targeted to the requirements of shrinking cities, and to establish a long-lasting training programme with pioneer solutions for shrinking cities.
Year 2018
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83 Project

European Management of Migration and Refugees - Consequences for mobility and political stability in transit countries

Principal investigator Guri Tyldum (Principal Investigator)
The project will investigate how policies of migration management and protection systems shape access to protection, education and sustainable livelihoods for refugee populations, refugee mobility (their decision to repatriate, remain or move on to Europe or other third countries) and political developments and political stability in host communities. The analysis will focus in particular on the humanitarian responses and how refugees are provided access to education and sustainable livelihoods. The project will provide recommendations for international interventions to governments and humanitarian organisations on ways to improve current policies of migration management and refugee protection. Recommendations will focus on policy options that give refugees better access to education and sustainable livelihoods, limit tension between host population and refugees, limit secondary mobility and facilitate repatriation when possible. The project will target four countries and regions with large refugee populations: Lebanon (the Bekaa Valley); Jordan (Amman); Uganda (Nakivale); Niger (Agadez). The analysis will draw on existing, high-quality survey data on refugee and host populations in three of the regions, in combination with document analysis and qualitative interviews. We approach the refugee protection systems as systems of practice and aim to describe the structural factors that create opportunities for action for international actors, refugees, local governments and host populations, how the various actors respond to these opportunities (or lack of opportunities), as well as how they understand their own situation and opportunities.
Year 2018
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84 Project

The influence of social stigma and discriminatory experience on psychological distress and quality of life among rural-to-urban migrants in China

Authors Bo Wang, Xiaoming Li, Bonita Stanton, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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85 Journal Article

Indoor Contamination with Flame Retardant Chemicals: Causes and Impacts

The main research goal is to further understanding of how and to what extent flame retardant (FR) chemicals used in every-day consumer goods and construction materials enter humans and of the risk to health that such exposure presents. Our vision is that this enhanced understanding will inform assessment of risk associated both with recent and current-use flame retardant chemicals, and of those under development, and ultimately lead to more sustainable approaches to meeting fire safety regulations. Our principal objectives are to discover: (1) the mechanisms via which FRs migrate from products within which they are incorporated; (2) how and to what extent such migration leads to human exposure; and (3) the effects of such exposure. To achieve our goal and objectives we will use a range of state-of-the-art techniques associated with analytical chemistry, electron microscopy, mathematical modelling, in vitro toxicology, and “omics”. The network is an interdisciplinary cooperative of chemists, biologists, physicists and toxicologists. Intersectoral aspects unite basic and applied scientists working in universities, two SMEs, a large (non-university) public sector research organisation and a government research institute. The project’s S&T objectives will be delivered through research in 3 Work Packages (WPs): viz. WP1- Migration pathways, WP2- Human exposure (pathways and monitoring), and WP3- Understanding effects of human exposure. The aim of the Training Programme is to increase the knowledge base and experience of trainees in the different research areas and to develop their transferable skills for future careers in the private sector, public sector, or the regulatory community. Six training objectives will be delivered through a suite of 6 Core Skills Areas (Research Project, Advanced Training Courses, Project Meetings, Career Development Plan, Generic Research Skills, Transferable Research Skills).
Year 2011
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86 Project

Country of Origin Effects and Impacts on Educational Attainment of Pupils with Migrant Backgrounds. Towards a New Research Agenda

Year 2017
Book Title Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society Volume 1
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87 Book Chapter

Poles Apart? EU Enlargement and the Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in the United Kingdom

Authors Stephen Drinkwater, John Eade, Michal Garapich
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 112
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89 Journal Article

Education and Anti-Immigration Attitudes: Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Reforms across Western Europe

Year 2018
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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90 Journal Article

The determinants of post-immigration investments in education

Authors Barry R. Chiswick, Paul W. Miller
Year 1994
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
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91 Journal Article

Determinants of physician-patient communication: The role of language, education and ethnicity

Authors Karolien Aelbrecht, Lise Hans Sens, Jens Detollenaere, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Patient Education and Counseling
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92 Journal Article

HIV testing during the Canadian immigration medical examination: a national survey of designated medical practitioners

Authors Jennifer M. Tran, Alan Li, Maureen Owino, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name AIDS Care
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93 Journal Article

No place like home: Sociocultural drivers of return migration among Israeli academic families

Authors Larissa Remennick
Year 2021
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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94 Journal Article

Understanding food security determinants and coping strategies among smallholder farming households in Northern Ethiopia

Authors Misgina Gebrehiwot, Biadgilgn Demisse, Hailemariam Meaza, ...
Year 2024
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95 Journal Article

A longitudinal analysis of health inequalities from adolescence to young adulthood and their underlying causes

Authors Marvin Reuter, Katharina Diehl, Matthias Richter, ...
Year 2024
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96 Journal Article

A downside to high aspirations: Immigrants’ (non-)success in tertiary education

Authors Daniel Klein, Martin Neugebauer
Year 2023
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
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97 Journal Article

Acculturation, Cultural Beliefs, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Levels Among Nigerian, Ghanaian and Cameroonian Immigrants in the United States

Authors Chidiebele Constance Obichi, Vivien Dee
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 2
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98 Journal Article

International Economic Assistance and Migration: The Case of Sub‐Saharan Countries

Authors Filippo Belloc
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
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99 Journal Article

Survival of the Fittest: Russian Immigrant Teachers Speak about Their Professional Adjustment in Israel

Authors Larissa Remennick
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 28
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100 Journal Article
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